
Shits and Giggles

My dumbass set the wrong genre, So I reuploaded.

ChrisTian3421 · Action
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41 Chs

Big Boi Squidward

(Katsuo POV)

Three months had quickly passed since my debacle with the Solar Pillar, marking my ninth and possibly last month in this crazy yet entertaining world.

After talking with Batman and the others, I felt calmer, lighter even. I noticed my cuts and slashes were smoother, more elegant, less ferocious. They were quick and precise. As I stood before the training dummy, I readied my Adamantine Tachi.

"Judgement Cut," I whispered, and in an instant, the dummy was cleaved into neat sections, my movements too swift to be seen.

"Impressive," I heard a voice behind me. It was Bruce, observing my every move, through a screen.

I smirked, "Just wait. I'm not done yet."

Next, I turned to another dummy and performed Rapid Slash. The result? Minced pieces scattered across the training room floor.

"You're certainly improving," Bruce noted. "What changed?"

I paused, considering his question. "I guess... talking with you all, dealing with my past, it's made me lighter. My movements are more refined."

I shifted my focus to my other skills. Earth manipulation? I summoned spikes from the ground, each one precise and controlled. Electric sense? I pinpointed every electronic device in the room. Fire and lightning manipulation? I coated my Summoned Swords in both elements, feeling the power surge through me. Pyrobolt? A no no in this enclosed space.

"Watch this," I called out, feeling a rush of excitement. I enhanced my Shunpo, moving faster than ever before, dancing around the room in a blur of motion. I felt free, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

At the Batcave, Bruce watched me through the monitors, a genuine, contented smile on his face. Alfred, his ever-loyal butler, stood beside him, equally shocked.

"He's really changed," Alfred remarked, a note of astonishment in his voice.

Bruce nodded. "Indeed. He's not just stronger—he's better."

As I finished my routine, I glanced back at the monitors, noticing their expressions. I couldn't help but grin. "Thanks, guys. I needed this."

Bruce's voice crackled through the comms. "Don't get too cocky, Katsuo. There's always room for improvement."

"Wouldn't dream of it, Bats," I replied, a playful tone in my voice. "But for now, I think I'll enjoy this moment."

I looked down at Tom, my ever-faithful Maine Coon, who had been watching me from the sidelines. He let out a soft meow, as if giving his approval.

"See, even Tom thinks I'm doing great," I said with a laugh.

Bruce's voice came through again, this time softer. "We're proud of you, Katsuo. Keep up the good work."

With that, I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had come a long way, but I knew this was just the beginning. There were still battles to be fought and challenges to overcome. But for now, I was ready for Big Boi Squidward.





At the Watchtower, the original seven Justice League members, notable members of the Justice League, and the Young Justice lineup—including Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, and Wonder Girl—were gathered for what could be our final briefing.

"As planned before, Aquaman, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and several Atlanteans will be the ones battling the Stardust Pillar located in the Pacific Ocean," Batman said, and the trio nodded.

He continued, "Next is the Moon Lord. The information Katsuo's predecessor gave us is immensely valuable. The Moon Lord is supposed to be an avatar or is Cthulhu himself, a Great Old One. Let's hope it's the former." His tone was grim.

"Our main hitters will be Superman, Katsuo, and Dr. Fate," he added. "Others will be supporting them with both mid- and long-range attacks. Unfortunately, those who are proficient in melee combat have to remain in garrison."

Then came the cautionary note, "The 'Eldritch Horror' concept emphasizes the horror of the unknowable and incomprehensible more than gore or other elements of shock. So you three, be careful."

Batman laid out the plans:

"Plan A: If none of them is incapacitated, the plan will continue with these three leading the forefront.

Plan B: If one of them is incapacitated, Zatanna and other magic-based heroes will immediately attempt to cure or help remedy the supposed horror.

Plan C: If two of them are incapacitated, prioritize either Katsuo or Dr. Fate.

Plan D: Prioritize Dr. Fate."

Honestly, those four plans were the only things I remembered clearly from the briefing. My mind was racing, imagining the potential horrors we were about to face.

Wonder Girl, looking concerned, asked, "Katsuo, are you sure you're up for this? I mean, after what you've been through..."

I gave her a reassuring smile. "I appreciate the concern, Cassie. But trust me, I'm ready for this."

Superman placed a hand on my shoulder. "Just remember, you're not alone in this. We're all in this together."

Dr. Fate nodded in agreement. "Indeed. The strength of our unity will be our greatest weapon against the Moon Lord."

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of their support. "Thanks, everyone. Let's give this our all."

Batman, ever the strategist, concluded, "We move out in thirty minutes. Prepare yourselves."

As the team dispersed to make final preparations, I felt a sense of camaraderie and determination. This was it—the ultimate battle. I glanced at Tom, my Maine Coon, who had been my silent companion through thick and thin. He meowed softly, as if giving his own little pep talk.

"Don't worry, Tom," I said, scratching behind his ears. "We'll make it through this."

With a final nod to myself, I prepared to face the unknown horrors of the Moon Lord, ready to give everything for this final mission.





I'm now standing atop a random building in China, my designated area. Superman is in Central City, and Dr. Fate is in Central Europe. I'm donned in my iconic Crimson Armor, my Adamantine Tachi on my waist, and my Threaded Cane in hand. On my left wrist is a magic charm—something the magic dudes gave us, saying it adds mind protection. I wasn't too worried about this; after all, I've dealt with the "Glimpses"—countless memories of sentient beings crammed into my head, now suppressed, but still a bunker of protection.

"Team Atlantis will be engaging in approximately three minutes," Batman alerted us via earpiece.

I breathed in and out, noticing my hands trembling with excitement. This will be my hardest fight yet, against a Great Old One or an Avatar. But I was ready.

I glanced at the magic charm on my wrist, muttering, "Hope this thing works."

Tom, my ever-faithful Maine Coon, was back at the Watchtower. I couldn't help but think of him and how he'd probably be lounging around, waiting for my return.

"Everyone, be on high alert. This is it," Superman's voice crackled through the earpiece. "Remember the plan and stay focused."

Dr. Fate chimed in, his voice calm and reassuring, "The arcane barriers should hold. Trust in your abilities and the preparations we've made."

Batman's voice cut through the chatter, "Katsuo, how are you holding up?"

"Excited, ready," I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "This won't be my last rodeo with eldritch horrors."

Wonder Woman's voice joined in, "Stay strong, Katsuo. We're all counting on you."

"Thanks, Diana," I said, a smile tugging at my lips.

I felt the tension in the air, a palpable anticipation. The ground beneath me seemed to hum with energy, as if the world itself was bracing for the battle ahead.

"Two minutes," Batman reminded us.

I tightened my grip on my Threaded Cane, feeling the familiar weight of my Adamantine Tachi at my side. This was it. The culmination of months of preparation and countless battles.

"One minute," came Batman's voice.

I looked out over the city, the sky darkening as if reflecting the "impending doom". My mind raced with thoughts of the Moon Lord, the chaos that would ensue, and the lives at stake.

"Atlantis team, engaging now," Batman announced.

I took one last deep breath, feeling the surge of adrenaline. "Here we go," I muttered to myself, my voice barely a whisper.

"Good luck, everyone," Superman said.

The countdown had ended. The final battle had begun.


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