
Shoutmon's Retirement Plans for King

Takeshi Otokita, a college student who feels like his life just brings trouble, got sent into another world as a Shoutmon. After one hell of a traumatizing adventure, he returns to his homeworld and was a complete mess. Join him in this story of how he goes through his daily life as a former king of digital world.

Wilson_Farrell · Others
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11 Chs

Chapter 4 - Toss the 'Readjustment' Plan Out of the Window

Okay, I may have overexaggerate a bit when I thought I miss Pickmons, because I end up eating those words.

The moment I came back to the room, rhey tackle me and dogpile me, wanting to hug me like we have seperated for years. I would be happy to receive those.

But, they have to ruin it by creating more mess on my room.

I can't complain since my room are already a mess since the beginning, but those fuckers just have to create more mess in my room! Back then, my room looks like a normal messy room, not the exaggeration version like Naruto's apartment room, or any anime's version of anime room.

But now? I think calling it anime's messy room is a massive understatement. Messy is too simple of a word to describe it.

I'm so glad that Starmon has at least a hint of maturity to discipline them and force them to help to clean the mess they have causes. When I meet Starmon, he and Pickmons were just Digimons seeking for fame.

It's one hell of a character development, if I have to say so myself.

In short time, we manage to tidy up my dorm room. I'm lying on my bed out of mental exhaustion, while choosing to revert as Shoutmon.

"How was the lecture, Shoutmon?" Ballistamon asked. "I am a bit curious of how human lectures other compare to digimons."

"From what I saw how Agumon-hakase explains everything related to Digimon, I prefer him over human lecturer." I admit. "Back then, I can't understand how the lecturers explain, it's like getting in from one side of my ear and left from another. But, Agumon-hakase's lectures stuck in my head and it saved my tail far too many times." I paused. "Then again, it's my bias opinion."

"I see." Ballistamon nodded while crossing his arms. "I never got to ask, but why do you prefer as a Digimon?"

"At first, I prefer staying as human but turn to Shoutmon to blend in. Sadly, it backfires as SOMEHOW everyone knows who I am." I stressed the 'somehow' out of annoyance. "And I have trouble, thinking myself as imposters as you all start to join me, treating me like a fellow Digimon."

"We're not racists, Takeshi." Ballistamon said as Dorulumon nodded.

"You can keep calling me Shoutmon, Ballistamon. I actually prefer that." I said before continuing. "But, over time, I start to get comfortable as Shoutmon. It's....weird, but being a digimon feels more normal to me."

"....are you still scared of being a human in front of us?" Dorulumon asked as I shakes my head no.

"No, you guys stop making me feel that way after I reveal that I was a human with ability to turn into Shoutmon." I said while rubbing my head. "And for some reasons, I feel like I was able to let out my suppressed emotions far better as a Digimon.....or maybe it's because you guys are great listeners."

"I think it's more of you getting comfortable and expand your comfort zone." Dorulumon said as I rub my arm nervously.

"No way, I'm still clammed up around humans." I said while waving it off. "My anxiety always amped up to 11 whenever I talk to them."

"Is that.....even healthy?" I sigh as Dorulumon voiced his worry.

"No...." I mutter while twiddling with my 3 pair of fingers. Anxiety is a complete shit.

"....what are you going to do?" Dorulumon asked as I rubs my head.

".....you want to go to watch a movie?" I asked as they all raised their eyebrows. I cover my face, groaning internally for being socially awkward.

"I thought you're no longer soxially awkward." Dorulumon snorted.

"Old habit dies hard." I mutter while looking at them. "And I just remember about the movie I wait in anticipation releases today. I.....was planning to watch it alone..."

".....you really need to try to socialize with the others." I sigh before nodding.

"Yeah....any advices to not make interactions awkward or not looking like a weirdo?" I asked as Ballistamon hummed.

"You already did a good job to not look awkward or weird when socializing with us." Ballistamon said.

"Humans are.....more complicated than you think. They always assume the worse, especially if your first impression is very bad. Then, let's not forget, I was a socially awkward person, so if I try to socialize now, it'll make me look weird." I said.

"Since when you care about how you look?" I rub my arm nervously.

".....everytime?" I answered while shrugging helplessly. Well, it sounds more as a question than an answer.

"...this is going to be hard." My face heated up in embarrassment. I didn't ask to be socially awkward. I want to socialize so badly, but it always failed.....

"....how about we clear our mind with the movie you mention?" I perked up and smiled at them, and I unintentionally wags my tail.

"You guys want to watch?" I asked as they snorted before nodded.

"Yeah, so no need to get too excited." I blink before fully noticing my tail wagging. Thank you, red scales.....

"Oh, wait." I pull out my mic out of thin air before facing the screen towards the pile of eggs, bright light shine towards the eggs as they absorbed into the digi-vice.

"Why did you put the eggs into the digivice?" Dorulumon asked.

"I don't trust them being alone in my dorm. There are tons of times people might enter my dorm, either due to emergency maintenance, or break-ins." I said as I press the button on the mic, turning back to human. "Well, let's should go."

".....you forgot one thing, Shoutmon." I turn towards Ballistamon with raised eyebrow.

"Huh? What are you-!?" I stop before looking back at Baliistamon, Dorulumon, and Starmons. My eyes widen before my face flushed. I silently pulls out my now shrink digi-vice and let them get absorbed by the digivice. I try and fail to ignore their laughters.

I hate myself.

To be continued