
Sharingan in MHA [Complete]

Quick Disclaimer: This story will be a light read, so please don't take things too seriously. If you are a hardcore Naruto fan and stuff, then some things here may annoy you as I limited and altered some of the powers from the Naruto world. This is my first time writing, and I have never done anything like this before, so please understand that some of my choices will be illogical. If you think the mc should have done something else, then please let me know, and I will try to fix it in the future. Thanks! Kaede Aoki was your run-of-mill 16yr old girl. One of her favourite things was watching anime, especially the isekai genre. Unfortunately, one day, she died trying to save a cat. God took pity on her and allowed her to reincarnate to a world of her choice. [There's romance in the story but for some reason, I can't add the tag because it's the female lead. This won't be a yuri] I don't own MHA or Naruto, and only some of the characters in the story will be created. The cover image was retrieved from Pinterest; I don't own this image. The owner of this image was the user G94875321W. If the owner of this image wants me to take it down, please contact me through this email yellowduck934@gmail.com. Thank! Link to image here: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/666673551067707357/

Yellow_Duck_Toy · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 91: Do you remember?

[Kaede POV]

"Happy new year!" I yelled with glee

Winter break has finally ended, with our second year of UA has begun! Immediately, on our first day, everyone was told to change into our hero costumes to present what we had learned in our work-study.

Everyone was excited to present their new powers as we hurriedly changed: "Wow, these new wrist guards looked awesome!" Mina said excitedly to Ochako as she fiddled with it.

Suddenly, something fell out of the wrist guard. Instantly, Ochako dashed towards it; however, she was not fast enough as I kicked the item high into the air and caught it in my hand.

I opened my fingers and was surprised; the item was a chibi All Might Key Chain with the words "Netsuke" etched on its chest.

I remember now that this was what Midoriya gifted Ochako during Christmas. I glanced at Mina and seems like she had reached the same conclusion as me. A wide grin appeared on our faces and turned our heads to look at Ochako; she was embarrassed and immediately backed away when we started to approach her.

Ochako back faced against the wall as Mina and I loomed over her: "Look what we have here; want to answer why you have this Ochako-chan?" Mina said teasingly and dangled the key chain in front of Ochako's face.

Ochako tried to snatch it out of Mina's hands, but she had already predicted something like this as she dodged Ochako's attack.

"You haven't answered my question yet, Ochako-chan," Mina said.

"It... It's for good luck!" Ochako desperately argued, but the blush on her face said otherwise.

The other girls smirked and they started to crowd around Ochako as well. At first, I did feel a pang of slight guilt, but all I could say was it's good to be on the teasing side. Mina eventually gave it back, and we finished changing our hero costumes and joined up with the boys.

When we were walking toward the training field, Aizawa-sensei's phone started ringing, and he seemed to be in distress. This worried us, but he told us everything was fine before hurriedly leaving. my classmates shrugged and continued making their way toward the field, but I was still slightly concerned.

It was nice to see everyone's improvement in their quirks, Aoyama's Navel Saber, Toru's new ability to warp light, and Mina's Acid-Man attack. Midoriya also got faster and stronger as he gained control of his black whip.

I didn't slack off either as my strength and speed increased. I also focused on my Mangekyo Sharingan, especially my Daikoku. Unlike my Kamui, I never have a template to work off of, so I don't really know the true potential of this power. But I have achieved one interesting breakthrough...

I held out my hand and a small light green transparent sphere appeared. I picked a leaf off a tree and placed it inside the bubble as it withered and dried. The bubble disappeared, and I was snapped out of my concentration.

I couldn't focus as Aizawa-sensei's distressed look worried me and I felt like something terrible would happen soon. Something that may change all our lives...

[3rd pov]

"This way Red Crow." A security guard said as he guided Itachi through a set of hallways.

Tartarus was the deepest security prison in Japan, locking away the vilest villains. The most infamous villain was All For One himself. But, AFO wasn't the reason for Itachi's visit; it was something else that deeply disturbed him.

'Oboro Shirakumo... I haven't heard that name in years....' Itachi thought to himself and his mind started to wander.

[Flash Back Time]

Four people were seen in an empty classroom in UA; one looked taller and older than the other three...

"Today's Senpai's last day!?" Oboro exclaimed with shock.

"Idiot, did you seriously forget that Uchiha-san was already in his third year?" Shota said with a tired tone.

"Besides, Uchiha-senpai was already this powerful that he was considered the child prodigy of UA! Senpai was considered to be in the top 20 hero rankings even if he's not an official hero yet, and he will probably climb higher once he becomes a full-time hero, " Hizashi (Present Mic) yelled.

[A/N: If I remember correctly, something happened to Endeavor in the story about how he already made a name for himself when he was still in UA. I can't recall the exact chapter tho..... ]

Itachi didn't say anything as he watched these three's shenanigans: "It's all just luck! Senpai just got lucky, that's all!" Oboro argued.

Shota shook his head: "No, he's already very strong and made a name for himself during his internship. You made have survived for longer than 30 seconds in our training match if you didn't slack off all the time."

Oboro huffed but didn't deny his friend's word. However, he immediately forgot about the argument as he recalled something: "By the way, you will have a little brother or sister soon, right? I'm so envious of you! I always wanted a sibling!"

Hearing this, a small smile appeared on Itachi's face: "IS THAT A SMILE??! THE EMOTIONLESS HERO FINALLY SHOWED HAPPINESS??" Hizashi shouted so loudly that Oboro and Shota had to cover their ears.

Itachi's smile immediately vanished, and he resumed his cold expression. The four continued to talk for a while until it was time for Itachi to leave.

"Senpai, hold on!" Itachi stopped as Oboro called out to him.

"Next time we meet! I will defeat you!" Oboro exclaimed with confidence as he held out his fist.

Itachi grinned wryly as he fist bumped with Oboro: "There it is again, the smile!" Hizashi said. Before Shota and Oboro could say anything, Itachi's body burst into a flock of crows.

A year later...

It was raining heavily as Itachi dashed around the city; the Hero Committee urgently requested him to help save Tasomiya Ward. A villain was causing massive destruction in the city. There were heroes already fighting, but they were losing.

Itachi arrived and spotted a giant salamander-like monster destroying everything in its surroundings. He was stunned that the only hero fighting was Shota, but his body was riddled with wounds.

[A/N: Image of villain here]

The salamander monster raised its foot and stomped on Shota, but before the attack landed, Itachi pulled Shota away. His eyes widened when he saw Itachi here.

"Rest now; I will finish this," Itachi commanded.

Shota gritted his teeth but still obeyed Itachi's order. Itachi glared at the kaiju as his Sharingan spun rapidly; he leaped high into the air, charging toward the villain. The monster roared at him and pulled off its back's circular lumps, and threw it at Itachi.

The hero unsheathed his sword and slashed at the projectiles; the lumps split apart as fire, laser and explosion covered the sky, and the villain grinned. As the smoke dissipated, an orange ribcage covered Itachi's body, protecting him from the attack.

Bright orange chakra covered Itachi's right arm, forming a partial form of the Susanoo as he brought the fist down upon the monster. The monster's face caved in from the force as its amphibian-like head smashed into the ground; the villain groaned before decreasing in size and becoming unconscious.

The authorities immediately arrested the villain when the fight was over while the medical teams brought the injured to the hospitals. Many people were wounded in the battle, but thankfully Itachi was there as he saved the people trapped under the rubble and healed them with his medical jutsu.

Itachi then looked into the distance and saw Shota and Hiashi overlooking a pile of debris with grim expressions. Itachi walked over to them and froze as well; the body of Oboro could be seen being attended by two doctors; the doctors looked up at Shota and Hizashi and shook their heads.

Hizashi and Shota clenched their fists.

Oboro's dead...

"Next time we meet! I will defeat you!" The last thing Oboro said to him rang in Itachi's head.

"Oboro was a true hero...." Shota said with a sad tone andexplained to Itachi the cause of his death. Oboro saved a group of children from a falling pile of debris, but in doing so, he left himself defenseless as the large rubble smashed into his head.

Itachi nodded, and the three mourned Oboro's death as the heavy rain fell upon them...

[Flash Back end]

Itachi snapped out of his thoughts as the door opened to Kuroigiri's cell room. Shota and Hizashi were already there; both were in tears, pleading with Kuroigiri to remember.



Shota and Hizashi muttered as they wiped away the tears, and Itachi patted their backs. Itachi walked up to the glass panel and stared at the figure of Kuroigri wearing a stray jacket and strapped to a chair. He looked very agitated; Shota and Hizashi's pleading must have triggered something in his head.

Itachi placed his hand against the glass: "What was the ranked one hero doing here?" Kuroigiri asked mockingly, but he couldn't hide the agitation from his voice.

"Oboro," Itachi muttered as Kuroigiri flinched at the name, "Do you remember the promise you made to me that day? The next time we meet, you will be a better hero than me?"

"The time when you saved those children... You're right, and you're a way better hero than me. So please, just remember who you are... Oboro...."

Shota and Hizashi plead with him as their words finally seem to be taking effect as the mist on Kuroigiri's face dissipates, revealing the shadowed face of their old friend.

Oboro desperately tried to call out to them as Itachi, Hizashi, and Shota told him to keep fighting. Oboro finally managed to say one word: "Hospital...." He fell unconscious as the black fog hid his face.

A few hours later.....

"Itachi-san?" Tomoko called out to Itachi, deep in thought, "What's wrong? You seemed sad today."

"I was forced to remember some bad memories in the past..." Itachi explained.

Tomoko smiled and took Itachi by the hand: "Follow me; I know a place that could cheer you up!"

Itachi looked at Tomoko's hand as he was dragged away and felt the pain begin to ease.


I hope you enjoy it!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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