
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

As the meeting wound down and the tension in the room eased, I decided it was time to take advantage of my new connections.

"Hey, before we wrap this up," I said, looking around at the assembled heroes, "do you mind if I use your training room? There's one power I've been barely using, and I think it's high time I mastered it."

Batman's eyebrow lifted. "What power is that?"

I grinned, a spark of excitement in my eyes. "Lightning manipulation. I've been kind of saving it for a rainy day."

Superman smiled. "Sure, you can use the training room. It's equipped to handle pretty much anything."

Wonder Woman added, "Just be careful. We wouldn't want you frying the circuits."

"Noted," I replied with a mock salute. "I'll keep the zapping to a minimum."

With permission granted, I made my way to the Justice League's training facility. The place was impressive, filled with state-of-the-art equipment and advanced technology designed to simulate a variety of combat scenarios. I stepped into the center of the room, taking a deep breath. This was the perfect place to hone my skills.

I closed my eyes, focusing on the power within me. Slowly, I felt the familiar tingling sensation of electricity coursing through my veins. Sparks danced across my skin, and I could feel the raw energy waiting to be unleashed.

"Alright, let's see what you can do," I muttered to myself.

First, I tried to channel the lightning into my hands, forming crackling orbs of electricity. It took a few attempts, but soon I had two balls of lightning hovering above my palms, casting an eerie blue glow.

"Nice," I said, admiring my handiwork. "Now for something a bit more advanced."

Next, I focused on covering my entire body with a layer of lightning. It was tricky, trying to maintain control while spreading the energy evenly, but after several minutes of intense concentration, I managed it. My skin was encased in a shimmering electric aura, the air around me humming with power.

"Feels like I'm wearing a suit of pure energy," I thought, grinning. "This could be useful."

I then turned my attention to my weapons. Drawing my Adamantine Tachi, I attempted to infuse the blade with lightning. At first, it was a struggle to keep the electricity from dissipating, but I gradually got the hang of it. The tachi crackled with energy, arcs of lightning dancing along its edge.

"Imagine the look on my enemies' faces when they see this," I chuckled. "Time to kick it up a notch."

With renewed confidence, I summoned the Threaded Cane, trying to imbue it with the same electrifying power. The flexible nature of the cane made it more challenging, but I eventually succeeded, the weapon glowing with electric energy.

After hours of rigorous training, I finally took a break, panting heavily but feeling a sense of accomplishment. I'd made significant progress with my lightning manipulation, and I knew it would be a game-changer in future battles.

Just as I was about to leave, the door opened, and Batman walked in, his expression as unreadable as ever.

"Impressive," he said, nodding toward the sparking tachi in my hand. "You've got potential, Katsuo."

"Thanks, Batman," I replied, wiping the sweat from my brow. "I'm just getting started. With a bit more practice, I think I can make this lightning thing work."

"Keep at it," he said, his tone serious. "We need all the help we can get."

As I left the training room, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. With my new skills, I was more prepared than ever to face the challenges ahead. And who knows, maybe I'd even manage to impress the Justice League along the way.





The next day, I found myself standing in front of the Young Justice team. Batman had asked if I could lend them a hand with a specific task. They were tasked with taking down Deadshot and Slade, who had stolen some high-tech weaponry intended for Lex Luthor.

"Hey, guys," I greeted, trying to sound casual and not too out of place among the younger heroes. "Batman asked me to help out. Heard you've got a bit of a situation with Deadshot and Slade."

Aqualad, the leader of the team, stepped forward, scrutinizing me with his keen eyes. "We could use the help. Deadshot and Slade are no joke, and we need to get that weaponry back before it ends up in Luthor's hands."

Wonder Girl smirked."The more, the merrier. Just try to keep up."

Robin cracked his knuckles. "Let's get this over with. I hate playing cat and mouse with these guys."

Miss Martian smiled warmly at me. "Welcome, Katsuo. Any assistance is appreciated."

I gave them a nod. "Alright, let's get down to business. What's the plan?"

Aqualad laid out the details. "We've tracked their location to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. We'll need to move fast and hit them hard before they have a chance to move the weaponry."

Kid Flash zipped around us, his excitement palpable. "I can scout ahead and give you guys the layout in no time."

Miss Martian added, "I'll provide support from above. My telekinesis can disrupt their communications and weapons."

Aqualad, always the calm strategist, said, "And I'll handle any water-based defenses they might have. Let's show them what the Titans can do."

With the plan in place, we set out for the warehouse. Upon arriving, Kid Flash zipped back to us, having already scouted the area. "Two guards at the front, more inside. Slade and Deadshot are in the main storage room."

Aqualad nodded. "Alright, Titans. Katsuo, you take point with me. Wonder Girl and Kid Flash, cover our flanks. Miss Martian and Blue Beetle, disrupt their tech and communications."

As we moved in, I felt a rush of adrenaline. This was the kind of action I lived for. Aqualad and I took out the guards at the front with swift, precise strikes, and we slipped into the warehouse.

Inside, the place was a labyrinth of crates and machinery. We moved silently through the shadows, each step calculated. Suddenly, Deadshot appeared, his eyes gleaming through his mask as he raised his weapons.

"Watch out!" I shouted, deflecting a barrage of bullets with my Adamantine Tachi, the blade crackling with lightning. I dashed forward with Shunpo, closing the distance and forcing Deadshot to switch to close combat. My summoned swords flanked him, providing a distraction as I struck with my tachi.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Team engaged with Slade's men. Kid Flash zipped through the enemies, knocking them out in the blink of an eye. Miss Martian's telekinetic powers wrapped around Slade, attempting to pin him down while Aqualad controlled the flow of water from broken pipes to incapacitate more guards.

Slade broke free, his sword clashing with Robjn escrima sticks. "You're outmatched, boy," he taunted, but Robin held his ground, his movements precise and controlled.

Seeing an opening, I joined the fray, my tachi striking at Slade's exposed side. "Think you can handle both of us, Slade?"

He snarled, parrying my blow but clearly on the defensive. The combined assault from Robin and me forced Slade back, his frustration evident.

Deadshot, realizing he was losing the fight, tried to make a break for it. Kid Flash, in a blur of motion, tackled him to the ground, while Blue Beetle bound him.

With Deadshot and Slade subdued, we secured the stolen weaponry. "Nice work, everyone," Aqualad said, breathing hard but grinning. "Let's get this back to where it belongs."

As we exited the warehouse, I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the Team. Despite our different backgrounds and abilities, we had worked together seamlessly.

Back at the Titans' base, Batman arrived to debrief us. "Good job," he said, his approval evident. "Katsuo, you handled yourself well. The Titans could use someone like you."

I shrugged modestly. "Just doing my part. Besides, it's fun kicking some bad guy butt with these guys."

Wonder Girl walked over, her smirk returning. "You did alright, new guy. Maybe we'll let you tag along again."

"Count on it," I replied, grinning. "And next time, maybe we'll tackle an even bigger threat. I hear Lex Luthor's been awfully quiet lately..."

Aqualad smirked. "We'll keep you in the loop. Welcome to the team, Katsuo."

As the sun set over the city, I felt a newfound sense of belonging. This world, with its heroes and villains, was starting to feel like home. And with allies like the Young Justice team, I knew I was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.





As night settled over the city, an ominous red glow bathed the skyline. The blood moon had appeared again, its eerie light casting long shadows and filling the air with a sense of impending doom.

My grin spread wide, the anticipation of the fight sending a thrill through my veins. The job earlier had been exciting, but I hadn't gotten enough action. This was my chance to unleash.

I sprinted through the streets, my Adamantine Tachi gleaming in the blood-red light. The first wave of zombies and grotesque monstrosities emerged from the shadows, and I met them head-on, my blade slicing through them effortlessly. Each strike was precise and powerful, and I moved with a lethal grace, my swordsmanship honed to perfection.

Blood splattered and body parts flew as I tore through the horde. I swapped between my Tachi and the Threaded Cane, reveling in the sheer brutality of the battle. The thrill of the fight was intoxicating, my movements a blur of deadly efficiency. My summoned swords hovered around me, striking down enemies that tried to flank me, while my lightning manipulation crackled through the air, frying anything that got too close.

The streets ran red with blood, the bodies of my enemies piling up around me. I was a whirlwind of death, an unstoppable force mowing down everything in my path. The primal satisfaction of the kill was exhilarating, each fallen foe adding to the frenzy.

From a distance, Batman watched with a growing sense of unease. He stood on a rooftop, his eyes narrowed as he took in the scene below. The sheer ferocity and relentlessness of my assault made him tense. It was as if he was watching a caged beast finally let loose, a force of nature that couldn't be contained.

"He's enjoying this too much," Batman muttered to himself, his grip tightening on the edge of the building. "This level of violence… he's dangerous."

Despite his concerns, he knew that tonight, the blood moon had unleashed a threat that needed to be dealt with. The Justice League had their hands full with other crises, and right now, I was the only one capable of handling this particular onslaught.

As the last of the monsters fell, I stood amidst the carnage, my breath heavy but satisfied. The blood moon's influence began to wane, the red light fading as the night returned to its usual darkness. I sheathed my blade, wiping the blood from my face with a sense of accomplishment.

Batman descended from the rooftop, landing silently beside me. He surveyed the aftermath, the sheer volume of destruction evident in his eyes. "You handled that well," he said, his voice carefully measured.

I shrugged, my grin not entirely fading. "Just doing my part. Can't let the city get overrun, can we?"

He looked at me, his expression unreadable behind the cowl. "Your skills are impressive, but the way you fight… It's intense. You need to be careful not to lose control."

I nodded, understanding his concern but still riding the high of battle. "I can handle it. Trust me."

Batman gave a curt nod. "We'll see. For now, get some rest. We'll need you sharp for whatever comes next."

As I walked away, I could feel his eyes on me, still wary. Tonight had been a bloodbath, and while I had relished every moment, it was clear that Batman would be keeping a closer eye on me from now on. The city was safe, but the line between hero and beast was a fine one, and I would need to tread carefully to stay on the right side.





Later that night, deep within the shadows of the Batcave, Batman sat at his computer, the glow of the screen casting a harsh light on his grim face. He had been replaying the events of the blood moon over and over in his mind, each strike, each kill, each grin on Katsuo's face seared into his memory. The sheer ferocity and enjoyment Katsuo had displayed were unlike anything he had ever seen.

His fingers moved swiftly across the keyboard, opening a secure and highly classified file. The title at the top of the screen read "Contingency Protocol." This was a contingency plan, one of many that Batman had devised to handle potential threats. But this one was unique, tailored specifically for Katsuo.

"Contingency Protocol - Katsuo," he typed, the name appearing on the screen. He paused for a moment, his mind racing with the implications of what he was about to do. Batman had always prided himself on being prepared for any eventuality, but this situation was complex. Katsuo was a valuable ally, a powerful warrior with a unique skill set, but he was also unpredictable, a potential loose cannon.

He began to type detailed notes into the file:

Subject: Katsuo Kotobuki

Alias: N/A

Abilities: Highly skilled swordsman, lightning manipulation, advanced speed (Shunpo), summoned swords (Vergil's abilities), extensive combat experience.

Behavioral Observations: Displays intense enjoyment in combat situations, particularly during high-stress and violent encounters. Potential for loss of control under extreme conditions. Notable tendency towards extreme measures in combat.

- Contingency Measures: Surveillance to monitor behavior and combat engagements. Immediate intervention if behavior escalates beyond acceptable parameters. Utilize Justice League resources to contain and neutralize if necessary.

Batman paused, his mind drifting back to the scene of the blood moon. He could still see Katsuo, standing amidst the carnage, grinning like a predator. It was that image that had prompted him to take these steps. He needed to ensure that Katsuo remained on their side, but he also had to be prepared for the worst.

With a heavy sigh, Batman continued typing:

Action Plan: Initiate psychological evaluation to assess risk factors. Increase training and mission oversight. Deploy non-lethal containment measures if escalation occurs. Maintain readiness to activate Contingency Protocol if all other measures fail.

He saved the file, the screen flickering for a moment as it was encrypted and secured. Leaning back in his chair, Batman rubbed his temples, the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. He had faced many threats over the years, but the potential threat posed by an ally like Katsuo was a new challenge.

As he sat in the dim light of the Batcave, the sounds of the city above a distant hum, Batman vowed to keep a close watch on Katsuo. The city needed protectors, but they also needed to be sure that those protectors wouldn't become the very thing they fought against.

The night stretched on, and Batman continued his work, the weight of the Contingency Protocol a constant reminder of the fine line between heroism and vigilantism. In the end, he hoped that Katsuo would prove to be the ally they needed, but if not, he would be ready. He always was.