
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
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41 Chs

Solar Pillar

(Katsuo POV)

A day later, I was now seen donning my Crimson Armor, slinging my Adamantine Tachi on my waist, clutching my Threaded Cane with my left hand. I looked ahead with a grin plastered on my face, waiting for Batman's go signal.

Moments later, he said, "Go." A simple word, but it gave me euphoria. I zipped onwards to Madagascar, which was now fully Corrupted. I expected to meet the Eater of Worlds and was tasked with eliminating the corruption in Madagascar.

Arriving at the Corrupted Madagascar, I saw it: the massive, fiery Solar Pillar. Around it swarmed an army of Solar enemies—Selenians with their deadly spinning attacks, Drakomires spewing fire, and the agile Crawltipedes. Interspersed among them were Corrupted mobs—Eaters of Souls and Corruptors flying about, spreading more corruption.

I grinned, feeling a surge of ecstasy. Cladding myself in fire and lightning, I Shunpoed towards a nearby mob, ready to unleash my fury.

Back at the Watchtower, my fight was being broadcasted. Batman watched with a concerned expression, fearing I might "let loose" and lose control. Behind him stood several Justice League members, including yesterday's lineup and the Young Justice team.

"He's handling it well so far," Superman commented, his eyes fixed on the screen.

Wonder Woman nodded. "Let's hope it stays that way."

In the midst of the battle, I reveled in the chaos. With a swipe of my Adamantine Tachi, I unleashed a Judgement Cut, slicing through a swarm of Selenians. My Threaded Cane crackled with fire and lightning as I whipped it around, sending arcs of elemental energy at the Drakomires.

A Crawltipede dived towards me, but I blinked out of its path using my Shunpo, reappearing behind it and driving my blade through its segmented body. The thrill of combat surged through me, but I kept my focus. I knew I couldn't afford to lose control, not now.

The Corrupted mobs added to the chaos. An Eater of Souls lunged at me, and I countered with a blast of fire, incinerating it mid-air. A Corruptor spat a glob of vile bile, which I dodged before slashing it apart with my cane.

"He's doing better than I expected," Green Arrow admitted, watching the screen.

"He's more controlled," Batman noted, though his voice held a hint of caution. "But we need to be prepared."

Back on the battlefield, I continued my onslaught. With each enemy I defeated, I felt more in control, more determined.

As the Solar Pillar began to weaken, I knew the battle was far from over. But for now, I was in my element, fighting with everything I had.





{Five hours later}

Dodging and weaving multiple projectiles, I slashed at a nearby Corruptor, slicing it clean in half. The air was thick with the acrid stench of corruption and the metallic tang of blood.

A Crawltipede lunged at me, its segmented body coiling through the air. These things were always a pain. I used Rapid Slash, my movements blurring as I hacked it into minced meat. After killing it, I felt a subtle indicator—a sense that the Solar Pillar's barrier was almost down. Renewed with determination, I continued hacking away at the relentless mobs.

Back at the Watchtower, Beast Boy watched with wide eyes. "Dude, how long has it been?" he asked quietly.

Blue Beetle glanced at the clock. "Almost the five-hour mark."

"Damn," Beast Boy muttered, "he's more beastly than me."

Batman, standing nearby, kept his eyes fixed on the screen. "He's holding up well," he said, though his tone was laced with concern. "But he's pushing his limits."

Wonder Woman nodded. "He's proving himself, but we need to be ready in case he falters."

Meanwhile, in Madagascar, I felt the pressure mounting. My muscles burned, and my breath came in ragged gasps, but I didn't slow down. I couldn't. Not when the fate of this place depended on me.

A Drakomire charged at me, its maw open and spewing flames. I twisted aside, the heat scorching my armor, and drove my Threaded Cane through its eye, sending a surge of fire and lightning into its brain. It collapsed in a smoking heap.

The Solar Pillar's barrier shimmered, flickering as it weakened. I could sense it was close to breaking. With a roar, I charged at a cluster of Selenians, my Adamantine Tachi cleaving through their ranks with Judgement Cut, the fiery and electric energy searing their flesh.

Back at the Watchtower, the Young Justice team watched in awe.

"He's incredible," Wonder Girl said, her voice filled with admiration.

"But he's pushing himself too hard," Superman said, his brow furrowed. "We need to be ready to support him."

The barrier around the Solar Pillar finally shattered with a resonant crack. The pillar itself began to pulse, its fiery core exposed and vulnerable. I grinned, feeling a surge of triumph.

"Alright, big guy," I muttered, raising my Tachi. "Time to go down."

With renewed vigor, I launched myself at the pillar, ready to bring it crashing down and cleanse Madagascar of its corruption. This was my moment, and I was going to make it count.





As the barrier around the Solar Pillar shattered, the ground began to rumble ominously. From the churning earth, not one, not two, but five Eaters of Worlds emerged, their serpentine bodies writhing with malevolent energy. The sheer sight of them would have sent shivers down anyone's spine, but for me? It was exhilarating.

A manic smile spread across my face as a thought surfaced. Why the hell am I holding back? This chaos, the pungent smell of death and rot, this is where I thrived. The battlefield was my stage, and it was time to put on a show.

Back at the Watchtower, Batman's eyes narrowed as he observed my change in demeanor. "He's losing control," he said, his voice sharp with urgency. He immediately issued a backup call. "All available units, prepare to deploy. Katsuo may need assistance."

Wonder Woman stepped forward. "I'll go," she said, determination in her eyes.

Superman nodded. "I'm with you."

As the call for backup was made, the Young Justice team and other notable members watched the unfolding scene with bated breath.

"Man, this is gonna be a showdown," Blue Beetle muttered.

Beast Boy nodded, his eyes wide. "Let's hope they get there in time."

Back in the corrupted wasteland of Madagascar, I felt the surge of unrestrained power coursing through me. Clad in fire and lightning, I launched myself at the nearest Eater of Worlds. My Adamantine Tachi cleaved through its segmented body, each slash leaving a trail of flames and crackling energy.

One of the Eaters lunged at me, its maw wide open. I met it head-on, using my Threaded Cane to whip it back, the blade slicing through its grotesque flesh. I laughed, the sound wild and unhinged. This was where I belonged, in the heart of the storm, battling against overwhelming odds.

The ground beneath me trembled as the other Eaters closed in, but I was ready. I channeled my fire and earth manipulation, sending pillars of flame and spikes of stone erupting from the ground, tearing through the monstrous creatures.

Around me, the minions of the Solar Pillar attacked relentlessly. Selenians spun with deadly blades, Corites darted through the air, and Drakanians lunged at me. Each kill fueled my bloodlust further, making me stronger, faster, more ruthless.

Back at the Watchtower, Batman watched with mounting concern. "He's gone over the edge," he muttered, his face grim. "We need to get him out of there before he does something he can't take back."

Superman's voice crackled over the comms. "We're en route, Batman. Hold on."

As I fought, lost in the bloodlust, I barely registered the arrival of my allies. Wonder Woman and Superman landed with a thud, their presence a stark contrast to the chaos I was reveling in.

"Katsuo, snap out of it!" Wonder Woman shouted, her voice cutting through the haze.

I barely heard her. The thrill of the fight, the intoxicating rush of power—it was all-consuming. I slashed through another Eater of Worlds, the thrill of the kill driving me onward.

Superman flew in front of me, blocking my path and shouting, "Katsuo, stop this! You're losing control!" His words were a distant echo in my mind. Without thinking, I punched him in the gut, sending him flying away.

The new arrivals—Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern looked ready to engage, but Batman stopped then.

"Hold your positions," he commanded. "We need to let him burn it out."

They watched, tense and ready, as I hacked through every living "enemy" my instincts registered.

Two hours passed in a blur of violence and fury. The Solar Pillar finally crumbled, its twisted remains scattered across the corrupted landscape. I stood amidst the carnage, panting heavily, my Adamantine Tachi dripping with the blood of my foes.

Superman approached me cautiously, his usual calm demeanor now tinged with concern. "Katsuo, are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle yet firm.

I turned to him, my blade still poised for a strike. "Enemy?" I growled, my eyes wild with the remnants of my bloodlust.

Superman held up his hands in a placating gesture and smiled gently. "No, Katsuo, we're here to take you home."

His words cut through the haze, and I slowly lowered my sword, my breath steadying. I nodded, but my instincts were still on edge. Without another word, I zip zapped across the battlefield, searching for any remaining "enemies."

Back at the Watchtower, Batman let out a deep breath as the screen showed me clearing the last of the corrupted mobs. "It's over," he said, his voice a mixture of relief and exhaustion.

Wonder Woman shook her head. "He's a force of nature. It's amazing he didn't cause more damage."

"True," Batman agreed. "But we need to help him control that power, or next time, we might not be so lucky."

As I finished my gruesome task and the last enemy fell, I stood amidst the destruction, the adrenaline finally ebbing away. I looked around at the devastation, my heart pounding with the realization of what I'd done.

Superman landed next to me again, his presence a comforting anchor. "Let's go home, Katsuo," he said softly.

I nodded, finally letting the exhaustion take over. Together, we flew back to the Watchtower, the chaotic symphony of battle fading into a distant memory. As we landed, I knew I had a long road ahead to master the darkness within me.

PTSD from Dark Souls 1

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