
The Diary


The usual alarm sound filled Mika's sun-lit bedroom. This particular sound always managed to worm its way into Mika's dreams.

"Ughhhh," she groaned as she slowly rolled off the bed (with the blankets and duvet) and onto the ground in one big heap.

"Mr. alarm clock, I promise I'm a- awake," she said with a yawn.

The pile of bedding (and girl) remained in the same spot for another half an hour.


Mika's father knew that she would doze off again so he made sure to set another alarm the night before.

Mika squealed with annoyance when she heard this and sluggishly climbed out of the pile of cloudy preciousness.

Slowly but surely, she made her way to the kitchen. (She never brushed her teeth in the morning because there was no one home to nag her). The wooden floor was cold and it contrasted strongly with her warm feet.

She made breakfast for herself (a couple peanut butter jelly sandwiches and a coffee) and sat in the living room to eat it whilst reading a thick book.

Her mother always disagreed with eating in the living room so it was only natural for her to do it when no one was around. She lay on the sofa with her book and read for around twenty minutes until she heard her enormously fat cat Seiko meowing for breakfast. She carried her empty plate and mug with her to the kitchen, and poured Seiko a relatively large amount of cat pellets.

"Aight Seiko," she told the roly-poly cat, "I'm going to Teru's bedroom. Meow when you're hungry again!" With that, she skipped to her beloved brother's bedroom. Teru's bedroom was next to her's. They were both on the bottom floor, level to the living room and kitchen. The parent's bedroom and bathroom were upstairs. Mika particularly liked this setup because she could easily make her way to her usual 'hang out' spots.

She lay in Teru's bed and began to read again. She thought to herself,

'I'm not in the mood to read right now. I wanna do something exciting. Like going on an adventure!' She was fixed on the idea of doing something mischievous.

'I know!' she thought, 'Since Teru always tells me not to go looking through his room, I'll do it right now!' She began to look through all of his drawers.

'who knew he had so much makeup!'

'what a pretty ring!'

'a notebook!'

'a notebook?'

'when did he ever write in a notebook?'

She put the notebook on the bed and slowly lifted the first page. She read the title of the first chunk of writing.

'Taking Over Seiena'

She knew very well that the word 'Seiena' didn't exist.

although something seemed familiar about it.

With a gasp, she realised. Seiena was the world that her father always talked about in his stories! It couldn't be real surely!

She was about to read the first word of the first paragraph until she heard the front door unlocking.

Who could it be?

"Mika!" yelled a voice, "I'm home!"

It was Teru! What was she supposed to do!

There's no explanation for this! She hurriedly put the small book back where she had found it, and hid in his closet.

If you were wandering how to pronounce 'Seiena', it is to be said like 'Sheener'

Thank you for reading ♡



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