
Show Yourself To Me (Victuuri Story) (DISCONTINUED FN)

This is a Yuri on Ice Femboy Hooters AU. I don't know the plot yet PS: This isn't my picture

Precious_Gamegirl · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

He Saved Me?

3rd Person Pov.

Yuri opened his eyes suddenly.

He look around, trying to recognize where he was. But there was nothing but black everywhere.

"What happened"

Suddenly a semi-transparent screen popped up in front of him. It seemed to be about 2x the size of a theater screen. The event that just happened played before him.

"Woops, my hand slipped," he heard JJ's smug voice.

"Oh, right"

"I died trying to be confident"

He buried his face into his arms until he heard a particular voice.


Yuri lifted his head at the sudden call of his name.

"Yuri!" Yuri saw Viktor rush to his own unconscious body.

"Why is he here?"

He saw Viktor try to cover some of his wounds with parts of his clothing.

"What is he doing?"

He saw Viktor take out his phone to call an ambulance.

"Is he trying to help me?"

His memory sped up to the ambulance arriving. He saw the ambulance rejecting Viktor. His memory sped up again. Now he was in a hospital bed. The sound of a door opening could be heard. Viktor was there again.

"Why does he care"

His memory sped up again to Phichit and Yurio walking in.

"Why do they all care"

He saw them having fun around him. Then his memory skipped to Phichit walking out for his job.

"They stayed for so long...how?"

"I don't deserve it"

"You better wake up soon, OR I'LL KILL YOU!" he heard Yurio yell and shut the door. Yuri giggled a bit at his action. Now it was just Yuri and Viktor.

"Yuri..." Viktor starts.

"I regret it"

"Please wake up, we're all worrying about you,"

"I wanna go back."

"Please... Yuri," Viktor buried his head into his arms.

"I wanna see, Viktor again!"

Yuri jolted up from his hospital bed, shocking Viktor.

"Ow," Yuri got a headache. He looked over at Viktor. "Oh, Vi-Viktor," Yuri laughed awkwardly. "What are you do-"

"Yuriiiiii!" Viktor jumped onto Yuri's stomach. Yuri hisses in pain. "Sorry, sorry," Viktor stood up and bowed multiple times.

"It's fine, Viktor," Yuri laughed a bit.

Then Viktor's excitement turned into uncontrollable tears.

"I thought you were gonna die!" Viktor sobbed in front of Yuri.

"Wha-!" Yuri questioned Viktor's sudden change in emotion.

"You were laying on the ground and you were bleeding and-and I tryed to help, but I didn't know if you were still alive-" Viktor rambled on and on. Yuri didn't know what to do, so he held his arms out for Viktor. Viktor looked at his arms then looked up at Yuri. Yuri gave a reassuring look, before Viktor gave him a hug.

"Don't ever do that again!" Viktor's voice was still cracky.

Yuri simply laughed, "Okay." Yuri caressed Viktor's head until a nurse walked in.

"Mr. Nikifrov, visiting hours are ove-" she sees Yuri. "Oh, Mr. Katsuki glad you woke up, but Mr. Nikifrov has to leave.

"I'll visit you every day," Viktor looked determined. Yuri just laughed.

"See ya tomorrow then," Yuri waved him off, and Viktor left.

"Sooo..." the nurse paused. "Is that your boyfriend?" she smirks.

"What!?" Yuri blushes. "N-No."

"Oh, I really thought he was," the nurse puts her hand on her cheek. "Anyways, we have to change your drip."

Back with Viktor

Minutes later~

Viktor got in his car, just to hear the barking of an angry Yurio.

"What the hell took you so long!?" Yurio yelled in Viktor's ear.

"Yuri woke up," Viktor had stars in his eyes.

Yurio looked shocked, "So the piglet woke up afterall." Yurio hid a smile, "Thank, goodness," he muttered.

"What was that?" Viktor smirked.

"Just shut up and drive!"