
Sherlock Holmes: The Grand Escape

Sherlock Holmes in Marvel. While stuck in a metaverse dimension, Sherlock realizes that he is a fictional character in a fictional reality. His personality does not allow him to be controlled by anyone and thus begins the escape of the great detective. The detective will definitely solve all problems to reach reality. He is after all Sherlock Holmes. Follow along as he goes through different fictional worlds as he finds his way to the real one. The start of this story was inspired by the Deadpool Killustrated comic. So yeah I do not own the characters.

PyteWriter · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


Hello, Author here. Just needed to make a short announcement.

I'd like to apologize for the lack of chapters in the last two days. I have been working on my original novel and researching for a choose your own adventure kind of novel on the side. And with my other commitments, I didn't have the time to write. I'll try to be regular with updates from now.



1880, London

~~Nathaniel Essex POV~~

A new player has joined the field and it's disturbing my plans. The mutants all over the world are being searched and hidden. My men can't even take any mutants by force anymore. At this rate, my experiments and all my plans will stall.

"Ramp up the collection of mutants. IF you can't find them in London then search for them all over the world. I want every last one of them." Essex ordered the team of mutants who were working for him.

"Also, find out about this Griffon Company, I refuse to believe that baby-faced, mild-mannered army doctor, is the one behind all this. Is the invisible one here?"

As Essex asked, a pant walked forward on its own and a male teen voice came from above it, "I'm here sir."

"You infiltrate the Company and find out who is the person behind that Watson guy. You don't have to fight, just observe and report back. Now all of you go!"

I need to focus on my experiments. I won't lose another person in my life ever again. No matter what, I'll unlock the evolution path hidden in humans!


Unknown Island

It had been almost a year since the Griffon Company had started to populate this large Island with mutants. It was so out of way from the normal trading routes that there was no fear of getting spotted.

Added to the island were magical barriers made by Sherlock, it was practically impossible to find the Island unless you knew what you were looking for.

The mutants were settling in nicely as well. While the Island was just a large jungle, 3 times the size of a big city with nothing else, it was a paradise to the mutants. And they named it as such.

The inhabitants of the island had already reached a total of 638 mutants and it was slowly increasing. While there were some language barriers, in the beginning, the same suffering they went through brought them closer.

It also helped that the mutant gene activation usually enhanced their minds and bodies so they were quite smart and fast to learn. A civilization was slowly forming under the covers of the large trees on the unknown island.

For now, the required resources were being portaled in by Moriarty, who started learning magic a year back. Realizing the potential of some of the mentally enhanced mutants, Moriarty even had them build an entire library underground in hopes of getting researchers and scientists working for him.

It was expected that they would get self-sufficient in the next few years. And having known true lows in life, they were determined to do the best they could to make a better life for themselves with this chance they've been given.


6 months later

Sherlock was currently in Moriarty's office, he had been teaching him how to channel magic through his body to fight tougher opponents. Just then a knock came on the door.

"Get it. It must be important judging by the knocks and the time." Sherlock said as he went for the tobacco pipe.

Moriarty grabbing a towel responded, "I told them not to disturb me during this time." And when he opened the door, he saw nothing. He was about to dismiss it as a prank when suddenly a rope made of eldritch energy shot past him and bound something.

Moriarty was shocked, in front of him, the magic-construct rope seemed to have bound an invisible person. He quickly got out of shock and tackled the invisible figure to the ground as he asked, "Mutant? With invisibility?"

Sherlock dispersed the rope as he studied the invisible figure, "I taught you to be careful. If you are this careless, you'll die one day without even knowing what killed you." He was more annoyed that Moriarty didn't sense the mutant.

Moriarty was also aware of this, he had firsthand seen the numerous different abilities the mutants had, and still, he was almost jumped on by an invisible guy. "Yeah, yeah I'll practice more and be more careful. But who are you mutant?"

At the question addressed to him, the invisible mutant who hadn't struggled or said a single word, spoke, "My name is Karvez. I work for Nathaniel Essex and he sent me here to find out about you, the man behind Griffon."

Moriarty stood up dusting his hands and went to close the door while speaking, "So young man, why have you decided to defect and join our side?"

This startled the mutant boy, he hadn't even said anything and the opponent seemed to know what he was here for. He was stunned and couldn't think of what to say next.

"Let me guess, you have a family member who we rescued. You learned of Paradiso when you were snooping around but since the ships stop going there and you couldn't find a way there yourself, you came to us?" Sherlock added.

The stunned boy now couldn't even think properly. Did they already know about him snooping around? Were they monitoring him from the beginning? How do they know things he hadn't told anyone?

"Well boy, we don't have time to waste on you so speak fast. We don't know everything about you. We just deduced things based on the circumstances is all." Moriarty said while guessing accurately what the boy was thinking.

While Moriarty went back to his chair opposite Sherlock, the boy continued. "It's as you say, my brother is supposedly in Paradiso. I don't want to work for Essex and become his lab rat anymore. I just want to live normally. I'll tell you everything I know if you let me live with my brother."

"Okay. And what do you intend to give us in return?" Moriarty asked the mutant.

"I know where Essex does his experiments. I know where he keeps the captured mutants. I'll tell you all about what he does there." Karvez answered frantically.

"Oh! And where would that be?"

Karvez seemed to be thinking of something and making up his mind. After a while, he spoke, "It's in his own house. But if you take action against him, please spare his wife. She is a kind lady who doesn't know what monster she married. She is also currently pregnant. Please help her if you can."

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