
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
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41 Chs

Prelude to Big Boi Squidward

(Katsuo POV)

A day later, I found myself back in the training room. Yesterday's briefing echoed in my mind. Superman and Batman had approached me, their expressions a mix of concern and sternness.

"Katsuo, you need to rest more," Superman had said, his voice gentle but firm.

Batman, ever the pragmatist, added, "You're pushing yourself too hard. Even you have limits."

I had nodded, half-listening. Green Arrow had patted me on the back, thanking me for the assist in Star City. "You really saved my bacon out there, man. Those Scutlix were no joke."

"Don't mention it," I had replied with a grin. "Just another day in the life of a half-devil warrior."

Snapping back to the present, I shook off the memories and focused on the task at hand: developing a long-range attack. It needed to be easy to cast and reliable. If I got distracted for even a second in battle, it could be the end of me.

I racked my brains, thinking of all the possibilities. Fireballs? Too slow. Stone spikes? Too cumbersome. Summoned Swords? Not quite what I needed. Then, an idea struck me.

"What if I combine fire and lightning into a single projectile?" I mused aloud. "A blazing bolt of pure energy."

Excited by the concept, I gathered my energy, letting the fire and lightning merge within me. I felt the crackling heat and electric pulse coursing through my veins.

I aimed at a distant target and focused, visualizing the attack in my mind. With a flick of my wrist, I released the energy, watching as a blazing bolt of fire and lightning shot forward, hitting the target with explosive force.

"Whoa! That's awesome!" I exclaimed, impressed by my own handiwork. "Not bad, Katsuo. Not bad at all."

As I continued practicing, refining the technique, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Maybe, just maybe, I was starting to get the hang of this hero business. But then again, with all the chaos and madness that seemed to follow me, it was hard to tell.

"Alright, let's give it a name," I muttered to myself. "How about... Thunderflame Bolt? No, too cliché. Blazing Strike? Eh, sounds like a fast-food special. How about... Pyrobolt? Yeah, Pyrobolt. Simple, but effective."

I chuckled to myself, imagining the reactions of my teammates. "Hey, Katsuo, what's that new move called?" they'd ask. And I'd get to say, "Oh, just a little something I whipped up. I call it the Pyrobolt."

"Practicing new moves, huh?" Green Arrow's voice suddenly cut through my thoughts. I turned to see him leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, just trying to expand my repertoire," I said with a grin. "What do you think?"

He walked over, examining the scorched target. "Impressive. Just make sure you don't fry any teammates with it."

I laughed. "No promises, but I'll try my best."

Superman and Batman entered the training room, apparently drawn by the commotion.

"Looks like you're making progress," Superman said, giving me an approving nod.

"Just remember," Batman added, "control is key. You don't want to let your power get the better of you."

"Got it, boss," I replied with a mock salute. "I'll keep that in mind."

With a final, satisfied nod, I continued my training, perfecting the Pyrobolt.





As I typed my current skill set on my interface, I glanced at the timer in the corner. Seven months, huh? I muttered to myself. This really is a long "mission" given to me by TOM. I kind of understand, though. Still, I missed Lisa. I wondered what she was up to these days. And could I bring back my Best Boi, Tom? I hope so.

Suddenly, my comm beeped. "Katsuo, briefing room now," came Batman's voice, crisp and commanding.

"Aye aye, Captain," I teased, making my way to the briefing room.

Once there, I found the original Seven of the Justice League and several other members already gathered. I nodded to a few familiar faces, trying not to think too hard about Wonder Woman's thighs, and took my place.

Batman stepped forward. "Justice League, the Lunatic Cultist has now spawned in the dungeon, marking the prelude for an upcoming battle."

There was a murmur of concern among the heroes. Superman's eyes narrowed, and Flash tapped his foot nervously. Wonder Woman looked resolute, as always.

"Any suggestions?" Batman asked, scanning the room.

I raised my hand, feeling a bit like a kid in school. "For starters, we need to contain the cultist before he can summon anything nastier. This guy's got a real knack for bringing out the worst in his enemies, literally."

Green Lantern nodded. "Agreed. My constructs can help with containment, but we need to be ready for his illusions and decoys."

"Good point," Martian Manhunter added. "I can assist with telepathy to help distinguish between the real cultist and his illusions."

"Flash, you're on crowd control," Batman continued. "Keep any of his summoned minions off our backs. Wonder Woman and Superman, you'll handle direct combat. Green Lantern, support with containment. Martian Manhunter, provide telepathic support."

"And me?" I asked, already knowing what was coming.

"You and your new Pyrobolt can back up anyone who needs it," Batman said, a hint of a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. "And try not to fry any of your teammates."

I chuckled. "No promises, but I'll do my best."

Aquaman spoke up next. "I'll be on standby to handle any underwater threats. You never know with these cultists."

"Good call," Batman acknowledged. "Everyone else, stay alert and be ready to adapt. This isn't going to be a straightforward fight."

I looked around at the assembled heroes. "And remember, folks, let's keep the property damage to a minimum. I hear the League's insurance premiums are through the roof."

That got a few chuckles, even from the normally stoic Batman. It was good to see the team in high spirits despite the looming threat.

The briefing then continued, diving into our roles during the impending Lunar Event. Batman took charge as usual, detailing the assignments. I listened closely, already feeling the adrenaline start to kick in.

"Once we've taken down the Lunatic Cultist, we'll need to focus on the pillars," Batman said, his voice steady and commanding. "Each one poses a significant threat, and we'll need to split up to handle them effectively."

He paused, looking directly at me. "Katsuo, I've been observing you lately. You've been more tamed, calm even. Because of this, you'll be handling the Solar Pillar, solo."

There was a smirk on his face as he added that last bit. My reaction? A big grin spread across my face. I felt like a kid receiving an early Christmas gift. "I won't let you down, Bats!" I shouted, practically bouncing on my feet.

"Good," he replied, the smirk fading back into his usual stoic expression. "Don't let us down."

"I won't!" I repeated, more determined than ever. This was my chance to really prove myself.

As the briefing continued, I could see the trust and expectation in everyone's eyes. It felt good. No, it felt great. This mission wasn't just about fighting some otherworldly threat; it was about showing that I could be a true part of this team, someone they could rely on.

With roles assigned and the plan set, we moved out, ready to face the Lunatic Cultist and the ensuing Lunar Event. I felt a surge of confidence, knowing that I was trusted to take on one of the most challenging tasks. I was ready to give it my all and then some.

"Alright, team," Batman said, bringing us all to attention. "Let's move out."

As we made our way to the dungeon, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. This was my chance to shine, and I wasn't about to let it slip through my fingers. Solar Pillar, here I come.

Tom Best Boi

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