
Sharingan in MHA [Complete]

Quick Disclaimer: This story will be a light read, so please don't take things too seriously. If you are a hardcore Naruto fan and stuff, then some things here may annoy you as I limited and altered some of the powers from the Naruto world. This is my first time writing, and I have never done anything like this before, so please understand that some of my choices will be illogical. If you think the mc should have done something else, then please let me know, and I will try to fix it in the future. Thanks! Kaede Aoki was your run-of-mill 16yr old girl. One of her favourite things was watching anime, especially the isekai genre. Unfortunately, one day, she died trying to save a cat. God took pity on her and allowed her to reincarnate to a world of her choice. [There's romance in the story but for some reason, I can't add the tag because it's the female lead. This won't be a yuri] I don't own MHA or Naruto, and only some of the characters in the story will be created. The cover image was retrieved from Pinterest; I don't own this image. The owner of this image was the user G94875321W. If the owner of this image wants me to take it down, please contact me through this email yellowduck934@gmail.com. Thank! Link to image here: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/666673551067707357/

Yellow_Duck_Toy · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Side Story 2: Discovering love

[Itachi POV]

What's love? That's a question that nobody could give a specific answer to. Some people say that it's an intense feeling towards another person or something that gives people security. In my opinion, there wasn't a definite answer that could describe this strange word.

However, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind when talking about love was a great sense of affection toward someone. I never experienced these types of things. The only type of love I ever felt was towards my family. They were everything to me, and I would do anything to keep them happy. I have dedicated my whole life to them; that's my reason for becoming a hero. Even when I was young, I would relentlessly train myself to be the best.

Occasionally, some girls would confess to me, but I turned all of them down as if it was nothing but one-sided affection. Despite my parent's objection, being in a relationship will only hinder me from getting stronger.

I trained endlessly, sometimes overexerting my body. However, I didn't give up. When I finally reached the third-best hero in Japan, I thought that I had reached my limit. However, the day my little sister was born, everything changed.

I cherished her, and her gentle smile motivated me to continue working hard, eventually earning me the title of the strongest hero in Japan. I wanted to protect that smile and I promised that day to never let her down. But, I still managed to break that vow when she was taken by the villains. I was devasted and there wasn't a day that I didn't blame myself for what happened.

I hide that pain deep within my heart and never reveal it to my family because I don't want to worry them. However, that changed when I met a certain person. Tomoko was what people would describe as eccentric. She's extremely hyperactive, and her big yellow eyes always seemed to be searching for things that could entertain her.

Our meeting was strange as well, I met her in the hospital after the battle with AFO. She has lost her quirk, and it must be devastating. I tried to comfort her, and it seemed to work as her mood turned for the better. I thought that was the end of our interaction but who would've thought that she would come out of her way to search for me?

I turned her down for the first few times, thinking it would be the end. But to my surprise, she kept on visiting the agency until I finally let her in. Our second meeting was just as random as the first one, as soon as she arrived at my office, Tomoko acted like a curious child running around observing every corner of the room.

For the following days, she would do the same thing while exchanging some small conversations before leaving. Until finally one day she decided to ask me out for lunch. The first thought that came to my mind was to reject her, but I decided against it as staying in my office every day was getting stale.

I got to know Tomoko more. She seemed to be a kind person and was very sensitive to other people's feelings. The first thing she said to me when we sat down on our seats was: "You seemed sad?"

Obviously, I denied her claim.

However, after more prodding, I eventually revealed my trouble to her. I expected her to laugh, but she gave me words of encouragement and comforted me just like I did to her. Because of Tomoko, I managed to accept the past and move on as she told me that's what Kaede would've wanted.

After that, our outings become more and more frequent, and I found myself enjoying each moment. Something seemed to stir within me, a strange warm feeling that grew over time. I was confused by my behavior, and that emotion bloomed when Tomoko kissed me that day.

It was unexpected, and I felt nothing but embarrassment as she did right in front of my family. However, in that shame, I also felt slight happiness and excitement. Was this love? Whatever this was, it just make me want to be with her more.

After the defeat of AFO, Tomoko confessed her true feelings to me. I was stunned and out of instinct I was going to reject her, however, the words clogged up in my throat. My mouth taste bitter at the sudden thought of turning her down.

My heart knocked against my ribs, and I stuttered: "I...I think I'm in love with you too..." and the rest was history...

A few years later...

[3rd POV]

"Tonight's really fun Itachi!" Tomoko said as she tightly clung to his arm.

Itachi smiled to hide his nervousness. They have been together for a couple of years now, and today, he hoped they could move onto a brand new stage of their life. Itachi patted his back pocket for the hundredth time to ensure the item remained.

They arrived at a local park and found someplace quiet: 'Now's a perfect time!' Itachi thought to himself.

He cleared his throat: "T...Tomoko, I want to ask you something..."

"Sure, what's up?"

"Would you...."


The two froze when they heard a large explosion. Itachi glanced in the direction of the commotion, and he saw the top of a skyscraper building erupt into flames. There was the sound of chaos as Itachi frowned: "Tomoko, wait here!"

"Ah, Itachi, hold on!" Tomoko uttered.

However, before Tomoko could finish, Itachi was already dashing toward the burning building. He summoned his Susanoo and soared into the air; the hero used his Sharigan and peered onto the streets where civilians ran and screamed for their lives.

Itachi increased his pace and gazed into the gaping hole on the side of the building, where he spotted a group of people wearing masks to hide their identities as they planted odd devices on the floors.

'Bombs....' That's Itachi's first thought when he saw the technologies.

The terrorist detected Itachi diving at them as he deactivated his Susanoo and landed in the building. Itachi doesn't have his equipment with him, but it should be enough. The villains surrounded him and watched his every movement.

They're equipped with guns and knives, and their hands twitched with anticipation. Silence fell on both sides as the only sound that could be heard was the cackling of the fire and the beeping of the bombs.

Itachi made the first move, and he suddenly dashed at the person in front of him. The villain panicked, and he was too late to react before Itachi smashed his face onto the floor.

He swept the legs of the terrorists close to him and grabbed their weapons before throwing them at the other villains. As they watched Itachi instantly taking out a group of their team, the terrorists recovered from their daze and started their attack.

Bullets darted around the room, and Itachi dodged Sharingan while using everything near him as cover. He clicked his teeth in annoyance; if he had his gear with him, the fight shouldn't drag on for this long.

Itachi patiently waited as he hid behind a flipped table until finally, the familiar clicking of when the guns ran out of bullets. He sprang out from his hiding place and continued his assault as he defeated the terrorists individually. Eventually, one last villain was left as he aimed his handgun in fear at the monster before him.

"Give up now; something like that is useless against me," Itachi growled. It took longer than he thought it would, and he needed to get back to Tomoko soon.


Suddenly, the villain's body jolted as he collapsed. Standing behind the terrorist was a disheveled Tomoko; she tossed the metal pipe she was holding away before wheezing tiredly.

"Tomoko, why are you here!?" Itachi asked with concern.

Tomoko pointed at the emergency stairs: "You took too long, and I got worried."

"But it's dangerous! You need to get out right now!" Itachi urged.

Tomoko shook her head: "I'm good with technology; I can disarm the bombs!" She explained.

She approached one of the explosives and started observing the wires: "By the way, Itachi-san, what are you going to say to me before at the park?"

Itachi, who was tying the villains together, flinched at Tomoko's sudden question: "Oh...." He took a deep breath: "I love you, Tomoko."

"Huh? I love you too, Itachi?" Tomoko responded with bewilderment.

"No, I wanted to say is..."


The tall building rumbled: "What's happening?!" Tomoko asked with a pale face.

"These guys must have hidden more explosives." Itachi stated with a scowl: "How's the defusing going?"

"I'm working on it!" Tomoko yelled as beads of sweat dripped down her face.


More bombs exploded beneath them as the two lost their balance. Tomoko shrieked when they felt the building tilting sideways. Itachi immediately went to action and tossed the villains out the window; he grabbed Tomoko and held her in a princess carry.

They leaped and the skyscraper was completely engulfed in flames. As they were gliding through the air, Itachi glanced at Tomoko. As the moonlight reflected off her face, Itachi was in awe of her beauty.

His heart thrashed in his chest as words began to flood out of his mouth. "Tomoko, what I wanted to say is..." Itachi took a deep breath: "Would you marry me?"

"Pardon?" Tomoko exclaimed in shock.

"Can you be my wife, Tomoko?" Itachi asked.

Hearing this, Tomoko's body felt hot as she fidgeted uncomfortably. The blush on her face was evident as her mouth felt dry: "W...Would you be happy with me?" She asked with a nervous tone.

She was terrified that Itachi would say no as her voice cracked and her body shivered. Tomoko closed her eyes as Itachi leaned in: "You're perfect." He gently whispered into her ears.

"Are you telling the truth?" Tomoko whimpered, and tears appeared in her eyes.

"I am. My response will always be the same, no matter how often you ask me. That's why Tomoko would...."

Tomoko and Itachi suddenly heard a loud cracking noise behind them. The top half of the skyscraper began to tilt tremendously and started to collapse. Their face paled at the destruction caused by the villains and the collateral damage they would have caused.

However, just as soon as the building started to fall, a huge purple humanoid appeared and caught the gigantic debris. Then ice formed along the building, completely freezing it in place.

"Onii-chan, what are you doing here?!" In her Susanoo, Kaede asked with surprise, "Ah, hello, Tomoko-chan." Kaede greeted when she spotted Tomoko in Itachi's arms.

Itachi and Tomoko exhaled with relief as the blush on their faces returned. Seeing this, Kaede smirked: "I will leave you two alone now; see ya!" She said and flew off before they could say anything.

Kaede grabbed the villains that Itachi threw out the window as she left the two gliding in the air. Itachi and Tomoko stared at each other as their blush deepened: "W...Where were we?" Itachi uttered.

He cleared his throat and took out a majestic gold ring: "Tomoko, would you marry me?"

In a daze, Tomko looked at the ring in Itachi's hand: "Yes, I would love to marry you."

Itachi's smile widened as the two kissed on this beautiful night. He slid the ring onto Tomoko's finger and hugged her tightly. Itachi then summoned his Susanoo and performed a superhero landing.

Itachi set Tomoko down as they gazed at each other lovingly. Kaede approached them with a pout: "Are you two okay? Tomoko-chan, were you hurt anywhere? You're very irresponsible, onii-chan! Bringing Tomoko-chan into danger like that!" Kaede complained.

However, she suddenly froze in shock when her eyes set on the gold ring on Tomoko's hand: "Tomoko-chan that..."

Tomoko giggled before hugging Itachi tightly. No words were spoken, as Kaede immediately understood through her actions. Words can't form on her lips as Kaede opens and closes her mouth like a fish.

Shoto, who finished cleaning up, approached them: "Kaede, what's wrong?" Shoto asked with concern when he saw the shocked expression on her face.

Kaede returned to reality before staring at Shoto and the engagement ring on Tomoko's finger: "Nothing...." She said and sulked childishly.

Before Shoto could ask more, she hurriedly walked away while pouting. Shoto desperately chased after Kaede trying to appease her anger, but it just annoyed her even more. Watching this scene, Itachi and Tomoko laughed before glancing at each other.

They both blushed as Itachi slowly brought her face close to his: "I love you, Tomoko..."

"I love you too, Itachi..."

The two kissed as their eternal love finally reached a new height.


Hope you enjoy

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