
Shoutmon's Retirement Plans for King

Takeshi Otokita, a college student who feels like his life just brings trouble, got sent into another world as a Shoutmon. After one hell of a traumatizing adventure, he returns to his homeworld and was a complete mess. Join him in this story of how he goes through his daily life as a former king of digital world.

Wilson_Farrell · Others
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 - Readjust to Human Society

When I enter the lecture room, the first thing that made me feel weirded out is how many humans are there. After living more than a year in Digital World, the only thing that I ever seen that's close to human are just humanoid Digimons.

The second thing that weird me out is how unfamiliar I felt when meeting them. Sure, I'm not a guy who is known for socializing but I thought I at least remember them. I guess spending too long in Digital World made me forget these.

The third thing is how uncomfortable I was being human and near human. It's like I enters a room filled with strangers. Staying as Digimon for the whole adventure in Digital World made it feels like I'm unfamiliar with this world, and it concerns me.

How much did living in Digital World for such a long time affects me?

I hastily went into the usual seat, which is at the corner of the class, before putting down my bag. My hands and legs won't stop fidgeting as I look around the room.

It feels so weird...and stuffy.....it's uncomfortable...

Calm down, now, Shoutmon-, I mean Takeshi. You're a human with the ability to turn into digimon, fighting armies that have conquered an entire world, re-adjusting myself to human world is just a piece of cake.

Without knowing, my habit of being a Shoutmin transfer to my human self as I hum a calming sing just toease myself. Then, they start to whisper.

'Is that Takeshi? He looks....older?'

'What happen last night that causes him to look like a hobo living under the street?'

'The bags under his eyes and his unshaved beard.....how did those appears in just one night?'

'And since when did he starts humming?'

'I don't know, but he hums very good.....don't know he has a singing talent....'

Oi, oi, oi, I can hear you all loud and clear. Another thing that caused by being a Shoutmon.

'Hey, did you know what happen to all of the electronics?'

'You mean where they only shows white screen, nothing more, nothing less?'

'Yeah, my computer didn't work at all when I try to do my assignments. And when I try to use the library's, it didn't work as well.'

'Great. I hope the lecturer excuses all of us for not doing our assignments.'

I'm so glad that I did mine on my notebook or else I'll end up like them. I guess the destruction of Digital World, or at least part of them, have cause any deny of access to most electronics. To think that Digital World leave such impacts to humanity.....

Suddenly, an adult, which are several years older than us, enters the room with a tired and annoyed expression. He looks at us before sighing.

"Alright, I'll get straight to the point. For some reason, every computers in the university has not been working. And we have trouble to figure out what's the causes." I pinch myself to stop myself from wincing. "So, I suggest that you all pull out your notebook because we're going to start the class in a traditional manner."

I heard everyone groan in disbelief before grumbling in annoyance. I mentally apologizes to everyone. As the class starts, I can't help but lose focus from the lecturer's explanation.

I wonder what happens to the rest of Digimons....did they get permanently deleted due to what happen to the Digital World? I did told the one who can't fight to leave through the gateway that Belzeebumon found during his mission to scout the enemy's bases. The main army attacks and distracts Bagra Army while the rest evacuates the army out of Digital World.

I really hope they manage to escape and adjusted to human world, because I don't think I can find all of them one by one across the world.

Well, unless I break the laws, of course, but I rather not cause too many trouble or else I'll risk exposing them and lead them to troubles.

"....kita. Otokita!" I snaps out of my thoughts before looking at my lecturer. And judging from his face, I may have not hear him for too long.

"I ask if you could answer this question?" I look at the whiteboard and mentally groan. It just have to be Calculus...

Wait.....those question...I think I....

"It's 16." The lecturer looks a bit surpriser before frowning.

"Will you show me the work?" I nodded hesitantly before going to the whiteboard and grab the whiteboard marker. And without realizing it, my hand moves on its own and starts to write down the whole explanation of how to solve the equations.

I don't know how to explains it, but it's like my body consist of program to search for answers and wrote everything, including the explanations, like it's already upload to my brain.

...I really have lived as a Digimon for far too long....

"I-its correct...." I place down the marker as the lecturer stammers. I look back at the whiteboard and I held back my surprise at my own writing.

....somehow, my handwriting looks like Times New Roman font whenever someone types on Microsoft Words or their other variants.

I walk back to my seat before rubbing my head in confusion. It's been more than a year since I attend any lecture, I should be forgetting this whole shits, yet I just wrote down the answers normally.

I'm too tired for this shit.....


"Hey, guys. Sorry for leaving without-!"


"....." I stop as I heard another melody comes out of the room. I take a deep breath before opening the door and to my shock and happiness, a bunch of Pickmons surround Starmon. They turn to face me and their faceit up in happiness.


Fuck, I never thought I miss those little rascals.

To be continued