
Shota Who Turns Beautiful Women Into Losers in Another World

a boy who was suddenly sent to another world--Shinji. Possessing a huge penis unmatched by ordinary people, he meets a colossal wizard who never stops stimulating his penis in that world. After that, a holy widow, a dark elf maid, an elven adventurer, and a dragon. A lesbian princess who hates men. Involving various incomparably beautiful women, she spends her days immersed in the nursery. A harem s*x life that unfolds in a far different world. The life of a small master and toilet wife now unfolds. 1 Chapter = 2-3 day! But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below PA TREON LINK:patreon.com/touyama I WILL POST MANY INTERESTING NOVELS THERE

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

rescued by an otherworldly wizard

Shinji is a teenage boy who was just introduced to masturbation a few days ago, and has a very high libido.

One day he falls asleep exhausted after repeatedly ejaculating with his daily masturbation routine. For some reason, he woke up in an unfamiliar dense forest.

"Eh...? Eh...!"

Dense trees surrounded the area, and the eerie sound of high-pitched birds chirping could be heard here and there.

In such a place, the boy slumped in his sleeping clothes managed to regain his composure as a monster that could only be described as a monster emerging from the depths of the deep forest.


In short, the monster looked like a giant wolf walking upright. Four long, sharp claws on fangs protruding from its mouth. The blood-red eyes that shone on its pointed face stared at Shinji.

"Oh my!"

Shinji was unable to stand up due to this sudden situation and began to hastily retreat.

He urinated pitifully due to the fear that made him feel that his life was in danger, but he couldn't worry about it.

The monster, which was many times bigger than him, was about to raise its thick arm and attack.


Shouting at his trembling legs, Shinji began to run aimlessly. Never in his life had he run so desperately. He moved his legs desperately.

Even so, the monsters were approaching from behind at an incredible speed.

The reason why the monsters still couldn't catch up to him was because Shinji pushed hard through the difficult part of the treetops.

"Ha, ha! Ha! Hai!"

The huge monster cut through the tree with its claws and arms, forcibly chasing them through a narrow gap that only little Shinji could pass through.

Thanks to that slight time lag, Shinji was still alive, but already in danger.

He could feel their growls so close that he could tell without turning his head.

And just as the monster's evil claws were about to fall on Shinji, a beautiful woman came to protect him.

"<Wind Cutter>!"

A gust of wind blew as he heard something that seemed to be an incantation.

The wind, which had turned into sharp blades, attacked the surrounding trees and split the herd approaching Shinji in half. The power was terrifying, and the monsters that should have numbered several became voiceless corpses in an instant and fell to the ground.

"Me, me... did I survive...?"

With a sigh of relief, the boy turned to the beauty.

"Hey, you. Are you alright? Coming into a dangerous forest alone. Carelessness is also a good thing, right?"

The person who spoke to me in a scolding tone was a beautiful woman with long shiny black hair and a large three-cornered hat with a wide brim like a witch.

Her body was tall and slender with pure white skin. Bright red eyes amidst her dazzling beauty.

And above all, the thing that attracts the most attention is the provocative extra-large breasts, which must exceed 100 cm.

The tight and sensational dress with a lot of exposure has a wide cleavage, and just by pulling a little bit of her clothes with your fingertips, you can make a banging sound and your breasts will come out.

Although the breasts are plump, which seems impossible to fit in both hands, the waist is very small.

The skirt of her dress is long enough to cover her ankles, but it has a deep slit that reaches her waist. She was exposed without remorse.

"Thank goodness. It's a good thing that onee-san happened to be nearby."

"Uh, ah... yes"

The sexy Onee-san was wearing a sexy costume that looked like a witch. She had the appearance of a busty beauty that seemed to exist only in the fantasy world.

"After all, you don't even have a weapon when you look at it. It's really reckless to enter this forest, isn't it an act of suicide?"

The sexy girl with big breasts sighed in amazement and put her hands on her toned waist.

And she looked at Shinji while wiggling her big breasts.

"It looks like you're not hurt. If that's the case, it's okay. After all, your Onee-san is angry. You should reflect properly, okay?"

"I apologize"

"Fufu, nice to meet you."

With a seductive voice, Onee-san squatted in front of Shinji. Large breasts puffed out around her chest in her tight dress, and seemed like they could appear at any time.


Although he was facing a life-threatening crisis until a moment ago, Shinji was completely stunned by the gravure statue trembling in front of him.

After all, this was puberty that was at the peak of the spear and work.

The penis that was cowering in fear, regained its vitality and straightened enough to raise its pants.


It seemed that the big-breasted beauty who was staring at Shinji immediately noticed the incident.

In the first place, even if she was wearing pants, if the huge penis that made adults embarrassed was fully erect, there was no way she could hide it.

"Oh my. I thought you were leaking, but you made it this big. It looks like you've regained your energy."

"Ah... Uuu..."

Shinji's face turned bright red when shown by Onee-san with a wicked smile.

However, the sexual desire that knows no discipline does not stop, and his penis twitches and cramps and runs forward. Because of this, not only his underwear, but even his pants were eventually stained.

"You are so small, but you have something so good that it doesn't match your appearance.

"Uuu... please don't say that..."

"Fufu, I'm sorry ♥"

Although she apologized, onee-san only raised the corner of her lips and showed a wicked smile.

Her short eyes continued to stare at the non-standard erection that pushed up her pants that were dirty from peeing and cowper, with a curious look.

(To be able to see that you have an erection through your pants... I wonder how big it is... it's getting a little interesting...♥)

"If your pants are dirty, you should wash them."

"Huh? Ah... yes."

An Onee-san who did not show her curiosity and spoke in a calm tone.

Shinji obediently shook his head as he couldn't keep up with Onee-san's sudden change of topic.

"Fufu, it's okay. I'll take you to a safe place while I do it."

"Oh thank you"

"Then, we'll go, but can you stand up?"

While trying to hide his thickly erect penis with both hands, he could not hide it no matter how hard he tried, and Shinji slowly tried to stand up.

However, perhaps because of the fear he mentioned earlier, he could not exert any force on his legs.

Onee-san smiled wryly at Shinji, who repeated the action of falling to the ground like a newborn fawn.

"Ufufu. You're so scared that you can't stand up, but your dick is beating fast. You are a very cute boy."

"cute ...."

Shinji who reddened his ears at the overly unprincipled Onee-san who responded to the vulgar words coming out of Onee-san's mouth.

To such Shinji, a beautiful woman with big breasts extended a supple hand

As soon as he grabbed that hand, Shinji was quickly carried on Onee-san's back.

"Oh wow wow! Wait a minute!"

"Don't act rude again. Isn't it hard to be carried?"


A beautiful woman slowly walked out, carrying Shinji who was about to act rudely.

She didn't look strong, but she didn't seem to be bothered at all even though she was carrying a shoulder-length shirt on her back.

"Don't talk about the habit of not being able to stand on your own. Carry it calmly on your back."


"Very good-but it's very big."

In the end, a beautiful woman murmured so that Shinji could not hear her.

The highly erect penis lifted his pants. It was now firmly pressed against his back, clearly conveying its throbbing through the thin fabric.

The more he tried not to think about it, the more he realized.

Shinji is also carried on his back by his best leg, forgetting the situation and getting excited.

Sweet scent and sweat escaped from the nape of his neck.

Body temperature radiating through clothes and typical female softness.

And above all, the sensational breath that touches the earlobe.

It was all too stimulating for a boy who had just reached puberty.

Although they were well aware of each other, the two walked quietly through the forest.

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below

PA TREON LINK:patreon,com/touyama



1 CHAPTER = 2-3 DAY!


2-4 CHAPTER = 1-2 DAY!

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