
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

A week after my grueling debacle with Malenia, I found myself heading to Lisa's office once again. She had notified me of a new mission. We Chosen have the perk of taking at least a mission per year, but the downside is the significantly increased difficulty.

I knocked lightly at her door and heard her familiar voice, "Come in!" Opening the door, I stepped in and asked, "So what's the mission about? Nightmarish horror? Mutated zombies? Or fighting corrupted gods?"

Lisa laughed lightly, shaking her head. "Wrong, maybe? And nope," she replied, handing me a file. "Orks and their nine Waaaghs. Ugh, I hate saying 'Waaaghs'. Anyway, the Emperor of Man has requested our help to take back a planet overrun by these Orks."

She activated a holographic display, revealing a world swarming with green-skinned brutes. "As you can see, there are a ton of Orks. Perfect for you. Be careful though; they might be dumb, but they sure pack a punch."

"Ah, hordes of enemies. Classic Lisa," I said with a grin. "What's its rank?"

"For others, it's a Mid-tier A. For you? Peak B at most," she said with a smirk.

"The joys of being a Chosen," I sighed, shaking my head.

"You do know that you can take backups, right?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Where's the fun in that? If I die, then it's skill issues, and that's that," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

She sighed, clearly used to my bravado, then said, "Just be careful and good luck, 'Cosmic Janitor'."





Stepping through the portal, I felt the familiar rush of energy and disorientation before the landscape solidified around me. The world was a chaotic battlefield, echoing with the roar of Orks and the clamor of their war machines. The sky was a dark, murky gray, filled with smoke and the stench of burning metal and flesh.

The Emperor of Man had requested this mission, and it was clear why. The Orks, with their relentless Waaaghs, had overrun the planet, turning it into a hellscape of constant warfare. It was a challenge, but I was ready. Clad in my Stormweaver's Mantle, I felt the power of the elements at my fingertips, my Sanchomo a reassuring weight in my hand.

"Time for your debut, Sanchomo," I murmured, feeling a surge of anticipation.

I moved forward cautiously, using my earth manipulation to raise barriers and create footholds as I advanced. The first wave of Orks appeared, charging with their usual brutish ferocity. I focused, channeling lightning through Sanchomo, and unleashed a devastating arc that cut through their ranks.

Their initial surprise gave me a brief advantage. I utilized my Shunpo to zip around the battlefield, striking down Orks with swift, precise slashes. Each movement was a calculated blend of speed and power, my body moving almost on instinct thanks to the Infernal Clarity.

As I fought, I kept my senses sharp, aware of the larger threats among the horde. The ground trembled as a massive Ork warboss stomped into view, bellowing commands to its underlings. This was going to be the real test.

I darted in, avoiding its crude but powerful swings, and struck at its joints and weak points. The warboss roared in pain and anger, but I kept moving, a blur of motion and elemental fury. Fire and lightning danced around me, amplifying each strike.

With a final, powerful blow, I brought the warboss down, its massive form crashing to the ground. The remaining Orks hesitated, their morale shaken by the loss of their leader.

Panting, I surveyed the battlefield. The fight was far from over, but this was a significant victory. I could feel the planet's desperate cry for liberation, and I was determined to see this mission through.

"Well, that's one down," I muttered, gripping Sanchomo tighter. "Let's see how many more I can take before lunch."

With renewed determination, I charged back into the fray, ready to reclaim the planet from the Ork menace.





"Day one hundred eighty-six," I muttered as the alarm jolted me awake in my makeshift base. The interface was a godsend, allowing me to set alarms and reminders. "Quite handy, no?"

Following my now-routine, I ordered a standard meal for 200 Points and a light snack costing around 50 to 100 Points. The food materialized in front of me, and I began eating, grateful for the sustenance.

These past six months had been grueling. Most days were spent locked in relentless combat with the Orks. I only ate once a day, with the occasional light snack mid-battle to keep my energy up. As I munched on my food, I opened my interface, noting my current Points balance: 67,850. Not bad, considering the endless waves of green-skinned brutes I'd faced.

Two months ago, I marked my third year as a Cosmic Janitor. "Hurray, I guess," I laughed softly, then sighed, "I miss Tom."

After finishing my meal, I refocused on the mission at hand. "I recently killed that punchy big bastard last week, so that makes it six down, three to go," I reviewed, stretching and doing light jumps to pump my blood.

Donned in my Stormweaver's Mantle and holding Sanchomo, I cracked my neck and said, "Let's try to finish this quick, no?" With a determined grin, I zipped out of my base, ready to face the next challenge.

As I zipped around the planet, the changes in the landscape were striking. The greenery had begun to return, and small critters, rodents, and insects were visible once more. It was gratifying to see the positive impact my actions had on the environment.

One crucial aspect of dealing with the Orks was their spore-like spawning mechanism. They would not continue to spawn if you killed their Waaagh or their warboss. Thus, my strategy was simple: eliminate the boss and then mop up the remaining stragglers.

Arriving at an Ork base, I used my electric sense to send out a wave of electrical pulses within a ten-kilometer radius, gauging the number of enemies I'd be facing today. "Oho, what's this? Two Waaaghs at once? Well, thank you for the early Christmas gift," I muttered to myself, opening my interface to check my kill count: 10,562,312.

A fortified Waaagh base typically housed at least a million Orks, and their constant spawning had contributed to my impressive kill count.

I prepared myself, floating into the sky with the aid of my fire manipulation, cloaking myself in a tri-elemental aura. I headed straight for the heart of the enemy stronghold, ready to confront whatever lay ahead.

Descending into the base, I was greeted by the chaotic sight of Orks swarming around, oblivious to the impending doom. I summoned my elemental powers, combining fire, lightning, and earth to create a devastating entry.

With a single, concentrated burst of energy, I unleashed a storm of Pyrobolts, electrified slashes, and earth-shattering strikes. The Orks were thrown into disarray, their numbers quickly dwindling under the onslaught.

Spotting the two warbosses among the throng, I focused my attention on them. They were massive, towering over their subordinates, and exuded a palpable aura of brutality and strength.

Charging forward, I engaged the first warboss, our weapons clashing with a thunderous impact. Using my enhanced speed and agility, I danced around his powerful but sluggish attacks, landing precise, devastating blows with Sanchomo. My blade, infused with elemental energy, cut through his defenses, and with a final, Judgement Cut, the first warboss fell.

Turning my attention to the second warboss, I found him already charging at me in a rage. I met his fury with calm precision, parrying his blows and countering with Rapid Slash. Despite his strength and resilience, he too succumbed to the relentless assault.

With the two warbosses defeated, the Orks' coordination collapsed. The remaining Orks were easy pickings, and I methodically eliminated them, ensuring no stragglers remained.

As the last Ork fell, I took a moment to survey the now-silent battlefield. The planet, once overrun with chaos, was now one step closer to being reclaimed.

I opened my interface, updating my kill count and noting the mission progress. "One more Waaagh to go," I said to myself, a sense of satisfaction washing over me.

Floating back to the ground, I took a deep breath, ready to continue my mission and bring peace back to this beleaguered world.





Two days later, I finally located the last base—a heavily fortified Ork stronghold. As was now protocol, I activated my electric sense, scanning the ten-kilometer radius and counting the enemy presence. "Roughly five million, huh?" I mused. Infernal Clarity had indeed been a worthwhile investment, enhancing my cognitive abilities and allowing me to assess such massive numbers quickly.

"Let's make a grand entrance, shall we?" I said to myself, summoning my ethereal swords and combining them into a massive blade. I coated the giant sword with my tri-elemental powers—fire, lightning, and earth energy crackling and swirling around it.

With a surge of power, I sent the giant sword hurtling toward the heart of the base. The impact was cataclysmic, resulting in a massive explosion of elemental energy that decimated the central fortifications and sent shockwaves rippling through the entire base.

A guttural roar echoed across the battlefield, signaling the wrath of the last remaining Waaagh warboss. Emerging from the debris, he was a colossal figure, towering over the other Orks, his eyes burning with fury.

Our eyes locked, and I knew this would be the final, decisive battle.

The warboss charged at me with a primal scream, wielding a massive, spiked weapon. I met his advance head-on, Shunpo'ing to evade his initial swing and retaliating with a series of lightning-fast slashes. My enhanced speed and agility, coupled with the elemental energy coursing through Sanchomo, allowed me to land precise, devastating blows.

Despite my initial advantage, the warboss was relentless. His attacks were powerful and relentless, forcing me to stay on my toes and continuously adjust my strategy. I used my earth manipulation to create pillars and barriers, providing temporary cover and strategic vantage points. My Pyrobolts and Summoned Swords harried him from a distance, while I closed in with Rapid Slashes and Judgement Cuts whenever an opening presented itself.

The battle raged on, the ground beneath us scorched and shattered by the intensity of our clash. I could feel my stamina waning, but the warboss was also showing signs of fatigue, his movements becoming slower and more predictable.

With a final burst of energy, I launched myself at the warboss, delivering a flurry of rapid, electrified slashes. Each strike was imbued with fire, lightning, and earth energy, overwhelming his defenses and cutting deep into his flesh.

The warboss let out a final, defiant roar before collapsing to the ground, defeated.

As the remaining Orks scattered in disarray, I took a moment to catch my breath and survey the battlefield. The once-imposing stronghold was now a smoldering ruin, and the Ork threat had been eradicated.

Opening my interface, I updated my mission status and noted the completion of my objectives. "Mission accomplished," I said to myself, a sense of satisfaction and relief washing over me.

With the Orks defeated and the planet on its way to recovery, I prepared to return to base, ready for whatever new challenges awaited me in my role as a Cosmic Janitor.

"But first a cleanup is needed," as I look around the Orks.

I know I massively nerfed this green-bastards.

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