
Shota Who Turns Beautiful Women Into Losers in Another World

a boy who was suddenly sent to another world--Shinji. Possessing a huge penis unmatched by ordinary people, he meets a colossal wizard who never stops stimulating his penis in that world. After that, a holy widow, a dark elf maid, an elven adventurer, and a dragon. A lesbian princess who hates men. Involving various incomparably beautiful women, she spends her days immersed in the nursery. A harem s*x life that unfolds in a far different world. The life of a small master and toilet wife now unfolds. 1 Chapter = 2-3 day! But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below PA TREON LINK:patreon.com/touyama I WILL POST MANY INTERESTING NOVELS THERE

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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Invited to the hut

"Look, we're here."

I wondered if I had passed through the forest for about an hour. Behind the lush trees, there was a small hut standing alone on the plain.

Right next to it, you could see what looked like well-tended fields, and somehow, this created the atmosphere of a place where people lived.


"This is where I live."

The boy who entered the hut and was lowered from the beautiful woman's back was actively looking around.

A witch's house. It was a place that suited such an expression.

The dark room with drawn curtains was filled with a faint chemical smell, and countless wild flowers were hung from the ceiling to dry.

I also saw a glass bottle filled with something on a shelf attached to the wall.


"Fufu, are you surprised by all the unusual things?"

"Ah, umm... Is Onee-san alone here?"

"Yes, is that so?"

I'm hearing strange things.

While muttering such things, the beautiful woman left Shinji and headed to the back of the hut.

"Please wait there for a while. I'll change my clothes and prepare a bath."

"Oh, a bath!?"

"Yes, that's right. If you're that dirty, you should clean your body while doing so. Then just wait."

After leaving such a thing, Shinji could only see from behind a beautiful woman who disappeared behind while wiggling her big ass.

Contrary to his intentions, the raging penis continued to leak more blood.

Alone with a woman in a woman's house.

Moreover, the other party is a colossal breast beauty that I have never seen before.

Tight clothes are not enough to hide the voluptuous body line, and it is impossible not to follow the big breasts and buttocks that will stand out with your eyes.

An incomparably erotic onee-san who never stops stimulating her reproductive instincts, whose entire existence is sex appeal.

Invited to the home of a beautiful woman, she is going to take a bath now. There might be something ahead.

The reason why he fantasizes about things like this is because he is at the stage of adolescence where he has just achieved familiarity, but it is also an unreasonable situation for a man not to be passionate.

Forgetting to hide his erect penis, Shinji grunted instead.

"Onee-san lives here..."

If you looked closely like that, the clothes she was going to wear were scattered here and there.

The costumes hanging in the corner of the room and the decorations adorning the dressing table. A robe hanging on the wall. A spare hat. The stockings on the garter belt that were unceremoniously removed.

And if you look closely, on the bed in the corner of the room, there are sheer shorts and a bra bigger than anything you've ever seen.

"Wow... what a smell..."

Looking around the room, Shinji kept moving his nose vigorously.

The sweet scent of a woman mixed with a unique chemical scent that made you think of a hospital or hospice. The scent of a woman that sweetly numbs the brain from the nostrils, the penis that was originally erect, straightens up like never before, and begins to salivate like a cow.

Shinji is big, but his libido is also stronger than others.

In the end, the amount of semen he ejaculates at once is also several times that of an ordinary person.

The same goes for Shinji, far from being the same age as an adult, the vile thick penis is filled with Shinji's transparent juice, and the stains on his pants spread wider.

In his mind, the image of Onee-san burned in his mind.

"She's so beautiful..."

When I closed my eyes, what flashed through my mind were the two swaying, heavy breasts in front of me.

Far from being able to grasp them with both hands, the breasts larger than her face were bigger and jiggled more gently than any breasts Shinji had ever seen.

"Onee-san's breasts... amazing..."

Ever since I came to this world and met Onee-san, Shinji's penis has frustrated me.

His head is no longer afraid of being attacked by monsters.

"Haa, haa... Onee-san... Onee-san..."

Driven by an instinct that can only be described as animal lust, Shinji continued to sniff the room.

In addition, his right hand involuntarily began to stroke the penis from the top of the pants.

Because of that, I didn't even realize that my Onee-san had returned.

"Did you masturbate?"

"... !? Uwaaaaa!?"

"Fufu, I took my eyes off you for a while. It's not that I'm sloppy."

The big-breasted beauty who returned to the room deliberately made a knocking sound and approached Shinji.

With that slow, meaningful step, Shinji straightened his penis firmly, but his face flushed and he looked down.

"Ah... that..."

"What's wrong?"

"Ah, uhm... no..."

Unable to give a reason out of the blue, Shinji was just confused.

To be honest, I was happy with Onee-san who had saved my life. Passionate about Onee-san's smell and underwear, I played with her cock. I can't say that.

Not that there was any good reason for it. Shinji was very embarrassed and could only stare at her.

"Eh... I'm sorry... please forgive me..."

To show his best sincerity, Shinji bowed his head to Onee-san with the momentum of going down to the ground.

What was she like now?

Was her face flushed with anger, or an exasperated expression?

It was not even possible to look up to see her.

So Shinji didn't notice.

The beautiful woman standing in front of me smiled like a carnivore and licked her fleshy lips.

"You look like you're fiddling with your dick, but I wonder if you're doing something wrong?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Oh, I'm not asking you to apologize. Did I ask if you did something wrong?"

"Uh, uh..."

Shinji who groaned with teary eyes at his Onee-san's words, but his penis continued to erect painfully, and continued to drip semen helplessly.

"You just met a woman whose name you don't even know, and you're going to masturbate while making your nose twitch.

"Auuuu... I'm sorry..."

"Even if you apologize, you're not sorry at all."

As I raised my face to the sweet scent floating gently, Onee-san's squatting face was in front of Shinji's eyes and nose.

That well-proportioned face with a mischievous smile somehow reminded me of the Cheshire Cat.

"Your penis, why is your erection so hard?"

The eyes of a beautiful woman who deliberately said those cryptic words slowly went back and forth between Shinji's face and penis.

Meanwhile, Shinji's gaze was fixed on the perverted breasts trembling in front of him.

Two breasts larger than his face were wrapped in a tight dress. Plump cleavage that was I-shaped instead of Y-shaped because it was too tight. The brazen colossal breasts that swayed deliberately so that they could spill out at any time.

The large breasts that so attracted Shinji's attention.

"Look at your Onee-san's face, where are you looking?"


"Suddenly... it can't be helped."

As if blocking Shinji's view, Shinji hurriedly looked down again at Onee-san who brought her face closer to the tip of his nose.

It might be interesting that Onee-san had a relaxed demeanor that looked older than him, and smiled at his beauty.

"Even if you apologize for making her erect like this"


Onee-san's slender fingertips caressed the swollen crotch of his pants.

Shinji wiggled his waist happily from end to end.

"Even though your Onee-san is angry, you made your cock erect like this and dripped sloppy semen... Do you need to be punished?"

Contrary to the shocking words, the beautiful woman stared at Shinji's crotch with a passionate gaze.

The ferocious and monstrous penis that seemed to have a strong sexual desire, constantly leaking forward and spreading a dense animal odor around it, did not match its age.

Thicker and longer than anything he had ever seen.

This is truly the personification of desire.

(Judging from this reaction, this kid must be a virgin, right? Fufu, such a large and sensitive virgin penis... that's interesting.)

The smile like a beast that found its prey grew stronger, and the beautiful black-haired and big-breasted woman chuckled.

"Alright, that's fine. now let's take a shower and freshen up."

"Ah, the bathroom..."

"Fufu, I wonder if you're thinking about what?


The busty beauty disappeared into the back of the room while swaying her large hips, as if inviting Shinji.

Shinji obediently followed her to the back.