
Sharingan in MHA [Complete]

Quick Disclaimer: This story will be a light read, so please don't take things too seriously. If you are a hardcore Naruto fan and stuff, then some things here may annoy you as I limited and altered some of the powers from the Naruto world. This is my first time writing, and I have never done anything like this before, so please understand that some of my choices will be illogical. If you think the mc should have done something else, then please let me know, and I will try to fix it in the future. Thanks! Kaede Aoki was your run-of-mill 16yr old girl. One of her favourite things was watching anime, especially the isekai genre. Unfortunately, one day, she died trying to save a cat. God took pity on her and allowed her to reincarnate to a world of her choice. [There's romance in the story but for some reason, I can't add the tag because it's the female lead. This won't be a yuri] I don't own MHA or Naruto, and only some of the characters in the story will be created. The cover image was retrieved from Pinterest; I don't own this image. The owner of this image was the user G94875321W. If the owner of this image wants me to take it down, please contact me through this email yellowduck934@gmail.com. Thank! Link to image here: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/666673551067707357/

Yellow_Duck_Toy · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 53: Forgiveness

A few days later

[Kaede POV]

After being released from the hospital, I came to accept what happened and move on because that's what my family would've wanted. As much as I hate to admit it, Itachi-onii-chan does look pretty cool. The scientists in I-Island designed it, so you know it's some top-quality technology.

After the battle with AFO, he was apprehended by authorities and locked away deep in the cell of Tartarus. However, with the fall of the Symbol of Evil, the Symbol of Peace also collapsed.

All Might used all his remaining strength to fight the multiple dangerous nomu that were just as strong if not stronger than that one nomu in the USJ incident. For defeating AFO, Itachi-onii-chan took the position as the strongest hero in Japan, while Endeavour stayed in second place.

I was still shocked that I'd managed to unlock my Mangeykou Sharingan. My first ability was Kamui, specifically Obito's Kamui. I was ecstatic to have this powerful ability, but there are still limitations. Unlike Obito, I can't spam it, or else I will overstrain my eyes.

My second ability was something new. Following tradition, I called it Daikoku, the Japanese God of wealth and harvest. The ability allows me to reap my enemies' strength, vitality, or memories through physical contact and use it as my own. This means that the longer I fight, the stronger and faster I will become.

What was taken can also be gifted as I can transfer this stolen energy and give it to someone else. Unfortunately, this accumulated power will disappear after the fight. There were still some exceptions.

Thankfully, in this world, using the Mangekyou Sharingan wasn't as devastating comparing to the Naruto world. The worst case scenario will be temporary vision loss but it's still detrimental in a fight.

Enough about my Mangekyou; currently, I'm in the living room, reading a letter written by Kota. He talked about how worried he was and that he will become a hero just like me in the future. The doorbell to our house suddenly started ringing, snapping out of my focus.

"Itachi, can you go get it?" Mom called from the kitchen.

Itachi-onii-chan nodded and he walked to the front door.

'I wonder who it was?' I thought to myself and don't recall that we're expecting anyone.

[3rd POV]

Itachi opened the front door, scowling as he stared at the two people in front of him. All Might and Shota (Aizawa) are standing outside their front entrance in business like attires.

"What do you want?" Itachi said with an annoyed tone.

"May we come in?" All Might asked, and Itachi reluctantly nodded,

He called for his parents, who were shocked to see the two heroes in their house. The atmosphere was tense and Itachi guided the two heroes to sit at the dining room table. Mikoto poured everyone a cup of tea. When she finished, Fugaku said with a soft voice.

"Kaede, can you go upstairs?" Fugaku asked.


"Everything will be fine, Kaede..." Fugaku smiled.

Kaede nodded and quietly went back to her room. They sat opposite each other. At first, there was silence before Shota finally explained the reason they were there. The two heroes first apologized for UA's lack of attention to security and informed them about UA's plan to increase their safety precautions. Principal Nezu decided to implement the dorm system, and they're here to ask for Fugaku and Mikoto's permission to allow Kaede to stay abroad in UA.

When they finished speaking, the two family members were silent and glanced at each other.

Fugaku stood up from his seat: "Thank you for your offer, but we sincerely decline. After this incident, we lost trust in UA."

Out of everyone's expectation, All Might be transformed into his muscular form and prostrated in front of Mikoto, Fugaku, and Itachi. The three of them were shocked by his action.

"I'm truly sorry for the lack of expertise UA has shown. I fully understand your decisions... But, please... Gave us one last chance....."

Fugaku sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't expect things would turn out this way. The truth was, somewhere in the Uchiha's heart, a tiny part of them wanted to believe All Might's words. However, with how things turned out, they're unsure if that's the right decision.

Fugaku sternly stared at the prostrating All Might in silence before speaking: "Itachi....." He said with a severe and cold tone.

Itachi nodded and stood in front of All Might as he grabbed him by the collar and lifted him to kneel.

"Tsukuyomi," Itachi muttered and forced All Might to stare at him with his Mangekyou Sharingan spinning rapidly.

"What are you doing!" Shota exclaimed and hurriedly stood up from his seat but was stopped by Fugaku.

"If you two were truly sorry, then there's nothing to worry about," Fugaku responded.

Inside the Tsukoymi space...

All Might found himself in a strange place, with the floor flooded with a few inches of water and a massive crimson moon hanging above him, painting the sky blood red. All Might observed his own body and realized that he was back in his muscle form. He didn't feel the pain that forced him to change back for some reason and All Might can't transform into his true form even if he wanted to.

All Might heard footsteps and noticed Itachi walking toward him with his scarlet eyes spinning rapidly.

"This is the Tsukoymi Space. One second here was equivalent to 1 x 10^-11 second in the real world," Itachi explained with a cold expression.

All Might have heard about this ability Itachi possesses. Although he rarely uses it, it was potent and terrifying. Before he could say anything, All Might felt pain when Itachi's fist sank into his stomach and he was blown awat

A wall made of marbles emerges from the ground and All Might crashed into the hard structure.

"What....." All Might groaned.

"Prove that our family should let Kaede continue attending UA. Show me your resolve. Was the prostrating all just an act?" Itachi said and slowly approached All Might

Hearing this, All Might gritted his teeth. He acknowledges the training camp incident was ultimately their fault, and he knows he deserves it. All Might will gladly take any punishment if that means he can earn the forgiveness of the Uchiha family.

Hours Later.....

Punches, kicks, and even sword slashes were delivered and All Might's body suffered from various wounds. Blood has trickled, bruises were made and bones have broken, however, the hero didn't back down. Every time he was hit, All Might will get back up and continue to kneel before Itachi.

"I'm sorry...." All Might have repeatedly been saying those two words his entire time in this space, but he knows that no matter how many times he says it, it will never be enough to repair the pain UA has caused. All Might closed his eyes, awaiting the next round of beating.


However, no pain came. All Might hesitantly open his eyes, and Itachi's fist landed right next to his face, destroying the floor.

"Why do you want Kaede to go to UA so much that you're willing to endure this long?" Itachi asked with a sad tone. Itachi hated every moment of this, he admired All Might but he will go through it for Kaede.

"Because I failed her... I failed you..... How can I be the symbol of peace if I can't even save one person from harm?"

"You're no longer the symbol of peace....."

All Might nodded: "That's why my last wish before I'm gone was to help shape the future generation, so they will be better than me and stop these things like this from happening. So please, give us one final chance." All Might's forehead touched the bloodstained ground.

"Do you not have long?" Itachi asked with surprise.

"I'm not sure..... But Sir Nighteye's prophecy has never been wrong." All Might answered with a nostalgic smile when he remembered his time with his former sidekick.

Itachi was well aware of who Sir Nighteye was. He has worked with him in the past, and even he must admit that Sir Nighteye's future sight has never been incorrect. Instantly, All Might found himself back on the Uchiha household's dining room floor and in his weakened form. He gasped for air and sweat dripped from his face.

"Itachi, what was your decision?" Mikoto asked.

Itachi thought for a while before finally answering: "I say we gave it a try. However, if I deemed that UA's security was lacking, we will immediately take Kaede out of UA."

Shota and All Might nodded with understanding: "Thank you....." They both bowed before leaving.

When they left, Fugaku glanced at Itachi: "Have you made the correct choice?"

"I don't know. " Itachi responded.

Even if Itachi wasn't sure himself, Fugaku fully trust his son's choice. He knows that Itachi must have a reason, and even if the reason was stupid, Fugaku will support him.


Hope you enjoy!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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