
Chapter 1

Qinyuan community, In a single room.

There was a man sitting on dinning table in daze.

He is Lin Xian, 25 years old majored in Chinese language and literature on Tanzhou University, with a monthly salary of 6000 yuan, He joined the company for two years.

Except for living expenses, all his previous income was used to repay student loans and family arrears.

The current deposit is 6989.60 yuan, The family owns more than 50,000 yuan.

And the company he works under was bankrupt.

His life is pretty much fucked up.

But just now in his mind there was a system which is called " Strongest Vampire system "

there was an option for status which he select with his mind.

Host: Lin Xian

Race: Human

[ Unlimited Money]

[Vampire Mall Not opened.]

[Novice Gift package.]

Unlimited money? How is this possible! He couldn't help touching these words with his mind and a line of instructions popped up.

The host can transfer any amount of money to his bank card with an unlimited amount.

Arbitrary consumption and transfer are rationalized by the power of the system, So host don't need to have any concerns.

Seeing this Lin Xian was full of disbelief, It took a few minutes for him to calm down.

"Let's give it a try first!" He clicked on Unlimited money in his mind and the first thing that popped up was Information about his Bank account, after selecting a line pop up

Please enter the required amount.

After taking a few deep breaths for dozens of seconds he filled the number 30,000,000 in his mind.

Lin Xian did this for a reason, If the system rationalized with such amount of cash flowing into banking system,

Then his life will be pretty much Happy after this.

The moment Lin Xian made the conformation in his mind, he heard the sound of mobile phone text message.

Lin Xian took his mobile phone and open ICBC app to confirmed that the system was real.

Available balance: 30,006,989.60 yuan.

Lin Xian counted the numbers, He started laughing loudly after few seconds of laughter he stopped his laugh.

He counted it again, He originally wanted to transfer money to his mother immediately but thinking that his mother would definitely call and ask many questions he held back for now.

He transfer 20,000 yuan into Alipay and then applied for early repayment of the student loan.

After the operation was completed he waited for the system to automatically deduct the payment.

His phone got stuck for a while and he couldn't help but think of changing his phone, Then he asked some questions to the system.

"System can you make all sources of amount have details."


Lin Xian was relieved after hearing this, then he transfered 200,000 yuan to his mother, so that his mother can pay off the remaining debts of the family and live a better life.

After completing the transfer, he quickly opened the JD.com app and found search Iphone 12 pro max with 6GB RAM+512GB configuration.

He paid the amount directly because it was order placed before 1:00 it will be delivered this afternoon.

After doing all of these he again check his system as he didn't check it thoroughly because of unlimited money option.

This system was call Strongest Vampire System, it's main feature is Vampire Mall which is not opened yet.

Lin Xian have to open this option by himself, but he didn't know how to open it.

System also didn't tell him what to do to open the mall.

So, he didn't think much about it for now.

As for novice Gift package it gave him vampire bloodline rank vampire Baron.

He asked the system about it, System replied Vampire are rank as weak to strong Vampire Citizen, Vampire Servant, Vampire Baron, Vampire Viscount, Vampire Earl, Vampire Marquis, Vampire duke, and Vampire Prince.

There are other ranks but Lin Xian didn't have the authority to learn it, the vampire in system knowledge don't have weakness like sun, sliver, garlic or anything.

Vampire Baron Abilities

Strength (not much only 5 to 10 times of human)

Speed (same as strength)

Physique (same as strength)

Draw blood( Quickly restore physical strength and mana by sucking blood, speed up wound healing.)

Regeneration (Can regenerate cut off hands, feets in seconds, If you have suck blood before you can even regenerate your head.)

Making Vampire Citizen and Vampire Servant by injecting his blood into other species, they have full control over the vampire they have created but Vampire Baron can only create 10 citizen vampire, 2 servant vampire and 1 half vampire Baron.

Lifespan( Upto 1000 to 5000 )

Mana: 1,000

Inherited Magic (Fire control and Water Control.)

Vampire are fucking powerful that's what Lin Xian thought as he sees Vampire Baron profile.

"System will it changed my personality or anything after inheriting vampire bloodline?" Lin Xian asked worriedly.


"Okay, then received the Vampire Bloodline." Lin Xian said.

A drowsiness struck him suddenly and he fell asleep.

Lin Xian, who had slept for 12 o'clock to 5 o'clock on the chair of the dinning room, was awakened by his mother phone call.

"Xiao Xian, are you doing something stupid, how did you transfer this much money in my account ?"

Lin Xian who was just awakened was little confused by the situation but because of Vampire bloodline his daze state completely wore off, his mind began active he knew what has happened he knew that there will be such a call from his mother but in this state he never imagined.

Complained aside now he have to explained the source of income to his mother " Mom, don't worry! Do you know the stock market? I have received large amounts of profits."

"So, I just transferred 200,000 yuan to you!"

Lin Xian explained to his mother for a long time and then his mother believed that he have make a lot of money through stocks.

He said he wanted to surprise you. So, he didn't say it before.

So, at the end of the call, my mother was almost excited and tears filled her eyes, especially when she learned that Lin Xian is buying a house.


When Lin Xian was on the phone, his mouth became bald, saying that he was buying a house and he didn't say the specific room type. Mom became so excited.

Lin Xian comforted his mother, when hanging up the phone it was 5:56 mother and son talked at least 56 minutes.

However Lin Xian is in a pretty good mood right now.

Lin Xian feel full of energy right now because of Vampire bloodline, but he can't be like spiderman jumping and running around the streets like a superhero.

This is not fictional life it is real life he will get threat's for all over the world if he did what spiderman do in his daily life.

He wasn't stupid enough to cut his hand or anything to try his power, the only power he can test is fire and water.

"Let's try fire magic." he stretched out his right hand forward and imagine a mass of fire on his palm.

Nothing happened but as he continue to focus, small little Flame burned in his plam.

"So this is magic, hahaha what a interesting concept!" Because of his lack of concentration the small flames got extinguish.

Lin Xian was thinking to test water magic but he received a call from courier, the mobile phone he bought in the morning arrived.

After going downstairs to pick up the express delivery, he immediately unpacked the package and replace the card, the new phone was really good with 6g+512g configuration it was vary smooth to use.

After he install all important apps and files he throws the new iphone on the bed, he propped himself up on the floor and did 300 push-up.

After standing up, he was surprised and lost because vampire were really superior to humans.

"Humans are really weak." Lin Xian said and try to use water magic to distract himself from this thoughts.

"Hey system how can I control my strength so smoothly." Lin Xian questioned because he was so excited about power and magic he didn't asked this question.


"Thanks system." Lin Xian said but this time system didn't respond, Only when Lin Xian asked important question it will reply, otherwise it will ignore him.

At around 7 o'clock Lin Xian took his mobile phone and told the landlord on WeChat that he will not rent the house because he is buying a new house so, the lease will not be renewed.

Landlord who has settled in another provice

also responded to the message, saying that

Tomorrow he would let the previous agent visit him, At that time agent might bring people to see the house.

Lin Xian replied "Okay."

After two minutes, the agent who rented the house before sent a WeChat message.

"Mr Lin, the lease of your house will not be renewed upon expiration right?"

"Yes, and I want to buy a house recently, Do you have any good housing? If you have any, I want to take a look."

Zhang Mengyao replied quickly

"Yes, of course how many rooms should it have and how much area do you want!"

"Larger in area, at least three bedrooms or large flats and villas can also be considered."

"Okay, Mr Lin, please wait a moment, I will send you the housing information."

She spoke very quickly and business came to her own, she was obviously a little excited.

After a while, Ten properties are sent five normal looking three bedroom flats,Three Villa and Two large flats with video and information about it.

"Purchase restrictions in Tanzhou are quite strict, I don't have a local household registration and I only have one quota to buy a house, I'd better get it right in one step."

He fast forwarded the video because his reaction speed is very fast he can easily hear and see it clearly.

{A/O But don't need to worry he can adjust it as he wants}

20 minutes later, Lin Xian finished watching the video.

As for Zhang Mengyao she was a little excited because according to the company's regulations if she could really sell Lin Xian a luxury house price at 10 million, she can get at least 80,000 yuan.

As long as this order is placed, half a year's performance will be enough, but... dose he really have the financial resources?

"I've a busy schedule tomorrow morning till 12 o'clock so, one o'clock noon we can visit the large flats." Lin Xian replied.

"Ok, Mr Lin."

After ending the communication with Zhang Mengyao, Lin Xian thought that in addition to buying a house, he must also buy a car.

He didn't know much about cars, So he decided to do some research after reading various car review, he finally decided to buy a BMW 8 series.

Because he just contacted the Guangdong Yebao BMW 4S store and through understanding, he found out that their store happened to have this car in stock.

The next day, Lin Xian who was training to control his mana all night decided to took a taxi to 4S point, It took 2 hours to get their and he picked up a Carbon Black BMW 8 series Gran Coupe.

It cost 1,020,000 RMB, After buying a car, he paid extra money and asked the store employees to find someone to apply for the license plate on his behalf, since he had bought all the documents with him in advance.

He drove his new car back with a temporary license plate, at around 12 noon he arrived at Qinyuan Community.

After parking in the underground garage, he first went to the property to rent a parking space.

Buying a car was big deal, So he decided to tell his mother about this, but mother scolded him for buying an expensive car, After some explanation/lie's Lin Xian mother hang up the phone happily.

It's about 1 o'clock at noon, Lin Xian asked Zhang Mengyao on WeChat to come at the house directly.

"Mr Lin, I'm already on my way."

Lin Xian who was quite bored practice his control over mana.

After few minutes, someone came close the door, Lin Xian knew through his keen Senses it was a girl, Lin Xian opened the door for Zhang Mengyao.

She was wearing a blue and white striped short-sleeved-T-shirt and ripped jeans. It was very refreshing and showed her figure like a willow in the wind Lin Xian looked at her for few seconds.

"Mr Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time, you have become more handsome." She complimented Lin Xian politely.

Lin Xian just nodded his head, she smile at Lin Xian both of them walked towards living room and Zhang Mengyao sat down next to Lin Xian she said.

"According to your requirements, the main choices are houses near the river and lake," Zhang Mengyao take out her tablet and show some pictures of large flats.

"They are all well decorated and to notch luxury homes that can be moved in at anytime."

"Let's go then." Lin Xian said directly, which didn't surprised Zhang Mengyao.