

Elaine's breath caught as her gaze met Dante's. Memories flooded back like a tidal wave; emotions she had thought were tucked away resurfaced with a vengeance. It was him—Dante, her ex-boyfriend, the one she had tried so hard to forget.

Elaine stood a few inches taller than Xylia, and even in her heels, the top of her head wouldn't hit his chin. 

Dante had the strong urge to avert her gaze and focus it at eye level on his black tie, but it felt like he'd be winning something if he looked away, so Elaine held his stare.

Elaine's tone was as polite as it always was in company. "It's a pleasure—"

"We've already met."

We what? He is not going to tell my dad about us, right?

His indifferent voice ran down her spine, with a strange thrill following in its wake. 

He'd hardly said anything, but it now felt like she was standing on hot coals. 

 As if a six-foot diameter around him was claimed by Kim no matter where he stood. Alison frowned. "When did you two have the chance to meet?" Elaine swallowed.

Something amusing and dangerous played in Dante's gaze. "Earlier at the convenience store Remember, Elaine?" Her heartbeats collided with a crash. Her name rolled off his tongue like he was more than familiar with it. 

Allison stiffened beside her, and she knew why he did: he thought she had done something inappropriate with this man, like his tone had suggested.

Heat rushed to her cheeks because it was true. Elaine blinked through her apprehension. This was due to a really short, not even hostile glare? This man had found out her weakness and was now playing with her. 

Frustration clawed at her chest. Elaine couldn't very well go and make this situation worse by disagreeing with her father, who would most likely believe in her now. 

And so, she forced her voice into the lightest tone she could muster. "Yes, we've met, Dad...." Elaine realised her mistake too late. She had shuttered.

Dante pulled a hand out of his pocket and ran a thumb across his bottom lip, giving his head a small shake. He looked impressed that he had played along, but almost disappointed at what a poor job she had done.

A cold whisper ran through my blood as her father looked between them like he was unsure.

Her father excused himself to welcome someone, offering a warm smile as he left them alone. She offered a polite smile, her fingers grazing her champagne flute. The churning sea of emotions beneath her composed exterior was a testament to the storm she felt inside.

Elaine's heart raced as the silence settled, the weight of their history creating a palpable tension. She took a sip of her champagne, her eyes briefly avoiding Dante's intense gaze.

Dante's expression remained calm, but Elaine could detect a flicker of surprise in his eyes. He extended his hand, his touch sending a jolt of familiarity through her. "Nice to meet you again, Elaine," he said, his tone a blend of formality and a hint of something she couldn't quite decipher.

She shook his hand briefly, her mind racing to find the right words. "Likewise," she replied, leaving the sentence open-ended and the unspoken memories hanging in the air between them.

"Quite the party, isn't it?" Dante finally broke the silence, his voice casual but with an undercurrent of curiosity.

Elaine nodded, finding solace in discussing something safe and mundane. "Yes, my father certainly knows how to throw an extravagant celebration."

A brief chuckle escaped Dante's lips. "Some things never change," he mused, his eyes scanning the crowd before returning to Elaine's face. "You look different, though. More confident."

Elaine's fingers tightened around her champagne flute. She was acutely aware of Dante's gaze, the scrutiny that felt both uncomfortable and oddly comforting. "Life has a way of shaping us," she replied, her words carrying a touch of guarded vulnerability.

He nodded in understanding, his lips forming a thoughtful smile. "Indeed it does."

The conversation lulled once more, the weight of their shared past hanging heavy in the air. Elaine took a steadying breath, her curiosity getting the best of her. "What about you, Dante? How have you been?" 

"How can I be after you leave?" Dante's voice cracked slightly, betraying the sadness that he had tried so hard to conceal in a whisper. 

 A mixture of longing and regret swirled in his eyes as he continued, "Every day feels like a battle, and there's a void in my heart that only you can fill." His vulnerability hung in the air, leaving Elaine at a loss for words.

Elaine gritted her teeth, took a step back, and said "I didn't leave... I am still here, Mr. Kim." 

"How about you?" He asked.

Elaine looked around and took a moment to compose herself before responding. "I'm doing well, actually. Working on a new book."

Dante's smile was bittersweet. "I always loved your writing. I wish I could read it."

She hesitated for a brief moment, her heart clenching at the memory of how they used to share her work. "Well, you know how it is. Things have changed."

Before their conversation could delve deeper, a familiar voice interrupted them. Elaine's stepmother approached, a charming smile on her lips. "Oh, Dante, is that you? How have you been?"

Dante offered a polite smile. "I've been alright, thank you."

Elaine watched their exchange, her heart sinking as the interaction unfolded. When her stepmother turned her attention to Elaine, she mustered a smile that barely concealed her unease to introduce them. 

"Stephanie, this is Dante. We don't know each other."

Stephanie's eyebrows arched inquisitively. "Really? I could've sworn I'd seen you around."

Elaine shook her head, a touch of defiance in her gaze. "No, you don't."

As if sensing the tension, Stephanie shifted the conversation. "Dante, are you still enjoying your bachelor life?" This question was not just for making a conversation, but the meaning behind it was enough for both of them to know.

Dante's expression didn't change as he replied. "Well, not for much longer. I'm actually getting engaged next week."

Elaine felt as if the air had been sucked out of the room. A whirlwind of emotions swirled within her—a mixture of surprise, regret, and an inexplicable sense of loss. She excused herself with a quick "Excuse me" before turning to leave.

Stephanie's gaze followed her retreating figure before returning to Dante. "Interesting. Enjoy the rest of the party, Dante."

Dante nodded, his thoughts seemingly elsewhere. "Thank you."

Elaine wandered through the crowd, her steps aimless as her mind raced. The news of Dante's impending engagement caught her off guard, igniting feelings she thought she had buried. 

She walked out of the hall and found a quiet corner, leaning against a wall to collect her thoughts.

As the night carried on around her, Elaine couldn't shake the weight of what she had learned. The memory of their time together and the bond they had shared seemed to resurface with a vengeance. 

The world felt smaller, their connection stronger, and Elaine couldn't help but wonder if fate was playing a hand in their lives once again.

Elaine felt her vision suddenly get foggy, she saw no one around before collapsing to the ground, unconscious.