
Sharingan in MHA [Complete]

Quick Disclaimer: This story will be a light read, so please don't take things too seriously. If you are a hardcore Naruto fan and stuff, then some things here may annoy you as I limited and altered some of the powers from the Naruto world. This is my first time writing, and I have never done anything like this before, so please understand that some of my choices will be illogical. If you think the mc should have done something else, then please let me know, and I will try to fix it in the future. Thanks! Kaede Aoki was your run-of-mill 16yr old girl. One of her favourite things was watching anime, especially the isekai genre. Unfortunately, one day, she died trying to save a cat. God took pity on her and allowed her to reincarnate to a world of her choice. [There's romance in the story but for some reason, I can't add the tag because it's the female lead. This won't be a yuri] I don't own MHA or Naruto, and only some of the characters in the story will be created. The cover image was retrieved from Pinterest; I don't own this image. The owner of this image was the user G94875321W. If the owner of this image wants me to take it down, please contact me through this email yellowduck934@gmail.com. Thank! Link to image here: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/666673551067707357/

Yellow_Duck_Toy · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 99: Assassin

[Kaede POV]

I was relieved that we managed to persuade Midoriya. We all know that he would probably die of exhaustion if we didn't stop him. After my friends and I left my Kamui dimension, we immediately went to meet Itachi-onii-chan, Mr. Todoroki, and Hawks.

We expressed our wish to help, and Midoriya explained his One For All to them. They were also just as shocked as my friends, and it was pretty amusing to watch their reactions. The pro-heroes seemed reluctant at first but they eventually give in.

[A few days later, 3rd Pov]

In a ruined city in Japan, a massive villain with blond hair and wearing a red tank top was causing immense destruction while battling with some young heroes: "My name is Muscular! My face will be the last thing you see!"

The villain laughed sadistically and just as he was going to finish them off, a small figure caught the fallen heroes and brought them away from danger. Seeing this, Muscular was pissed off at the person who interrupted him from murdering his prey.

He glared at the perpetrator, but his eyes widened and Muscular realized their identity: "So it's you..." he called out to the girl that defeated him months ago.

[Kaede POV]

All of us were working extremely hard, many villains were running loose and Hawks reported to us all their locations through his comms. But thankfully, it was easy to take care of them all, with our ultimate teamwork!

Suddenly, we received a message that there was a pretty dangerous villain causing havoc in the city near us, and I decided to go there alone since I could reach there the fastest with Kamui. When I arrived, I spotted the massive villain pummeling some students I recognized back at the Provisional Hero License Exam. I immediately went into action and saved them from harm.

"So it's you....." I heard the villain mutter.

However, I tilted my head in confusion: "Have we met before?" that person seemed too familiar, but I couldn't remember!

A vein popped in his head as my words seemed to strike a nerve: "Do you really forget?"

"Um, I'm really sorry...." I apologized and laughed embarrassingly. His body was covered in a large amount of muscle fiber and he wore it like armor. I recall fighting someone like that but when was it again...

He stared at me with pure rage and charged toward me similar to a mad bull. I unsheathed my blade, and like lightning, I appeared behind the villain in a flash. With a swing of my katana, his muscle armor was slashed into pieces, revealing his true body.


My fist sank into the villain's flesh and he crashed into the wall, instantly defeating him. When I approached the unconscious man, a lightbulb lit up in my head: "Ah, you're Muscular, right?!" I exclaimed.

Muscular groaned as I captured the villain and stored him in my Kamui Speace. I then quickly regrouped with my friends to continue our mission.

Days later, Night...

Our class was resting at an abandoned warehouse. We had been fighting villains non-stop, which was overwhelmingly exhausting. This was our first official rest and we're trying our best to regain even a little bit of our lost energy. We have dealt with a large number of villains and safely brought them back to prison. Pretty sure we have cleansed around half of Japan now.

I sat next to Shoto while healing and bandaging his wounds. I finished checking the rest of his body and yawned tiredly. Shoto chuckled and I leaned against his arm: "Sleep now, I will keep watch." Shoto proposed white patting my head.

I nodded as my eyelids started to droop. Suddenly, Midoriya approached us with a flustered expression: "Uchiha-san I haven't thanked you yet for stopping me. I realized how hard it was to do everything alone..."

"It's nothing, besides, I didn't do much. It was Ochako-chan that indeed stopped you. Go and properly thank her once things calmed down, okay?" I replied lazily.

Midoriya nodded as he briefly glanced at Ochako, who was resting with Mina at the corner of the room, their eyes met but both quickly retracted their gaze.

Shoto and I smiled at their behavior. I raised my head and glanced through a window. However, I frowned when I noticed a dark silhouette in the distance standing on a rooftop. I could faintly see a long barrel-like object attached to its right arm and pointing it at Midoriya.

I gasped and pushed Midoriya out of a way. A small object whizzed past my face and a metal bullet dug into the ground, leaving a deep hole in the warehouse floor. Everyone was immediately on guard as I warned my friends of the sniper and used Kamui to reach the attacker.

All the exhaustion left my body and the adrenaline kicked in. I teleported to the roof to confront the villain. As I appeared on the rooftop, I got a clearer view of our enemy. It was a tall woman with dark blue hair and numerous scattered pink streaks. The woman's right elbow was transformed into a form of a sniper rifle.

She aimed her rifle at me and...


The woman fired, and I intended to deflect the projectile with my katana. However, the bullet curved past my blade, and I dodged it as it struck the wall behind me. I heard a faint whimper as I momentarily turned around, and my eyes widened with shock. An armless man was sitting against the wall on the rooftop, oblivious to what was happening.

"Kai Chisaki....?" I muttered in a daze.

The man glanced at me, and instead of his previous calculated and cold altitude, he now had lifeless eyes and a face full of sorrow. The woman clicked her teeth as she removed a strand of her hair and shaped it into another bullet.

She reloaded the rifle and aimed at my forehead. However, the villain paused before aiming the gun at Chisaki!


I dashed before Chisaki and blocked the bullet. The woman was stunned by my action and froze. At this moment, the rest of my friends quickly arrived as Midoriya and Bakugo tackled her from behind. She was pinned to the ground while Shoto and Sero captured her with ice and tape.

We surrounded the villain with wariness, "Who are you?" I interrogated her.

To our surprise, the woman started to talk almost instantly, I expected that I would've had to use Sharingan or something...

Her name was Kaina Tsutsumi, and her alias was Lady Nagant. Her purpose was to capture Midoriya and me and bring us to a mansion in Haibori Woods, one of the secret hideouts for the League of Villains.

Hearing her alias, I briefly recalled a hero going by that name but was arrested for committing a murder. When I hesitantly brought that up, Lady Nagant grimaced, confirming my suspicion. I asked why Lady Nagant gave us a sad smile and she revealed that back in her hero career, Hero Committee used her as an assassin, and she killed to preserve the society they live in.

Lady Nagant explains that she had been responsible for the deaths of criminals, terrorists, and even heroes associating with villains to gain fame and fortune.

This greatly damaged her mental health and she started to question whether all the killings were the right thing to do. Eventually, Lady Nagant finally snapped and murdered the Hero Committee President, which led to her arrest.

When she finished, Lady Nagant took a shaky breath, and we stared at her in silence. Once again, my friends and I were reminded of the cruel reality of the real world...

"Is there a reason for telling us this?" Yaoyorozu asked.

Lady Nagant smiled wryly and stared at the ground: "I've been watching you guys for a while now, waiting for the moment you will let your guard down. However, during that time, all of your actions seemed to relight the hope in my heart. The dream of being a great he...."


Lady Nagant's body suddenly combusted, and we were all blown back by the shockwave. We yelled her name in concern as the smoke dissipated, revealing the charred body of Lady Nagant. I hurriedly rushed towards her and checked her injuries.

Her entire body was badly burnt and urgently applied my medical jutsu: "What happened!?" I yelled.

"AFO must have set up a countermeasure in case I failed...." Lady Nagant coughed and replied with difficulty as she winced from the intense pain. I nodded and my hatred toward AFO rose even further.

"Why are you healing me? I tried to harm you." Lady Nagant can't help but question.

"You never really wanted to hurt us, right? I thought about it, the bullet would've never hit Midoriya and we would've had a much more difficult fight if you were serious." I explained, and Lady Nagant flinched as her true intention was revealed.

"Lady Nagant-san, even if you considered yourself a villain, you still have the heart of a hero...." I said, and my friends nodded.

Hearing this, Lady Nagant's eyes dimmed with tears, and remained silent. When I finished the healing process, I sighed in relief as her body seemed to be back to normal. The pain knocked Lady Nagant out, and I handed her to my friends as I still had some things to deal with.

I teleported back to the roof, and Chisaki was still slumped there and he didn't react to my sudden arrival. I sat next to him and tried to figure out what to say.

"You should've just let me die...." Chisaki muttered, breaking the silence.

"Why would I do that?" I asked.

"I have lost my arms and can no longer heal the old man...." He said sorrowfully and held back his tears, "I should have never put him in a coma...."

"Do you truly regret all that you have done?"

In response, Chisaki nodded as he continuously muttered apology after apology. I sighed and stared him in the eyes: "There may still be a way to heal the boss of Shie Hassaikai...."

"HOW!" Chisaki shouted as he stared at me, wanting to know the answer.

"Eri..." I calmly stated my little sister's name and waited for Chisaki's reaction.

Surely enough, he froze in shock as Chisaki thought about what I said, "This is all up to Eri's decision, of course, but I will ask her only if you return to Tartarus quietly and make amends with her." I resumed when he remained silent.

Eventually, Chisaki agreed as I was readied to take him back: "Th...Thank you..." He mumbled.

I shrugged, "I did this for Eri." I replied in a nonchalant tone and brought him down from the roof.


I hope you enjoy it

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