
Shoutmon's Retirement Plans for King

Takeshi Otokita, a college student who feels like his life just brings trouble, got sent into another world as a Shoutmon. After one hell of a traumatizing adventure, he returns to his homeworld and was a complete mess. Join him in this story of how he goes through his daily life as a former king of digital world.

Wilson_Farrell · Others
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 - More Mundane Life

"Umm, Dad, I think I should-!"

"Shh, no. Let the adults do their jobs."



I simply return to my default Shoutmon form while hugging Veemon as he try to convince me that he should help his uncles, but I ain't letting him doing that. There's no way I'm letting him to help fix someone's mistakes.

"Finally!" Ballistamon drops the mop as he collapse into the ground.

"This is torture for quadrupedal Digimon like me!" Dorulumon said as he also collapsed into the ground.

"How did we made so much mess!?" Starmon complained.

"Now, you know how I feel living alone in a tiny room. You did so much that you didn't realizes how much mess you made until you decide to clean them up." I said while rubbibg Veemon's head.

"Oh, just stop talking...." Dorulumon mutter tiredly.

"Anyways, how's your day?" Ballistamon asked as I simply stare at him, causing him to be nervous.

"I'm going to be honest, I was so close to tear you all apart. You know I can't bring any of you without any plans, yet you all let Veemon get into my bag and hid." I said and looks at Veemon. "I'm disappointed at you, by the way."

I look at Veemon lower his head in sadness. Despite how much it hurt me, I know I need to be stern towards him, because if I don't, he'll be spoiled. One of the parenting rules is that you can spoil your child, but there's a line you can't cross.

.....well, it's a rule I made up by seeing movies, TV shows, my parents, and the internet kindly provides ton of display of what shouldn't I do, a.k.a. Tiktok videos full of spoiled brat throwing a tantrum while the parents did nothibg but record them.

Shaming is one thong, but doing that to a child, even I, who has zero parenting skills back then, knows they did something idiotic.

"Like I said, if you want to, talk to me so I can plan on how to deal with it." I said while rubbing my head. "We just got a group of Goblimon and an Ogremon launching attack on Shibuya. And you hatch in the bus has attract a lot of attentions. We don't know what will happen next. Humans are too unpredictable."

"Okay....." I sigh before petting Veemon's head.

"So, anyone hungry? I plan to cook." This trigger a reaction from each of the Digimons, as they look at me in fear, much to my annoyance. "Fine...." I grab an electric stove, preparing to cook some instant noodle.

As I tear off the noodle package, I saw Veemon hold out an empty bowl. I simply smile as I place the bowl as he helps me with few things, like cutting vegetables from the mini fridges and crack some eggs.

It took a short moment and the noodles were finished. I made sure to seperate it into two bowls, one for me and one for Veemon.

"Poor Veemon. Even after hatch, his taste buds remains dead." I can feel my vein almost popped from Ballistamon's comment. I'm not a chef and my cooking is merely edible, but I can still at least how to prepare an instant noodle, you bastard!

"Mmh!" I blink as Veemon's face looks like he enjoys the food before he continues to slurp greedily.

"Oi, oi! Slow down or you-!" Before I could finish my sentences, Veemon choked as he starts to cough violently. I grab a water bottle and give it to Veemon. I lightly hits his head. "Next time, don't slurp it like crazy."

"Sorry, dad. But it was so good!" Veemon said blissfully as I blinked before looking at my bowl. I'm pretty sure my foods were merely edible. Did Veemon said those just to cheer me up? If so, I think he did it too hard. I took a bit and-

....did the Code Crown somehow removes my inability to make a good food!?

"I-I.....uh...." I mutter in shock while staring at the bowl of noodle. Veemon simply look at me before smiling brightly.

"...it's edible." I cough while looking away as Veemon somehow glows.

"You lied, dad." I heard his teasing tone and I simply ignoring it.

"No way." Ballistamon exclaimed as he approach us. "You guys are lying!" Ballistamon tries to use chopstick to grab some from Veemon, but he pull the bowl away from him.

"Then don't eat it!" Veemon said while sticking his tongue out.

"Come on! If its really good, you would let us taste if it is really good!" Ballistamon exclaimed.

"You make fun of dad and me! No way I'll share my food with meanie uncle!" Veemon said as Ballistamon looks horrified and went to the corner.

"M-meanie uncle..." I rolled my eyes as I heard a slurping sound. I look at my bowl and panicked as Dorulumon somehow grabs my chopstick with his front paws and take a bit, which should be impossible!

"...." Dorulumon places down the chopstick on my bowl before giving me a serious look. "Who are you and what have you done with our king!?!"

I feel my veins exploded as I angrily slams my fist onto Dorulumon's skull and buried his head into the ceramic floor.

"I get my food tastes like crap, damn it!! Why do you have to poke fun on me everytime!? I didn't cook just for fun, but for daily needs!!!" I roared at Dorulumon who somehow has his entire body shrinks down.

Suddenly, I heard a burst of laughter before turning towards Veemon, who's rolling on the ground uncontrollably. I feel my anger disappear and I can't help but starts chuckles as the laughter was just contagious.

Well, I guess this is what happens when a group of oddballs somehow adopts each other and become a family.

....family, huh? My mind won't stop thinking about what's happening with my actual family. I guess no matter how long I got seprlerated, my mind will end up wander back to the people you know, grow up with, and care about.

But then again, my other family is here, and I am having a blast with them.

I just hope my other son could enjoy this as well.....

To be continued