
Chapter 1: Memories of the Past

I awake in a cold sweat from the same dream that has been haunting me lately. Well I have these dreams. They started when I was 9, they happened like a flash, like a daydream but, so vivid it was as if I was living through them. When every night for the past eleven years you have the same dreams you get fastanated in them. But, these dreams were not always the same, they changed and progressed. I lived to go to bed so I could see what happens next in my own private stories. These dreams that feels so real they are ingrained into every fiber of my being. They define me, mold me into the man I am today. There are these times when I can't tell where reality begins and where my dreams end. The world you live in is a lie, it is just a sugar coated illusion. But, the world I live in is not much different than yours but, my world has an exception. The world we live in is not owned by us, we are just merely passing through it, It is owned by beings of vast power. We are pons in a bigger game, we are the disposable ones. You will soon figure out that things that seem complex are quite simple, and things that seem simple are unfathomably complex beyond comprehension. The foreground is a massive labrinth and you are all blind and without senses fumbling through the dark with only a mental image of light in your minds, As if all this time you live with a cover pulled over your eyes only letting you see a partial true of the reality you live in, it is all smoke and mirrors. It's only when you tear a hole through that cover and pier through the crack underneath the door to expose the background and see what they have been trying to hide from you. It makes you wonder whether to truly reevaluate the folklore, the myths, and the legends. That the gibberish muttering of an old man holds some truth of the world you live in.

I used to live in your world, I was a normal 20 year old kid. I went to college, did my homework, and had some amazing friends. But that all changed two weeks ago. When I was attacked by a large creature from the depths of limbo. Then I find out that some kind of super enhanced living bio-weapon that is also the descendant of some kind of ancient celestial race that are from another plane of existence. And finally I saw my mother get killed right in front of me and stabbed in the chest by someone I love and sent to a place that can be compared to hell itself. But it's more complex than that. Let me start from when I was still "normal". Like I said I was lucky enough to have three amazing friends. There was Zane Demare, the humble jock and the captain of the football, lacrosse and archery teams. Eve Nova, the smart and talented girl who also was the two time world fencing champion. And lastly Katy, a bossy popular girl who used to be very shy. I still can remember how I met all of them. It was in the seventh grade and my teacher came into the classroom with Zane and introduced him to the whole class. As we grew up I didn't know much about Zane except for that he got in a lot of fights over girls because of the English charm that came from his father and the down to earth humbleness that came from his mother. With these two things it made him a chick magnet and a formidable foe to all the other guys in the school including all the upperclassmen. It wasn't until the ninth grade when we were formally introduced to each other. When he helped me out by punching this guy who tried to jump me while I was trying to defend myself from this douchebag who was trying to harm me. Because I told him to calm down and stop yelling at the cashier in the Food Lion checkout line I was in because she was not scanning his items fast enough. We were both banned from Food Lion and were thrown into the parking lot. I looked at him and said, "Thanks for helping me back there." He smiled and said, "Do you need a ride?" I nodded my head and we hopped into his car. He said, "My name is Zane Demare." I replied, "I know. We have PE together since like the 7th grade." He thinks to himself then says, "Your Michael Power, the smart kid that all the intelligent girls talk about. Rumors say that you had it with…" "Whoa! How do you know about that?!", I say. He smiles and replays, "Word spreads. So you are Michael Power?" I answered, "Yes, I am he." He nods his head and continues to drive me to my house. As we enter my neighborhood we both see Eve and her family getting home. I have known Eve most of my life, her mom and my mom were friends in high school and all through college they were roommates. And when I was born Eve was two years old, she is practically an older sister to me. When my mom and I had to move to this small rural town in North Carolina, I was devastated. But when the opportunity arose and Eve and her family would be moving next to us I was thrilled that at least I would have one good friend in this unfamiliar town. Especially that my four years in high school were like being branded with a hot iron and cattle proded through the system by teachers that are only there for a paycheck. Don't get me wrong there were some teachers that cared whether or not their students passed or failed but a large majority of the teachers could care less. The first time Zane saw Eve he fell head over heels in love with her, just one look and Zane was hooked. He dropped me off at my house and asked, "Do you know her?" I replied, "Yes, her mom knows my mom and they decided to move next to us. I've known her since I was an infant. We were raised up together." He asks, "What is her name?" I answered, "Eve Nova". Then he says, "I declare, as you as my witness, from this day forth I will impress that girl and take her hand in mine, and let my bent knee hit the ground, no matter if it takes my entire life, down to the last drop of blood in my veins and the last breath I take in this world. I will marry that girl." "Whoa, I didn't expect that. For a jock you have a well articulated almost Shakespearian way of speech." ,I replied. Then he says, "Well I am a double major, bio- mechanical engineering and history." After that day we started hanging out regularly. Due to Zane's rise in popularity he sort of pulled me along with him. He brought me to my first party that this big jock guy named Mark Thomas was throwing while his parents were away on their second honeymoon. I met Zane at the party and for the past year he has tried to hook me up with any girl he thinks I would like. But most of the time there this preppy, oh I broke a nail and starts to cry, stereotypical blonde haired, whimpering puppy dog blue eyes, bat an eyelash and you will buy her anything in the store to keep her happy and with you, barbie doll lookin, cheerleader jock girlfriend. I was more into the intellential, cute in a weird way, quirky, wears glasses even though she doesn't need them, fun and kind hearted, cool, more than a girl woman. This was the party where I was reunited with Katy. She was 18 years old and had light brown hair that would change into an amber color when she would step into the sun. She had a big bright green eye and liked roses and soccer. I remember her as this shy and timid girl that liked to listen to this band called NeoGenesis, this is this weird type of hybrid of dark, gritty almost gothic freestyle rap and EDM that has an micro-multicultural perception of the world, it's as if you took the unstable mindscapes of experimental young and reckless teens and combined it with the intellectual procious of the worlds greatest minds and put into an hallucinogenic state, the aftermath would be NeoGenesis. They go outside the stereotype that everyone has a brand and you can only make music within your genre confinement that you are in. But something happened to her after high school because when she came to college she was totally different. She was confident, proud and more popular then when she was in high school. She also got into more fights and more relationships, most of them being only physical. She became cold and malaise towards her boyfriends treating them like her personal puppets, pieces of meat only there to please and satisfy her every desire. Due to her changed personality and demeanor both Zane and Eve were weird around her and as I started to walk towards her Zane stopped and said, " Whoa, were you about to go and talk to Katy?" I said, "Yes, she looks all alone." " I wouldn't do that.", He replied. I asked, "What do you mean? She just looks loney, I was just going to go over there and maybe keep her company." He replies, "You're like Samson…" I stopped him and said, "Is this going to be one of your historical speeches that compares me to a hero and Katy to an villian?" He smiles and answers, "Yes, so shut up." Then he continues, "You're like Samson, the vastly strong gigolo whose strength came from God himself, if only he didn't cut his hair and didn't consume alcohol or strong drink as it's written. Who wreaked havoc on the Philistines killing hundreds of their warriors with the jawbone of a donkey. Katy is like Delilah, the person who sweet talked the truth of your weakness out of your own lips, lead the Philistines to your home, cut your hair and serve you to them like a Thanksgiving turkey." Then Eve walks up asked, "What are you guys talking about?" Zane says, "Michael was thinking about hanging out with Katy." Eve looks at me then says, "I think you should think on it first." "Why do you guys dislike her so much? You do remember she was our friend." I say. Eve says, "Yes she was a friend until she became a blood sucking, soul devouring, Jezebel witch demon. Look she will only rip your still beating heart out of your chest, completely and utterly eviscerate and excrete her toxins upon it, turning it into excrement. Then proceed to set it on fire and dust buster the remains into a doggy bag and express mail it back to your chest. Her last two boyfriends ended in the hospital and one of them died. She is pure evil and more over just a controlling person." Then Zane chimed in and said, "She is like if you took arsenic and lase with nightshade, the poison would be called Becnic. The disease that you would contract if exposed to her neurotoxin would be RpaFEC-BeODw/SCIENCE-SAVSaP" "What?", I asked preparing myself for the ridiculous answer that is about to come out of Zane's mouth. Then he says, " You know, Rupturing of the Pulmonary Artery do to Fibrinolysis and Embolism Contacted by Becnic exposure and or Overdose, which leads to Spontaneous Combustion and Involuntary Explosion Not w/o Continuous Excretion of Sulfuric Acid until Vaporization into Subatomic Particles" I shake my head and say, "Are you guys serious, you know maybe if I go there and not treat her like a superficial witch demon and bring some light into the darkness of her supposed supererogatory borderline poisonous personality. Maybe you guys will see that she is actually not a bad of person, that she is still the Katy we all know." Then Eve says, "You know I wouldn't lead you astray so, You do what you want but when it blows up in your face don't tell us that we didn't warn you." So I started to approach Katy, I thought of the crazy and outrageous conversation I just had with my two best friends. And at the time it was a little out of the ordinary and excessive to say the lease but, now I understand what he meant. I should've listened to my friends but I didn't. Because I thought they disliked her because she was now popular and that she had new unique tastes. And I did see at school and sometimes she was really mean and hateful to the people around her but, there are these other times when I see her being the Katy I know, sweet and kind. But I was wrong, what I thought to be insults were actually warnings.

When I got to Katy she was turned around so I asked her, "Hey, do you still listen to that music that stands out for its flaws not its perfections." She turns around and smiles, hugs me then says, "Flawed music to you maybe but, it's perfection to me." I asked, "So, what are you doing here?" She answers, "I don't know, something to do I guess." Then she looked over at Zane and Eve and asked, "Are they still mad at me?" "Yes a little, they just feel like you're not the same person that you were back in high school.", I replied. "Because I'm not the same person I was back in high school. Back in high school I was weak and broken, flawed." She says while looking directly at them with pain in her eyes. Then she starts to leave but I rush after and when I reach her I take her hand and say, "If you want to leave I come with you and walk you home. Besides, I would love to catch up with you. It's been too long time since we have a heart to heart walk and talk, maybe we can go by the bench we used to go to on the way to your house." She shakes her head in agreement so we head outside and start to catch up. She says, "You haven't changed much, you are still the peacemaker and compromiser of the group and just as kind and understanding as well." Then I looked at her and took a bow and said, "Thank you, I will be here all week." Then she laughs and her hair covers her face, I comb her soft hair behind her ear and say, "That's the Katy I remember." When we reached the bench, we sat down and I continued, "You said back at the party that you have changed, that back in high school you were weak and flawed but to tell the truth I never saw that in you. What I saw back then is what I still see now." "What do you see?" she asks patiently waiting. I put her hands in mine and replied, "When I look at you I see a shell, a faceless facade. You try to bottle up your feelings and emotions pushing them deeper into yourself, you surround yourself in the carnal worldly perception of this black and white world. Where darkness permeates everywhere like a cloud that casts an overbearing shadow. A storm forever raging, never resting, always hungering lingering above you. You believe that there is nothing you can do, that this thing , this conception of hope that can't be reached. That this storm composed of concentrated anger, pain and sorrow blinds you from reaching the peace that you do desperately desire, that lies deep inside you. You have this strangely compulsive savage nature of self destruction and self deprivement like you have committed an unpardonable sin. As if you're just a stain or blemish on the world. But when I look deeper, beyond the surface into your eyes I see the spirit of a phoenix confined in a glass heart. When I hear your voice I hear the roar of a lion contained in the whisper of a mouse. When I feel the vibrations of your very presence it's like the banging of war drums in the distance, like when the last bit of light gets eclipsed and falls beyond the horizon. I feel like a raindrop that brakes still water. As I get pulled into the expansion of your ripple like a burnt out star that is out of time, that struggles to still burn bright and that is hopelessly attracted and rien into the collapsing space that is the bleakness and melancholy enigma that leaves an ever so longing afterimage and effect on me" She looks at me with shock, she clenches my hand harder and asks, "Do you care for me?" "Care for you, I love you. I have loved you since the day I saw you, I haven't stopped. Everyday I wish I was there to protect you and I hate myself that I wasn't there when it happened, I'm so sorry." I say with tears in my eyes and my heart before her. She looks into my eyes and says, "You're here now." Then she kisses me and as I close my eyes, It is as if I am transported to a new world. I am in a room that has these massive floating metallic rimmed mirrors. A needle is threaded by a arrow passing through its eye. Then the needle proceeds to pass through these crystalized lens and the thread is replace with light and sound. At first the ambience of all the different pitches of sound was like the white noise of nails on a chalkboard. Then slowly the sounds form into a harmonic balance and rays of distorted light reflect off the lucid cryptic crystalline rings, soon the beams converge in the center of the room. Then there is silence and one word rings in my mind, Lybra. When I open my eyes she has a tear that runs from her eyes and she says the words, "I love you." She grabs my hand and we rush through the streets to her house, we bust through the door and I carry her to her room.

When I awake I am at Katy's house, in Katy's room, in Katy's bed. I look over at the clock and it reads 10:30 in the mourning. I sit up and try to remember how the rest of the night went, then Katy enters the room in a very nice light violet colored silk kimono. And she smiles and says, "Good mourning." I pat the bed next to me, she walks over hops beside me and lays her head on my chest. I run my fingers through her hair remembering the dream I had after being with Katy. I say to her, "Do you want to hear a something about me that no one else knows about?" She lights up, looks up at me and nods her head. "I have had these dreams, If you want to call them that. They're more like flashes of memory and last night when you kissed me on the bench, I had one and after spending the night here with you I had another. The one after the kiss was short and I don't remember all of it except for the word Lybra." "Lybra, Like the zodiac sign. Wait I'm a libra.", she replies. I continue to explain "Yes, but that's not even the craziest part, the dream I had last night. I have had that same one since I was 9 but, It never progressed until last night. This particular dream stands out from the rest of the epic but brutal dreams because it had a girl in it but, the girl always seemed familiar by her actions and her voice, but her face was always blurry like there was a dark veil that covered her face, but last night it was different, this mystery girl was you. The dream always starts the same way though.

I am outside on a balcony overlooking a courtyard. As I was walking I looked over and saw you walking towards me. You had on a lightly colored tie dye hoodie that seemed way too big for you and long black socks that came just higher than the knee, faded rose pink hair that covered half of your face, and you were carrying your books close to your chest as a mother would carry a child. As you were walking you looked up at me then quickly looked back down, at that moment you fell so I hurried over to help you. You were trying to pick your books up, so I bent down and helped you. You looked up slowly and at that moment I recognized you, but you looked as if you were scared of me.

You had the most beautiful light blue and grayish colored eyes like the eyes of a wolf or fox. They were the most beautiful and captivating eyes I have ever seen. Your eyes were bold and this piercing effect. When you look deep into them, they seem to melt and peer into the deepest parts of my soul. They showed submissiveness and dominance as if you were both predator and prey. You reached your hand to my face and touched me, your hands had calluses but were still soft and famine. Then as the bell rang you quickly pulled away, grabbed your books and started to leave. You walked a couple steps then turned around and said in a soft and gentle voice, " Thank you" then I asked, " What your name was" you replied with, "Serenity" as the word passes through your lips there is something super-empirical about it. Something about you." "Serenity, I like that." Katy replies. I continue, "Normally this is when the dream ends but last night it continued. The dream picks backup in the woods at the end of the school. I peered through the trees and saw the beautiful girl I bumped into earlier but you were being followed by three guys. The first guy was tall and thin and he was wearing a hoodie so I couldn't really see his face. The second one was just as tall as the first, but way more broad and muscular and he had dirty blonde hair from what I can see. The last of the three was shorter but seemed to be the leader of the group, he had brown hair and was carrying a small metallic item in his hands. The boys start to laugh as they get closer to you and you shout, "Get away from me!" and the leader flips out a switchblade and cuts the shoulder of your hoodie then pushes you to the ground. I sprint through the trees and attack the tall one with the hoodie. I punched him in the face, then pushed him to the ground then I turned around to be met with the tall and muscular one looking right at me. I hit him right in the chest and throat as he fell to his knees in pain and gasping for air. I take my knee and drive it right through his chin. As I turn to face their leader he kicks me to the ground, I get and change him I end up taking him to the ground. He takes the knife and puts it right into my arm, I scream in pain. I get my arms around him and I squeeze his neck until I hear you scream, "Stop!" I push this punk away from me and tell him to take his friends and go. As he leaves he looks up at me and his eyes flash with an orange - red color. I took the knife out of my arm and threw the blood scoured object to the dirt. I turned to see you were still on the ground. You seemed to be crying so I placed my hand under your chin and lifted up softly to see your beautiful face. As I looked at you and wiped your tears away, I realized that your eyes have changed color into a bright red but as I look closer they slowly change back into their soft blue color. As I helped you up off the ground, I see that your knees were all scratched up and bruised so I proceeded to sling your bag over my shoulder then picked you up in my arms and carried you. I carried you to what looked like a small cabin. It looked like the same one we used to go to when we were kids and when we tried to get away from everyone else and just be by ourselves. I sat you down on a cot and I went in the next room to get some medicine that we used to keep in the cabinet. When I came back into the room you were laying down on your back and as I stepped into the room you quickly sat up and said, "Sorry" as if the bed wasn't as much yours as it was mine. I put some alcohol on a piece of cloth and gently rubbed it on both of your knees. As I rub the open cuts with the sterilized cloth I could see the discomfort on your face then I took a dry piece of cloth and wiped off your knees. I looked up and saw that your hoodie was torn on one of the shoulders so I asked you to take off your hoodie so I could examine if you had any more injuries. But as I turned to face you, you had already taken off your hoodie and tossed it into the chair across from the bed. And all you had underneath was a bra, you were so beautiful. You had a very fit and toned body but, still very famine. As you turn around and there is something that caught my eye. There were three symmetrical scars on either side of your shoulder blades like you were attacked by something. And on the back of your neck there is a branding of a circle with a line running vertically through it. I gave you my jacket to wear, as you were taking my jacket from me you looked worried and you said to me, "Take off your shirt." I tried to take it off, but struggled. I fought through the pain to take the bloodstain clothing off. When I couldn't you helped me takeoff my shirt. It seemed to be glued to me due to the blood. As you took off my shirt to reveal lean build structure. You poured some of the rubbing alcohol on a clean rag and rubbed the dried blood off my shoulder. You look at it and you say nothing but the expression on your face told me that the wound afflicted by the knife was deep. So you went into the other room to get some needles and thread from the cabinet. You came back into the room with the tools needed to help. But unlike a normal person who sits down and sews up the wound. You hop into my lap, your legs on the outside of mine, then thrusts the needle into my arm and a sharp pain runs down my entire right side. I asked," What are you doing?" You answer with, "It will take your mind off the pain." As if you have done it before, But after a couple minutes you sew up the front then you say, "lean forward and rest your head on my shoulder". Then as I leaned up and rested my head upon your shoulder I could smell the dirt and grime but masked with the sweet smells of lavender and wildflower as if you worked in a garden all day. Also I could get a closer look at the branding on your neck and the scars on your back, I examined the branding. It looked old like you got it at a young age and as you grew it stretched out a bit. And the coturized area also implies that your head was forced down while you were being branded. And the scars looked like large lasharation but, at the top of the scar was thicker and wider and it tapered down. Meaning the lasharations that created these scars were not done by blade or whip they were done by some extremely sharp needle-like or more like a claw object that pierced deeply into the flesh then was ripped downward. In doing so, tearing the flesh from the bone. When you finished you told me that I could sit back. Then you wrapped my shoulder in clean cloth. After looking at your back and neck I asked, "Who are those people who were trying to harm you and where did you get those scars and branding from?" As that question that was in my head slips through my lips and I see the discomfort and emotional suffering in your eyes as it relieves the physical and mental trauma that forever scarred and defined you. As a single tear runs down your once joyful face and rushes to the ground, all I can hear is the sound of a house of cards made from glass with a foundation of stone coming crashing down. I instantly regret saying it after wiping the tears from your face. I say, "I'm sorry if I was being too forward. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories, You don't have to answer unless you want to." At first you were silent and reluctant to answer, then you said, "I want to answer it, No I have to answer it." You say, "I was a young girl when it happened. They came looking for something or someone" I acked, "Who are they?" You answer with one word, " Uyn." And as the word is spoken into existence I get flashes of horrifying and loathsome creatures, and what they can do. They were like large, towering beings. Cloaked in some kind of torn and tattered rags that permeated darkness itself. Like they were precursors to a great nightmarish force, evil incarnate. I can only imagine the level of the destruction that you are speaking of. You said that you were protected by some supernatural force that hid you and shielded you from them but it wasn't enough that you were what they were looking for. And the branding on your neck you were born with it. It is the mark of the Mahyn. As you were being taken you heard the cries of hundreds of my people and saw only fire and smelt only ash. "And the scars?" Katy asked. You said, "You had wings and the scars took their place." I ask, "What happened to them ?" You replied with, "That the Uyn were highly advance and intellagent beings who have many painful and brutal ways to torture their victims." They put you into this device that clamped down on your wings then pulled them out to full length. Then they tore them off and thrashed the wounds, so they couldn't heal back. Then you continued saying, "You were enslaved for five years before you escaped and a kind old woman accepted you. I asked, "How did you escape?" You look down and said, "The days that insewed there was the power that was growing deep inside like a storm of knifes, a hurricane of blades. The Uyn called it Vergo's Wrath. One day you just snapped and everything was destroyed in your wake. This power you described to be like a nuclear bomb, anything caught in its path was erased from the face of the earth, absolutely and utterly obliterated and vaporized." "Is that why they took you and killed everyone else because of this hidden power", I asked. You responded with, "Yes, that this power was both feared and respected. In the eyes of the Uyn to wield this power is both an honor and a curse." "And for the guys who were chasing me in the woods?" Katy asked. You said, "That they were familiars for the Uyn, regulators and watchdogs for the slaves that the Uyn would take. The Uyn wannabes who are in some kind of cult that believe that the Uyn are some type of godlike beings that are going to destroy and reform the universe. That even now that you are free from their grasps they still try to get you. So I have to keep moving and everywhere I go people treat me like dirt and garbage just because I was born with a power I never asked for." There was silence, then I asked you to look at me and tell me what you truly see." You looked at me and put my hands in yours and said, "When I look at your body I see scars, emotional ones that cut deeper than any of the physical ones that you may have. The kind of scars that reshape a boy into a man, man into a warrior and warrior into a beast. When I look at your hands I see the hands of a warrior who has seen enough death and shed enough blood to last a hundred life times. When I look into your eyes I see a beast locked away in a small box bound in chains being balanced on the tip of a burning needle and surrounded by an endless field of landmines." "One false step people get hurt." I reply softly. Then you put your hands on my face and say, "But when I look into your heart I see only kindness and warmth. That earlier today, when I helped you pick up your books and you looked scared. It was because you knew me from before, before I showed everyone a world where we used to coexist, before I stopped this war, before people were afraid of me. You said truly at first you were afraid of me but most wouldn't even dare look at you let alone help you. Most people "help her" wouldn't even cross their mines. But the one person everyone fears and everyone gocks at is the one person to help you, to defend you from harm, to bring you to a safe place then take care of you." Then you asked,"Why do you do this, why, why you? Why someone as worthless as you?" Then I replied, "There is so much more to you, you are not worthless you're far from it. You are intelligent, confandent, and you know your way around a needle. You are selfless and compassionate to people you don't even know and you are trusting, you have to be. To be sitting on my lap knowing who I am and letting me behold the perfection you are." I look into your eyes as they change from their soft blue into a golden purple. As you are still sitting in my lap I look at you and ask, "Are you comfortable?" You laugh and said, "Well yes, but the real question is are you." Then you kiss me, you kiss me like we have known each other all our lives and in that brief moment all seems right. Then I wake up to a world I dislike, I look around to see that I'm still in this white room and in this white clothes, cuts on my wrist and lashes upon my back. I was committed here because of you because of your memory. I kept taking melatonin so I could see your face. I tried to escape the world in my dreams and I ended up in a padded room. But I have accepted the fact that it's just that, a dream, more like a nightmare. That you are really gone. Through all the chemo, doctor visits and sleepless nights that there is nothing that will bring you back. There are these times when I think I see you, then just like that, you're snached away from me. But I always can look forward to you in my dreams and in my heart, The best part of me. I know how it sounds loving someone that isn't there anymore, I miss you so much. So that is how I live, day after day. Trying to convince myself that this is my life, that this is my future. I can still remember the last time that we talked before you passed. You told me to tell you about that dream again, the one about Serenity, then when I finished we kissed. And as we did I felt your soul pass through the veil and transcend. I know that you're in a better place now. You're not in anymore pain. I will forever love you. There will come a day that we will meet again maybe in another life but for now I have to let go. I have to say goodbye. Goodnight my love." But that all changed on my 20th birthday. I was called into the psych ward evaluation office. They're still the wiring man with long gray hair and a gray beard his name was Mr. Jonah. He asked, "Are you ready to leave the facility today Mr. Power?" I replied, "Yes sir I am." Then he says,"Well are you sure because I heard from a little birdie that you were kind of talking to yourself this morning." "I was just saying my goodbyes.", I reply in a calm voice. Mr. Jonah look at me then stamps my approval forms but before I leave he asked, "Me where will you go" I reply, "Home"