

When I awake I am face down in the gutter in some dark and decrepit alley on the outskirts of the once vast and beautiful city of Alygon. As I pick myself up and push against the cold surface that I was laying on. I can feel the grit of the ground and the pain from the jump comes rushing back to my body. I look up to see the person who has turned my life completely upside down. A cloaked and mask figure stands before me within reach. It kneels in front of me and says, "You don't know it yet but, you will come to find out what your role is in all of this and when you do. I will be there to pick up the pieces." As I try to stand up my vision becomes hazy and I have to calm my mind and slow down my breathing. Finally I can see clearly, so I run from the wet and dirty alley and start after the mask figure only to be stopped by a strange but wise looking old man. He says, "I wouldn't go any further if I was you." I recklessly ignored the old man's advice and rushed after the person who not only opened my eyes to this new world but also destroyed my life in the process. As I chase after the person underneath the cloak I can see the light of the city. At first it disoriented me but I let my eyes focus and adjusted to the incoming light. When I open my eyes I can see colors I have never witnessed being presented before me. As if the world was covered in a large amalgamation of aurora borealis. As if I was an ill-omened auslander to a new and unfamiliar landscape. I move forward trying to catch up to whoever or whatever that being is but, I am stopped by this massive titan-like dragon that lands in front of me. It slowly moves towards me but I stand my ground and accept my fate. But before the huge creature kills me I hear a high pitched sound like a whistling kettle from above. The large beast looks up only to be decapitated by a colossal paladin's blade that has been quenched by the eternal flames of the seventh sanctum sanctorum. When the beast lies beheaded before me, I look up to see an outline of a human-like figure hovering just above the immense weapon. It has rings of fire arounds its wrists and ankles and a blazing arch above its head. It has wings made of many blood scorned, battlerided, infernal hollowed swords of all shapes and sizes. It looks down on me and slowly starts to change, the flame that consumes and composes the being starts to burn brighter and brighter eventually just becoming a blinding light as if I was looking at the death and collapsing of a sun and the birth of a dwarf star. From the light comes ash covered bones soon covered in flesh, stone and steel. I am now at the sword point of the entity, It points towards me and speaks only one word: Dawn Child. I try to look into the eyes of the ablazed being but its eyes are bound in cloth. I ask, "What do I call you?" He replies, "Arckane'us" Then he removes the cloth from his eyes and asks, "What do you see?" Once the cloth is removed and he opens his eyes it is as if the geomagnetic arches bombarded me and I could feel the heat of a hypernova form around me and engulf me in a ord of somewhat potential but thermokinetic energy. When I open my eyes I see the eyes are not the color I expected them to be. They are a deep blue with hits of dark purple and black. I answered his question with, "I see the heart of a zoi, the body of a human, but the soul of a saraph. Fire not ice, fire runs through your veins, valor through your heart and vengeance through your soul. You are the Dawn Child, The Bane of Damocles." Then I ask, "Why are you here?" Then the smile fades from his face and the blue of his eyes fades into a golden white. He looks at me and tears run down his face and in a blur he is in front of me, he puts his hand to my chest and pulls me close to him. He whispers, "Forgive me." A pulse passes through my body and I feel like a wave that breaks upon the shoreline and recedes back into the whole body. He says, "You have just felt the heartbeat of your innerworld. You and I are now forever entangled, I to you and you to I, as the ripple begins to expand you will fall but, from darkness comes light. This is your greatest power, you are spark, you are the difference. This is why they fear but fear not. I have sent my greatest to protect and guide you back from your fall, your ascension will be one of a kind. You are born of the blade so, you will defeat your death and have domain over it. You are the Tome, Vessel of the Pyrodemian Spindle.