
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
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41 Chs


(Victor POV)

Stepping out of the portal, I felt like I'd just won a game show or wandered into an extravagant party by mistake.

The looks of bewilderment on everyone's faces were priceless, as if they'd just seen a magic trick performed by a particularly clueless magician – me.

I glanced over my shoulder and there it was: the golden portal, gleaming like it had just won first place in a portal beauty pageant.

I half-expected someone to ask for my autograph or at least for directions to the nearest restroom in this interdimensional space. But hey, at least I made a stylish entrance, right?

I scanned my surroundings, my eyes settling on the outfits of my would-be colleagues. They were all clad in an odd mix of futuristic and retro attire, like they couldn't decide which decade to land in.

Some wore sleek, metallic suits that shimmered under the lights, while others sported puffy sleeves and high collars that looked straight out of a Renaissance fair. A few even had accessories that seemed more at home in a sci-fi movie – holographic wristbands, floating data screens, and boots that seemed to hover an inch off the ground.

The eclectic fashion made me question if I'd stumbled into a costume party rather than a serious workplace.

As I walked further into the room, the whispers started. People exchanged puzzled glances and hushed comments, their curiosity palpable.

One brave soul, a tall woman in a neon jumpsuit and oversized goggles, approached me with a mixture of amusement and skepticism.

"New here?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity. I nodded, offering a sheepish smile. She chuckled, "You'll fit right in. Just wait until you see the break room – it's like stepping into a Salvador Dalí painting."

I couldn't help but laugh, the tension easing a bit. "Good to know," I replied, feeling a strange mix of excitement and nervousness.

Suddenly someone shouted."Hey, you!" Startled, I turned to see a woman striding toward me, waving a piece of paper in her hand.

She wore a tailored blazer with LED trim, and her hair was a vibrant shade of blue. "Is this you?" she asked, holding out what appeared to be my resume.

"Can I take a look?" I asked curiosly, musing at the thought 'I hope my photo highlights my good side.'

"Sure, here," she replied, handing me the document.

I took a look at my supposed resume, complete with my photo and credentials. 'Wow, TOM really is a Grade-S stalker, huh?' I mused.

It was surreal seeing my life laid out so accurately in a place I hadn't even known existed until moments ago.

The woman smiled, noticing my surprise. "Don't worry, you're in the right place. I'm Lisa, your assigned manager. We've been expecting you."

She led me down a hallway, chatting amiably. "Let's get you settled in and introduce you to the team," she said, opening a door with a grand flourish.

Inside was an empty room with two chairs and a small table. I looked around, bewildered.

"Quite the team you've got here, Lisa. Are we waiting for the invisible man to show up?" I teased.

Lisa laughed. "Okay, so the 'team' is just me for now, but we're a start-up! Let me brief you on your stay here."

She then launched into an explanation, describing an incredible simulator that could create holographic images of enemies from different realities for training purposes. "Think of it as a high-tech haunted house, but with more lasers and fewer jump scares."

"More lasers? Sold," I said with a grin. "Do I get a laser gun too?"

"We'll see," she replied, winking. "Next, let me show you our library. We've got everything here, from quantum mechanics to cookbooks. If you ever get bored, just pick a topic and dive in. The library's AI can even suggest readings based on your mood."

"Feeling adventurous? It might throw in a few romance novels for good measure," she added with a playful smile.

"I do enjoy a good love story between alien invaders and interdimensional warriors," I said, playing along.

Finally, she led me to my personal room. It was bare, but Lisa assured me I could modify it to my heart's content.

"Want a jacuzzi? Done. Prefer a meditation garden? Easy. Just use the room's interface to customize it. It's like having your own little slice of paradise," she explained.

"Can I get a mini-fridge stocked with ice cream too?" I joked.

"Why not? But before you get too comfy, there are a few pressing matters we need to address," Lisa said, her tone becoming more serious. "As of now, you're just a newly integrated soul. You need to start doing missions immediately to accumulate points. Thankfully, you have a boon."

"Ah, so there's a catch to this paradise," I replied, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll integrate into a body similar to your old one, and you can choose your preferred age," she explained. "The catch is that the body will have its own memories, as we'll just 'snatched' an appropriate vessel."

"Think of it as an extended Airbnb stay, but with extra baggage," Lisa teased, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I always wanted to live rent-free in someone else's head," I quipped.

"You can choose if you want to use the body's world as your base. It's like getting a house and a job all in one, with a few unexpected roommates in your head."

"Sounds like a party. Do I get to choose the playlist?" I winked.

She rolled her eyes but smiled. "Just make sure it's not all 80s love songs."

"No promises," I said with a grin.

With that, Lisa handed me a keycard and wished me good luck. As she walked away, I took a deep breath and looked around my new room, thinking about the journey ahead.

As Lisa left me to my own devices, I couldn't wait to personalize my new space. With a few taps on the room's interface, I conjured up my dream sanctuary.

The walls transformed into a rich, mahogany hue, adorned with shelves displaying an array of swords from various eras and cultures.

From sleek katanas to ornate medieval broadswords, each blade held a story waiting to be told.

In one corner, a gleaming display case showcased my prized collection of musical instruments.

Guitars of all shapes and sizes hung on the wall, accompanied by a row of vintage synthesizers and a majestic grand piano.

I couldn't resist adding a drum kit in the center of the room, ready to unleash thunderous beats at a moment's notice.

As the final touch, I installed a state-of-the-art speaker system, ensuring that every note and every strike of a blade would reverberate with crystal clarity.

With a grin, I tested the speakers, filling the room with the soaring melodies of a classic rock anthem. It was the perfect fusion of my two passions – music and swords – and I couldn't wait to dive into both in this new chapter of my adventure.


Author's quick note: Basically, if a "soul" is to be tasked with a "mission" he or she would need to inhabit a body as an anchor. The body could "die" but the "soul" won't. Even if the would-be killer possess the conceptual "death".


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