
Shoutmon's Retirement Plans for King

Takeshi Otokita, a college student who feels like his life just brings trouble, got sent into another world as a Shoutmon. After one hell of a traumatizing adventure, he returns to his homeworld and was a complete mess. Join him in this story of how he goes through his daily life as a former king of digital world.

Wilson_Farrell · Others
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 - What a Way to Get into the Front Page

As I get into the bus to go to nearest cinema, I can't help but ponder about the life I've been through since my journey starts. Looking at the outside world moving, I start to remember how all of us prefer to ride Locomon from one place to another if it's possible.

One of the unspoken rules we had is 'keep it simple, stupid'. We may be good at coding and programming thanks to Digimon Physiology, but we're no Ph.D. Professor like Agumon-Hakase. It's a rule Agumon-Hakase made and we have no reason to not follow it. I mean, who want to deal with something complicated? Definitely not me.

Speaking of Agumon-Hakase, I wonder what happen to him? Did he turn to egg? Or is he hiding from everyone while keeping alow profile? What about other digimons?

If I meet them, will they even accept my help? I mean, to them, I'm a failure as a king. I fail to keep my promises, I fail to save their world. I fail them...

Then, my sons....I remember how I meet my first son at the outskirt of the village. The boys and I were suppose to gather supplies for our journey until I heard the villagers badmouthing a certain Digimon. I was a curious little shit, so I decided to check and I meet him for the first time.

He was hungry, wounded, scared, vunerable, tense, and desperate. I feel horrible seeing and hearing him begging to not hurt him. When I feed him some foods, he stare at me in disbelief while thinking if I drug the food or not. And when he finally eats, I saw him tearing up, unable to stop while eating his food.

When I try to bring him to the village so he can get medical attentions, he was scared. I was an oblivious fool, so I ignore his pleas. It was how I saw the Digimons in the village treated him. And the reason behind all of that is because of his uncontrollable powers he gain from his multi evolution paths.

I remember how I furiously walks out of the village while carrying him out of the village, offering him to join me so he won't be alone, both of us bond together as father and son with a lot of hiccups.

I remember how we both meet another kid around Veemon's age on the town for supplies again. It was unpleasant first meeting as he stole my son's chocolate that was meant to be his rewards. Well, it was until I meet him. My son bonded with that kid so fast because of the similar circumstances that they end up become close.

I smile sadly at those memories, wishing that I could go back in time and cherish more of our memories together. All I can think of how I miss them so much. I do miss my fellow warriors, but those kids always stuck in my mind first.

"Your Majesty." I blink before looking back at my digi-vice, its screen glows bluish white. "You okay?"

"...no." I admit while holding my Digi-vice tighter. "No, I'm not....."

".....will this movie helps?" Ballistamon asked from other side.

"Yeah, will it help?" I smiled sadly at them.

"....it'll help me to at least be distracted...." I said before putting down the digi-vice on my lap. I saw the sign shows that I arrive at Shibuya Station, so I leave the bus and walks towards the nearest cinema from here.

.....I don't get why the university was build far, far away from the city itself. It's very annoying with all the long distance travels students need just to buy essential needs or just having vacations. It sucks as hell.

"Hope the ticket isn't fully booked, but given all human's miniscule access to digital world were cut off for now, I doubt it." I mutter before entering the cinema. "Wait.....does that mean they can't play the movies due to having it stored!? Well, fuck...."

".....did you just realize that!?" I can hear Dorulumon's disvelief voice.

"First of all, I forgot since it's been a year since I came back to human world. Second, I keep expecting human world works like Digital World because of how much I get used to its bullshits. Third, it's a movie I really want to watch before I got suck into digital world, so forgive me that my excitement and forgetfulness gets the better of me!" I said before suddenly, an explosion appears out of nowhere. I turn towards the direction of the explosion before widening my eyes.

From the result of the explosions, two Goblimon walk out of nowhere while holding bloodied clubs while on the back, an Ogremon follow suits, with a malicious grin and sadistic gleam.

"Ahh, freedom! To think getting out of the Digital World is so refreshing! The King of Digimon is no longer here, and we can do whatever we want!" I grit my teeth before pulling out my Digi-vice and looks at the screen.

I may not like being a king, but hearing that monster's words really triggers me. No way I'll let him do whatever he wants. I look at the Ogremon rampaging, before sighing. Guess it'll be like old days....

"Activate - Melody Shift!" I said as I heard rock punk melody on the background. "Special Spirit Evolution!" As I said this, my whole body shifted as I turn into Shoutmon, but not the normal Shoutmon I always turn into, but being the King of Digimon version of Shoutmon. But instead of long ass scarf, I have a black and red hoodie. There's also a gold headgear on the center of my forehead, resembling a crown. I try not to grimace at it and focus more on the current situation.

"Rock Soul!" I create a melody that turns into a fiery flame before tossing it towards the Goblimons. It creates a loud electric guitar noises upon impact, catching Ogremon's attention.

"Who dares-!?" He froze as he saw me. I simply approach him as I pull out my mic and he's sweating profusely. "H-hi, your majesty....how much did you hear?"

"The whole shit." I deadpanned at him as he wince. He takes a deep breath before glaring at me and tries to hit me, so I simply sigh and swing my mic upward. It hit right on his crotch.

I still can't help but laugh as he squeal like a pig. The biggest design flaws of digimons, despite lack of nothing, they can still feel pain when hits right at that part. Ogremon collapse while holding his non-existance crotch and whimpers.

".....please not the face." I scoffed at him. Fuck no!

"Rowdy Rocker!!!"


To be continued