
Shh, she can hear me

Running from the watchful eyes inside the mansion, she must be careful whom to trust and use her time wisely because it's running out for her beloved Seamstress Rene'. With so many secrets and so much blood, this tale is not for the lighthearted. This a spin-off from my Wattpad short, 'Shh, she can hear you'.

A_Squared · Teen
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89 Chs

Chapter 6(Familiar Stranger at my door)

I laid back on my wall with dry tears on my eyes. I believe I've been crying for hours and quietly screaming to myself. It's such a pity really, that I have been like this. But, would could I do? This place always gets the best of me.

I don't want to waste my precious tears on such a despicable place but, it always seems to get to me. Maybe because I've been here so long, now the tears just flow naturally.

I sigh, I get up and walk over to my window to see that it is now dark and my face goes dull. "Not surprised, this wouldn't be the first time." I say to myself, going over to my dresser and picking out a nighttime outfit. I take off the outfit I'm wearing and pick out a white-dress night gown with a cap to match.

I was just about to get into bed when a knocking came upon my door. Was it Charles I wondered, was he already finished with my dress? I slowly creep across my wooden floor to my door. Peeping out the peep-hole to reveal a familiar stranger, it was my dad.

He was standing outside my door rocking back and forth continuously knocking. I was going to ask why he was at my door, but a force inside my body caused me to stay shut. I said nothing as he continued to knock and rock back and forth by my door.

A few moments later he noticed the peep-hole and he attempted to look through, startling me in the process. I had to take a deep breath before looking back through the peep-hole, trying to calm my fast beating heart.

When I looked back through, it seemed my Father looked worried, anxious, and angry. After knocking a few more time he actually said something and it was this, "Victoria, Victoria dear I know your up! I need you to do something for me. I need you for something now! You owe everything! Your life even! So, doing a simple favor for your father shouldn't be a problem, right Victoria! Victoria!"

I still didn't say a word I just slid down my door until the knocking stopped and about a couple minutes later, it did. This slowed down my anxiety and once again I was back again to breathing normally.

And, that's when a comforting voice came, one that I originally wanted in the first place.