


"I suck at apologies, so....unfuck you...or whatever"


"So are you going to apologize for being extremely rude or are you just gonna stand there" the lady asks arrogantly as she puts her hands on her hips and looks at me with a distain look on her face.

I look at her and roll my eyes as i cross my arms, "Well i suck at apologies, sooooo unfuck you or whatever" I say as I shrug and lean against the wall still with my arms crossed and looking at the fancy dressed lady with a nonchalant face.

The lady looks at me in shock and displease as she scoffs, "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??!" She shouts at me in displeasure as she stomps towards me.

I raise a brow as i grin at her and i stand up as i walk towards her and put my ands in my pockets, now our faces are close to each other as i look down at her "What did i upset daddy's little princess~" I ask in a mocking tone.

She gasps as she puts her hand to her mouth and she raises her hand, about to slap me "YOU LOWBORN, HOW DARE YO-" my partner then pushes the both us away from each other as the lady falls on the floor and I look at him as i roll my eyes and cross my arms again.

My partner apologies to the lady as he helps her up and she stomps away, he turns to me as he glares at me and i raise my hands up as i sigh "It was not me she was just being dramatic" i say as i roll my eyes.

"Your supposed to help me investigate, not aggravate the nobles here" he says to me angrily as he walks towards me and glares at me as he crosses his arms. 

"Ugh but she was being a bit bitchy, all I did was ask her to please move out of my way" I say as i roll my eyes and lean against the wall again, "Now tell me must I fucking teach you how to use manners now" he asks me irritated, he pinches his nose as he gives a frustrated sigh.

I roll my eyes as i turn around and walk toward the black car prepared for us, my partner sighs as he follows behind me "I've had enough for tonight" he says as we both enter the car and our driver starts the car as we drive away from the mansions party.


Thats it for now but if anyone would like a bigger story for this one please feel free to let me know :3

Local_writercreators' thoughts