
Dad's Idea

"Mika?" Teru carried on, "Come on! Are you home?" Mika, still in the closet had no idea what to do. Her breathing was heavy and her legs shook.

As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, another horror awaited her. She glanced through the darkness at the closet wall. Her eyes widened. All along the wall were knives, syringes, and viles of blood.

The vision made her feel sick so she looked away immediately. Now she could hear her brother's footsteps approaching. He was coming into the room. She watched him through the crack of the closet doors. He hadn't changed much. He still had his dyed white and blue hair and his punky attire.

Mika watched him open the drawer where the diary was hiding. This confirmed to Mika that there was definitely something secretive in there. Mika was still shaking, hands on her mouth, trying not to make a noise. She almost wanted to cry. She squatted on the ground and prayed that she wouldn't be found.

Suddenly the closet doors opened. To Teru's shock, he found his sister, shaking and crying. His eyes widened. "Mika," he began, "Y- You read it right? A- and the stuff on the wall."

Mika tryed to catch her breath. In a sort of whisper, she stuttered, "s-sorry."

Teru looked at her and felt guilt. He had accidentally showed her a whole other world of reality that she was too young for. He put his hand on her shoulder, sat next to her, and sighed. "Mika, it's okay you know," he said to her, "We were going to tell you about this whole mess. About this whole magical thing we have going on when you were older."

"W- we?" she said slowly, "Who else knows?"

"Dad does," he replied.

Mika stopped crying and gave him a hug.

He chuckled, "You still like hugs huh?"

She smiled at him and said, "Let's go have some lunch" He wiped her tears with his sleeve and they headed off to the kitchen.

They made pancakes. Teru explained to her about all of the worlds he's been to.

After they were sickly full of the sweet stacks of sugar and Mika's head was exploding with information, they decided to sit in the living room and talk about other things. Normal things. Human things.

The front door unlocked. The parents were home. "Hello Mika!" said their dad, "Had a fun day?" She nodded. Mum noticed Teru and stormed towards him. "And where have you been? We were so worried!" Teru looked around in guilt. He managed to get out of the scolding by saying, "I missed you."

She gave him a hug and said, "Me too. Your makeup is still too much." This was a thing she always said to him since he always wore heavy black eyeshadow and lipstick.

After mum left to start dinner, Teru said to dad, "Hey father, umm. Mika found out about, you know.. Seiena and stuff." He looked in horror and shock at Mika. "Teru!" he yelled, "She's way too young! It's too much for her."

He walked towards her. "Mika,'' he said, "I understand that you have acknowledged all of this 'stuff' so, it'd be worse for me to leave you with all you know currently. I'll show you the Portal of 19 Ways tomorrow." This was a portal in his stories that took you to anywhere you could think of in quicker time. A smile crept across Mika's face. She gave him a hug. "Thank you dad."