

It was morning when the duo were seen walking towards Totsuki, chatting animatedly. Well, one of them was.

Souma had his arm slung around Erina's shoulder while she had a radiant blush, her face angled to the floor as the two made their way to school.

"I still don't understand why you didn't just ask, Erina-chan." Souma said, poking her cheek while smiling. Erina's blush reddened in embarrassment as her lips were twisted in a troubled expression.

"Not that I have… sex, with any girl that asks, but rather we could've had a date and all that." Souma said, scratching his cheek.

"because I finally found you all this years, I couldn't help it." Erina mumbled, rubbing one of her arms as she avoided his gaze. Souma smiled.

"D'aww, so cute! You're like a little kitty, 'Erina-chan." Souma smiled, wrapped Erina in a hug as he nuzzled her with his cheek. Erina let out a squeak as she was pulled into his warm embrace. She didn't trust herself to speak, lest she say something that'll make him more affectionate in public.

That being said, Erina could only melt as Souma patted her cheeks and released the hug, a radiant smile beaming off of him. His faint scent of lemon and lavender made her a bit woozy as she blushed in response.

"W-we better go… Souma-kun. Class is about to start and Hisako said she'll wait for me inside." Erina said as she started to walk again. The two (or rather, Erina) were lucky that they were on an empty path going to school, or else Erina might've exploded in fear of being seen having public displays of affection to someone she didn't know about until a day ago.

Souma nodded, and opted to hold Erina's hand this time as the two went to school.

She gave a slight squeeze.

"Ah, Erina-sama!" Hisako pushed herself off the wall when she saw her liege round the corner.

"Hello, Hisako." Erina said, waving as she made her way. Hisako raised an eyebrow as she noticed that Erina's movements were more… subdued. And elegant because of it.

Instead of large, confident strides, Erina took small dainty ones. Instead of her

head held high, she was facing forward with soft eyes. Instead of holding her smartphone, she had a folding hand fan (Sensu) covering the lower half of- wait… a Sensu?

Erina did indeed have a Sensu, a painting of waves crashing over a diluted pink background covering the lower half of her face. Her hair, instead of long and flowing, was now done up in a bun with a hair stick speared through it, the rest of her hair flowing freely.

"...Erina-sama?" Hisako whispered as she got a closer look at Erina. Her natural make up made to complete the rest of the look, as her beauty was magnified and attracted the attention of everyone around the two.

The girls looked at Erina in shock and awe, slight waves of envy flowing through them as they watched the natural beauty become more beautiful before their eyes.

The boys were stunned as well, at the radical change of their Goddess, having a sort of confident yet humble air around her.

"Hi, Hisako-chan." Erina said, collapsing her Sensu with a clack, stashing it inside her jacket pocket.

"...are you cosplaying, Erina-sama?" Hisako whispered, still trying to mentally accept the change. Erina waved her hand.

"No, I just… decided it was time for a change." Hisako's heart pulsed all of a sudden. Even the way she talked was reserved and respectful! She quickly pulled out her phone and started dialing numbers.

"Are you sure Erina-sama? You don't have a fever? Migraine? The flu maybe? It is fall and it's getting quite chilly. The uniforms might need to go through a change, or maybe add a winter uniform? Maybe I can-" A hand was placed over Hisako's own.

"I'm fine, Hisako-chan." She smiled. Dear Kami, even the smile changed! It used to scream authority and confidence, now it spoke of confidence and humbleness.

"...what brought the change, Erina-sama?" Hisako said, shakily. Erina smiled, her eyes misting as she turned her head slightly.

"A magical time, Hisako-chan." With that, Erina gently placed her hand against Hisako's back and guided the two into class.