
Sharingan in MHA [Complete]

Quick Disclaimer: This story will be a light read, so please don't take things too seriously. If you are a hardcore Naruto fan and stuff, then some things here may annoy you as I limited and altered some of the powers from the Naruto world. This is my first time writing, and I have never done anything like this before, so please understand that some of my choices will be illogical. If you think the mc should have done something else, then please let me know, and I will try to fix it in the future. Thanks! Kaede Aoki was your run-of-mill 16yr old girl. One of her favourite things was watching anime, especially the isekai genre. Unfortunately, one day, she died trying to save a cat. God took pity on her and allowed her to reincarnate to a world of her choice. [There's romance in the story but for some reason, I can't add the tag because it's the female lead. This won't be a yuri] I don't own MHA or Naruto, and only some of the characters in the story will be created. The cover image was retrieved from Pinterest; I don't own this image. The owner of this image was the user G94875321W. If the owner of this image wants me to take it down, please contact me through this email yellowduck934@gmail.com. Thank! Link to image here: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/666673551067707357/

Yellow_Duck_Toy · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 64: Promises

[Kaede POV]

The school had ended, and all of us were resting in the lounge area. I glanced at my friends, and they all had sour expressions on their faces.

"Next time I see Togata-kun, I will show him how it feels to be punched on the receiving end!" Mina whined and rubbed her stomach.

My friends all voiced their complaints as well. After all, I healed the physical wound, but the feeling of getting punched in the stomach remained in their minds.

"Um, sorry about that." I apologized for putting them through that torture.

"It's not your fault Uchiha-chan. We're too incompetent that you have to save us all the time," Iida replied.

At this moment, the door to our dorm swung open. We turned our heads and saw Todoroki and Bakugo walking in.

"Ah welcome back Todoroki and Bakugo! How's your training...." I became silent, seeing the condition they were in.

Todoroki has various wounds over his body covered by bandages, while Bakugo just got minor cuts and scratches. We were stunned to see their condition, and they ignored us and walked up the stairs.

However, I stopped in front of them: "Hey, are you guys okay??" I asked with concern.

Todoroki grunted, and Bakugo clicked his teeth. Todoroki walked a few steps before stumbling and tripping on the stairs. I quickly caught him, and he groaned in pain. I observed his body and spotted many burn marks and cuts.

Thankfully, his wounds weren't infected yet, which was a relief. I carefully carried him by the shoulders and brought him into his room. Once in his room, I dug around and found Todoroki's futon in his closet, and I set it out and laid him on his back.

"May I?" I asked.

Todoroki nodded, and I took off his shirt, revealing blood-soaked bandages.

"Stay still. I will be right back," I said and exited the room. I went to the dining room and grabbed a bowl of water and some clean cloth.

I came back up and saw Todoroki struggling to get up: "What are you doing!" I hissed and held him down.

"Sorry...." He muttered.

I sighed and delicately removed his bandages, revealing the injuries. I cleaned the wounds before healing them with medical jutsu. Throughout the process, Todoroki clenched his fist as he endured the stinging sensation every time I touched him.

"Phew, done!" I exclaimed as all his injuries became fully healed.

"Thanks," Todoroki said and he sat up from the futon.

Now that he was sitting up, I realized that he was shirtless, and I could see his well-defined muscles. My face heated up, and I quickly looked away before calming down and awkwardly coughed into my hand.

"Now, tell me how you got hurt so badly?!" I questioned.

Todoroki averts my eye, and I frown. I continued to press him for an answer until he eventually gave in. They were told to spar against each other, and his opponent was Bakugo. Todoroki explained that today he wasn't paying attention and suffered multiple injuries. I asked why he wasn't paying attention, and he told me something was on his mind.

"By the way, why didn't you visit Recovery Girl on the way back?"

Todoroki's eyes lit up, his expression telling me that he had forgotten about UA's infirmary.

I facepalmed while giggling at his foolishness: "What's with you today? You usually seem so calm and rational. What's getting you so worked up?"

[3rd POV]

Shoto gave Kaede a deadpan expression as the answer was sitting right in front of him. After his realization, he can no longer think straight, and it's harder for him to stay calm. Shoto knows that eventually, he won't be able to hide his feelings for her, and all he wished was that when the time comes, Kaede will accept it.

Seeing that Shoto's not responding, Kaede sighed: "I won't push you any further, but please tell me what's bothering you when you feel comfortable enough to."

Before smiling, Shoto thought about Kaede's words: "Thanks, I will do that."

"You promise!" Kaede got very close and peered into Shoto's eyes.

Shoto's face heated up and he nodded: "I promise."

"Good, I will be waiting for that day then!" Kaede announced.

Shoto chuckled. He couldn't resist himself as he patted Kaede's head. Kaede blushed in embarrassment, but she didn't stop him.

This goes on for a while, but they finally stop. Kaede decides to leave him alone as Shoto still needs some rest. Kaede quickly cleaned everything up, but Shoto stopped Kaede as her hand touched the doorknob.


"Is there something else you need, Todoroki-kun?" Kaede asked.

"Call me Shoto...."

"Eh, are you sure?"

Shoto nodded. Seeing this, Kaede's expression brightened.

"Very well, then please call me Kaede!"

"Also, put on a shirt, okay?" Kaede teased. Without waiting for a response, Kaede left the room, leaving Shoto stunned.

Next Morning...

Shoto and Katsuki left their rooms super early for the special training. They reached the living room and were surprised to see two lunch boxes sitting on the dining room table.

On top of it was a little note: "Good Luck with your Training! From Kaede," There's also a cute little drawing of Kaede giving them a thumb's up.

"Hmph, what is she our mom or something?" Katsuki scoffed but still shoved the food in his backpack. He can whine all he wants, but even he has to admit that Kaede's food was delicious and it would be stupid to waste it.

Shoto held his lunch box and examined it. He smiled and thanked Kaede in his heart before carefully putting it in his own bag.


Hope you enjoy :)

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