

A Maid came to Song Rhi to inform that An Wei had arrived. Hearing that she had arrived, Song Rhi took her White clutch bag and got out of the walk-in-closet.

She instructed maid to clean the room and informed that she will be late.

Her every step was filled with excitement, she got downstairs from the Second floor. An Wei had worn a Dark wine color A-line Short Dress. As Rhi saw An Wei waiting and watching at her wrist watch she said," I'm ready.Lets Go!".

An Wei turned to look at Song Rhi and her eyes were mezmerized at the beauty," Song Rhi! You look so Beautiful..."

Song Rhi reached to An Wei and hugged her.

The two friends had always been close to each other. They were like Sisters who knew about each and everything about the other, especially Song Rhi because she knew the true imporatnce of a friendship after she met Xhen Rio.

"Okay okay...Today is really special day don't waste a single second here. Lets go fast".

As the two turned to leave suddenly a low but strong voice echoed from behind," May I know where are you going?"

Rhi found herself dumbfounded for a momemt before getting back to her casual movements and turned around. Bai Xuan was standing at a little distance at the Connecting Lobby on the left as she approached the two girls.

Song Rhi replied in a low polite voice ," There's a Birthday Party of a School friend. We both were leaving for the same".

As soon as Rhi's mother heard this she immediately repeared the last words," Birthday Party of a School Friend?!"

Upon hearing this question An Wei felt a Cold Chill swept down across her spine...

Song Rhi gave a gentle smile and said," Yes Mother".

Bai Xuan didn't dig into the matter but carefully said," Song Family holds Prestigious Name and Reputation. I guess as the Heiress of Song Company and Family you know your Position,Reputation and Responsibilities..."