
Shattering Fate

A boy who just turned 16 and graduated from high school. When he thought he could finally take a break from everything and spend some time alone, something happens that changes the course of his life.

SHADEBO · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter 7 Is This It

After walking for a few minutes, Shade comes across a restaurant.

"That looks like a good place to eat. Let me check if i have enough money before going in. I don't wanna get in trouble like i did before."

Shade takes out his money pouch.

"This was a gift from my mom, I kind of miss her."

"Alright looks like i am good to go in."

Shade eats at the restaurant and heads out for home.

"I just realized something. I always take the same route when i go outside. Maybe i should try taking a different route this, and since i have some time to spare why not do a little sight seeing while i am at it."

Shade walks through the bustling road.

Bright lights everywhere the eye reaches.

Everyone minding their own Business.

Office workers going home from their work place.

A Bright but gentle light falls on Shade's face.

"Thats a pretty beautiful sunset. Maybe i could see it better if i could get on something much higher like a tall cliff or something."

Shade comes across a shopping mall.

"Thats a tall building, I am pretty sure i'll get a much better view from the top."

Shade goes inside the mall and hops in one of the lifts.

"Finally, good thing no one's here."

Shade looks ahead.

Brings his hand forward and looks at the sunset as the sun light falls on his face through his fingers.

"Yeah, that was worth the effort."

"The wind feels good up here. Maybe I should stay here for a little longer."

Shade leans on the terrace fence and looks down.

"Its pretty high isn't it."

"I wonder if I will survive if I fall down from up here...."

Shade climbs up the fence... closes his eyes and leans his head back.

"I wonder.... what the other world is like..."

A mysterious person comes out walking from the back side of the terrace....