
Birthday Party

A week had passed since Elaine's last encounter with Dante. Her phone buzzed once again, displaying the caller's name. With an exaggerated eye roll, she answered the call, her irritation palpable even through the phone.

"Hello?" Elaine's voice carried a hint of impatience. 

"Big sister, where are you?" A voice, dripping with saccharine sweetness, chimed from the other end. It was her stepsister, the very person Elaine had been avoiding.

Elaine let out an internal sigh, her frustration mounting. She listened as her stepsister continued, her words coated in an almost unreal sweetness. "Today is our father's birthday; don't you want to come?"

Father's birthday. The words seemed to bounce off Elaine's consciousness, stirring a mix of emotions within her. Confusion, detachment, and even a touch of bitterness. 

She hadn't truly felt a connection to him; she hadn't truly considered him her father. Memories of a distant man, obscured by time and overshadowed by her mother's absence, swirled in the corners of her mind.

Despite her reservations, Elaine found herself listening to the pleas of her stepsister. The voice on the other end grew more insistent, a soft but persistent whine. "Please, big sister, it would mean so much to him."

Elaine's fingers tightened around the phone, and a frown etched onto her features. She had known this moment would come—the tug of war over her father's affection, a battle that seemed more about inheritance than genuine care.

The moment passed, and with a resigned exhale, Elaine cut off the call. The sound of her stepsister's complaint echoed briefly before fading into silence.

Left with her thoughts, Elaine weighed her options. She understood that her stepsister's manipulations were a means to an end—securing her father's wealth. 

The very thought of her mother's hard-earned properties ending up in her stepfamily's hands gnawed at Elaine's sense of justice.

If she didn't attend the party tonight, she knew her stepsister would exploit her absence to further her agenda. Elaine couldn't allow that to happen. 

With a determined nod, she set her jaw and resolved to make her appearance at the party.

Hours later, Elaine stood before her mirror, the reflection of a transformed woman staring back at her. A beautiful dress adorned her figure, its elegance contrasting with the turmoil inside her. Heels completed the ensemble, adding an air of confidence to her steps.

She stepped out into the night, the ambiance of the party slowly enveloping her senses. The birthday party was held in a hotel ballroom, filled with laughter and the sound of music. 

The venue was a spectacle of lights and laughter, a facade for the deeper undercurrents at play. Conversations hummed, and Elaine navigated the crowd, her discomfort masked by a practiced smile.

And there he was—her father, Alison Leigh, surrounded by well-wishers and acquaintances. Elaine's gaze met his, and for a moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them. 

In that instant, the complicated web of emotions was laid bare, the scars of the past mingling with the uncertainty of the present.

As Elaine approached, her stepsister's presence was undeniable. The younger woman clung to their father's side, her possessiveness evident in every gesture. Yet Elaine refused to be overshadowed. 

"Is it Elaine?"

"It is my first time watching her so close." Someone else had spoken, their voice laced with curiosity. 

"Same here. She is the legitimate child, right?" The person asked loudly, which was enough for people near him to hear him. Elaine only smirked at her step-sister and mother, who were now glaring at the man who dared to speak. 

The room fell quiet for a moment, the tension palpable. Then, as if on cue, the facade of celebration resumed. Elaine's stepsister shot her a venomous glare, but Elaine held her ground, her convictions unwavering.

She stepped forward, her voice steady and clear, as she wished her father a happy birthday. "Happy birthday, dad." Her words echoed through the grand hall, momentarily silencing the murmurs and whispers that had filled the air. 

"Elaine, you finally came. Allow me to introduce you to my friends." 

"Why not, dad?" Elaine replied with a smile, grateful for her father's support. 

Elaine's eyes scanned the room, taking in the faces of the esteemed guests, some of whom she recognised from her father's business circles while others were unfamiliar to her. Despite the weight of their gazes on her, she held her head high, determined to make her presence known and her voice heard. 

She followed him as he led her towards a group of well-dressed individuals, each one exuding an air of importance. 

As her father began introducing her, Elaine took a deep breath, ready to make a lasting impression on these influential figures. She knew that this was her chance to prove herself and step confidently into her role in her father's business empire.

In that moment, Elaine realised she wasn't there for her father's affection or for the inheritance that dangled like a proverbial carrot. She stood there as a testament to her mother's memory, a reminder that the past couldn't be easily erased.

"Mr. Leigh, your first daughter is so beautiful. She must be with her mother." 

"Haha, indeed she is on her mother. Elaine, meet Mr. Smith. He is one of our most valued business partners." Elaine extended her hand, a mixture of nerves and determination coursing through her veins. 

She knew that this encounter was not just about impressing Mr. Smith but also about proving to herself that she was capable of carrying on her mother's legacy and making a name for herself in the business world. 

"So, are you going to give your company to her?" Mr. Smith, known as a wise man, asked him directly. Alison's expression changed a little bit, but he immediately covered it with a smile and answered. 

"We will decide based on their progress who can handle the business world better." He paused and said, "Although she is..." Elaine understood what he was going to say, so she interrupted him. 

"Mr. Smith, it's really nice to meet you. I am a novelist and used to write books as a hobby. I will surely like to work with you in the future." She cleverly handled the situation and brought her hand forward for a handshake. 

Mr. Smith, impressed by her quick thinking and confident demeanour, reciprocated the gesture. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Elaine," he said, his initial hesitation fading away. 

"Your background as a novelist could bring a unique perspective to our team. Let's discuss further how we can collaborate and make a lasting impact in the business world." Elaine's heart skipped a beat as she realised her interruption had turned the tables in her favour.

She could feel glares behind her, but she ignored them, thinking they must be her stepmother. She didn't think a lot about her stepsister because she knew that woman must be somewhere in the hall trying to please a rich man for her use. 

Amid the lively party atmosphere, Elaine's father took the opportunity to introduce her to his business associates. She smiled politely, engaging in small talk with various individuals, her demeanour a careful balance between cordiality and detachment. It was a delicate dance, one she had mastered over the years.

As the introductions continued, Elaine's heart skipped a beat when her father's hand gently guided her towards a tall, impeccably dressed man. "Elaine," her father began, his voice warm with pride, "allow me to introduce you to Dante Kim.

Your background as a novelist could bring a unique perspective to our team. Let's discuss further how we can collaborate and make a lasting impact in the business world." Elaine's heart skipped a beat as she realised her interruption had turned the tables in her favour.

She could feel glares behind her, but she ignored them, thinking they must be her stepmother. She didn't think a lot about her stepsister because she knew that woman must be somewhere in the hall trying to please a rich man for her use. 

Amid the lively party atmosphere, Elaine's father took the opportunity to introduce her to his business associates. She smiled politely, engaging in small talk with various individuals, her demeanour a careful balance between cordiality and detachment. It was a delicate dance, one she had mastered over the years.

As the introductions continued, Elaine's heart skipped a beat when her father's hand gently guided her towards a tall, impeccably dressed man. "Elaine," her father began, his voice warm with pride, "allow me to introduce you to Dante Kim."

Amid the lively party atmosphere, Elaine's father took the opportunity to introduce her to his business associates. She smiled politely, engaging in small talk with various individuals, her demeanour a careful balance between cordiality and detachment. It was a delicate dance, one she had mastered over the years.

As the introductions continued, Elaine's heart skipped a beat when her father's hand gently guided her towards a tall, impeccably dressed man. "Elaine," her father began, his voice warm with pride, "allow me to introduce you to Dante Kim."