
First Story : Qiao Yifan

First Story - Qiao Yifan

"Huh?" Confuse expression can be seen plastered on the purple haired boy. Stand uo from the chair, he goes to where there a mirror are.

'What? Yifan? Am I reborn as qiao Yifan? Oh well, he is my favorite char after Ye Qiu.' Thought Ye Jin. Ye of Night and Jin of Holy.

His translation name literally mean Holy Night but now, he no longer use the name since he have become Qiao Yifan.

Through the memory from the original, he and learn all of it life. But due to Ye Jin Dominant over Yifan, this Qiao Yifan no longer the timid Qiao Yifan but ever confident Yifan.

Hmm.. According the time lines, it should be a two month before the All Star event.

Accepting his new fate, Ye Jin plays Glorys and open the help sections. As the holder Title Emperor, Champions of Nest of Dark Dragon tournament. And become the only Emperor of The tournament by winning a hundred tournament and become the sole Champion. The first rank never change when two and third ranks is ever changing every weeks.

But now, here the holy have the same function the only different is first person view. It take him about a week to master the surrounding vision and now his quest to mastered the Demon Blade.

Over the month, he had max out his level up to 95 and had advance from Demon Blade to Phantom Slayer.

Instead of Phantom Blade where it emphasised of Attacking, Phantom Slayer however revolve around Support, Defend and Attack. It can be said Phantom Slayer advancement is Jack-of-All.

And then the days of the event arrive. The All Stars Event.

Entering the Stadium, there are platform in the center of stadium equips with a holograms tech.

With the beginning of the event, each class from the Glory come alive in the hologram platform and perform their specialise skill.

And after all that, in honor name of God Ye Qiu, they show an recorded Epic Battle between Battle Mage and Emperor Fist.

Skipping the emcee talking about rules, an Event Rookies Challenge The Expert.

Rookies Gao Yingjie challenge The Expert: The Magician Wang Jiexi.

With the duel spectate over the hologram platform, it can be seen that Gao Yingjie, perform over his limit by winning over the magician Wang Jiexi.

And then here come his turn, Qiao Yifan. When he goes to stage he said. "I want challenge senior Li Xuan."

And with that, Li Xuan come up to the battle computer and ready himself. Like wise, Qiao Yifan also ready himself while setting the keyboard with his familiar styles.

Unlike when he play with Tiny Herb guildmates which is Assassin, he used his One Inch Ash account on this challenge.

"Ghostblade?" Li Xuan surprise seeing the familiar class. And then thinking about the first battle earlier, Li Xuan take a serious stance.

'Are you tiny herb secret weapon?' He sense the figure coming from behind while took a defend stake from the strike, he with a glare and thought 'Do you have what it takes to take over my place?'

Just before Li Xuan using Sword Upper Slash, Qiao Yifan immediately use Phase Skill to evade the incoming attack and the upper slash evade by him successfully.

Opening Sword Boundary, Yifan attack Li Xuan with normal attack after the second slash hit Li Xuan Sword, he receive Atk Debuff.

Taking this opportunity, Yifan use Ghost Boundary to immediately drop Li Xuan defense to 30%. Event with that, Li Xuan as a senior of Phantom Blade manage to evade the normal attack and yet still catch upon the armor debuff.

The skill only have ten second duration from this, Ye Jin no longer hold back and use everything he got.

But before that, he had to Parry Li Xuan incoming attacks. The Skill perform by him was already at his utmost skill but still, Ye Jin manage to defend the skill while taking a little bit damage from true damage.

And then when Li Xuan rush to make him fly in the sky, a trap triggered. Sending Li Xuan Phantom Blade flew upward to the sky.

Now, his chance has arrive.

Upper Slash, Rendering Ghost, Upper Kick, Moon Pierce, Ice Formation, Sword Boundary, finally the Ultimate of Phantom Slayer.

Using a Phase Clone, Three clones perform Ultimate Skill - Swords Fall.

Three Gigantic Sword appear up ove and Pierce Li Xuan Phantom Blade.

Boom!! Boom!! BOOMM!!

Double Neck Stab!!

It's over.

Ye Jin or Qiao Yifan had won over the battles. And with that, he announce himself leaving the Tiny Herb.

Instead of returning to Tiny Herb Area. He immediately exit the stadiums.

They could no longer stop him, according to the contract, this event was his last day of contract and the higher ups already made him into expulsion list.

When he walk on the corridor, a clap sound appear and mature male voice can be heard.

"Impressive. You only have sliver chance of winning over Li Xuan and yet manage to win."

"God Ye Qiu."

"Want to join my new team?"

"Hmm.." Nodded his head and Qiao Yifan followed his God Ye Qiu.

[The End]