
Dreaming Too Much Lately

An Wei froze for a moment.

However Song Rhi said in full confidence," I know I have too many expectations from all. I would take good care."

Song Rhi took a deep breath and turned to leave. An Wei who was frozen and little scared got into her senses and turned to leave with Rhi across the huge doors of the Villa leaving Bai Xuan in the Living Room.

The maids standing at the doors bowed them. The Driver had drove a White Maybach from the Garage, Rhi and An Wei headed in the car. An Wei turned to look Rhi an found her with a casual calm expression.

With Curiosity she asked, " Rhi, don't you get scared when such situation occurs?"

Rhi chuckled," It is not scary at all. After all I didn't lied or denied anything. I said the truth." Moving her face away, with a hidden meaning she added, " Its just not the right time now."

An Wei thought of the meaning behind her words and excitedly asked," Are you planning to say Xhen Rio about..." An wei streched the last words in envious tone for Rhi to complete

Rhi gave a sly smile and didn't say anything. An Wei couldn't say anything but Sigh and fell annoyed.

Then She leaned and with a low voice asked, "Will he be handsome just like he was back then? What do you think about him?"

Song Rhi's lips curved upwards but she didn't wanted to answer Wei so she avoided answering, "I don't know".

An Wei was spechless. How could she give such kind of answer to her?

She was Furious.

But within a couple of moments she giggled and said," I guess you are dreaming about him too much lately".

Rhi's cheeks turned Red. An wei didn't expect such a quick response from her.As Rhi turned to look at An Wei she winked at her and then laughed.