
Shh, she can hear me

Running from the watchful eyes inside the mansion, she must be careful whom to trust and use her time wisely because it's running out for her beloved Seamstress Rene'. With so many secrets and so much blood, this tale is not for the lighthearted. This a spin-off from my Wattpad short, 'Shh, she can hear you'.

A_Squared · Teen
Not enough ratings
89 Chs

Another Break Notice

Greetings again everyone,

Hope you are having a wonderful day, mine's alright but moreover. Next week has some events that are happening for me, so because of that, I will not be posting that week and probably not the next.

I will most likely be back soon after that so don't worry too much, I'm hoping I mentally feeling better too because I haven't been doing the best lately either. Pushing out uploads just barely honestly but even still thank you to the ones who still read, view, or send power stones. Y'all know who you are and I can't thank you enough for the supportive energy, it keeps me going knowing more than you know.

Anyway, now I'm probably going to sleep because I'm tired but I am truly proud of myself for uploading just in time, that's why I have two upload days hehe.

Anyway again I hope y'all are doing well mentally and if not that's okay too, you are doing amazing and you pushed on to another day which is fantastic! Make sure to give yourself applause and a Mental Day off to relax and with that, I'm off, see you everyone!

Yours Truly, A Squared<3