
Shiori Novella:Origin Story

The Origin Story how the aloof archiver of Hololive EN came to be.

KuriMaki · Others
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6 Chs


Darkness filled the girl's peripheral vision as she slowly opened her eyes in spite of herself.

Seeing this, the girl assumed it was still night-time and tried to go back to sleep. There was, however, just one issue with that, and within a few minutes of trying to sleep, the girl would quickly come to realize what that issue was. 

"Hot…," the girl murmured as she swiftly pulled off the covers that had previously been enveloping her body and its entirety; nearly suffocating her on numerous occasions. 


Small rays of sunlight seeped into the girl's room through the infinitesimal opening in her black Jacquard Valance curtains, causing her to involuntarily squint her eyes and let out a cute groan as she sat up straight in her bed.

Surrounded by four distinctly white walls, the girl's room had a nightstand alongside a singular curtained window to her left, another nightstand, a dresser, and a closet to her right, a study desk positioned parallel to the door, and a vanity mirror, topped with miscellaneous items like porcelain dolls and sea salt, directly in front of her bed. 

The girl's room wasn't too large, and its structure was relatively simplistic. There was, however, one major area of concern that, ironically enough, she herself was not aware of or perhaps simply did not see an issue with. 

That issue being the condition of her room.

To say that her room was in a complete state of disarray would be a severe understatement, seeing as how she had an amalgamation of things such as books, porcelain dolls, and insects imbedded inside amber scattered shambolically all around the room.

As she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, the girl began looking around the disorganized room in a daze until her eyes eventually landed on the plushie lying beside her.

"Good morning, Yorick~" the girl said, a small, cherubic smile forming from the corners of her lips as she pulled the plushie into a gentle embrace.


Peeking her head over the side of the bed, the girl found her two cats, Salt and Pepper, quietly playing with one another near the bed.

Noticing that she had awoken, the two cats wasted no time jumping onto the bed and nuzzling against her, happily purring all the while.

The girl giggled joyously as she petted the two cats.

"Hehe~ Good morning, Salt, Pepper."

The girl continued to stroke the two cats for a bit before eventually getting out of bed. Mildly curious, the cats watched as the girl walked over to the mirror and began staring blankly at her own reflection. 

Her silky smooth, mid-length, jet black hair, fitted with sharp hairpins reminiscent of a shuriken-like weapon.

Her long, thin eyebrows that sat in perfect symmetry.

Her gorgeous, bright, amber-colored eyes, accentuated by her naturally full eyelashes, exuded an aura of mystery. 

Her luscious, yet so very thin, lips were a tantalizing shade of light pink.

Her thin, almost fragile-looking frame, belied by her ample breasts and various other curves.

Her skin, smooth and translucent, gave off the impression that she would fade away at a moment's notice. That she might break if you didn't treat her with the utmost tenderness and care.

A delicate wallflower whose charm couldn't possibly be delineated with just a few sentences. 

The girl—Shiori Novella was truly beautiful.

Everything seemed to be in order with Shiori's appearance, and after carefully examining herself in the mirror for a few more seconds, she closed her eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a mischievous voice filled with a dangerous sense of curiosity vocalized its desire.

"I wonder what sort of fun experiments we should try today~? Oh, how I yearn to acquire even more knowledge. Oh, how I yearn to be—"

Shiori quickly opened her eyes and started looking around, seemingly bewildered.

 "Huh? What…did I just…?"


Interrupting Shiori's train of thought was the sound of her growling stomach.


Shiori turned to the clock, which read 7 a.m. 

Shiori tilted her head quizzically and brought her hand to her chin. "That's weird…" 

For Shiori, who suffered from severe insomnia, it was fairly common for her to be awake until sunrise, which meant that she would typically sleep in and wake up around noon. 

Last night was no exception. 

Shiori had been unable to sleep and decided to occupy herself by studying until around 5 a.m. Yet in spite of that, she had woken up only 2 hours later, which confused Shiori slightly.

Mama probably isn't up yet. What should I do?


Abruptly cutting into Shiori's internal thoughts was, once again, a sudden pang of hunger.

As she was made keenly aware of her famished state, Shiori's eyes were naturally drawn to the bottle of sea salt sitting atop the vanity mirror. Without a second thought, Shiori reached for the bottle, poured a sprinkle of salt into her hand, and then licked it off of her fingers.

"Delicious," Shiori thought aloud before her stomach growled once more, this time echoing throughout the entire room as if demanding breakfast.

Shiori frowned. 

The person responsible for making breakfast wasn't yet awake, but Shiori was, and so was her appetite. As she paced around her room, pondering her current dilemma, a moment of sudden realization struck. "Ah. In that case, why don't I just make breakfast then?"

Although she didn't get the chance to do it very often, Shiori actually loved cooking. Whether she was actually good at it or not, however, was a completely different story. She had been taught the basics and paid close attention when her food was being prepared. Not to mention, she had experience cooking for herself and for others already. Because of that, Shiori felt confident that she could make her own breakfast, even though it had been a very long time since she'd last done it.

"Alright," said Shiori as she clenched her fists in front of her chest as if to psyche herself up, "Let's go, Salt, Pepper, we need to cook." 

With her newly found motivation, Shiori, along with the two cats, left the room without a hitch.