
Sharingan in MHA [Complete]

Quick Disclaimer: This story will be a light read, so please don't take things too seriously. If you are a hardcore Naruto fan and stuff, then some things here may annoy you as I limited and altered some of the powers from the Naruto world. This is my first time writing, and I have never done anything like this before, so please understand that some of my choices will be illogical. If you think the mc should have done something else, then please let me know, and I will try to fix it in the future. Thanks! Kaede Aoki was your run-of-mill 16yr old girl. One of her favourite things was watching anime, especially the isekai genre. Unfortunately, one day, she died trying to save a cat. God took pity on her and allowed her to reincarnate to a world of her choice. [There's romance in the story but for some reason, I can't add the tag because it's the female lead. This won't be a yuri] I don't own MHA or Naruto, and only some of the characters in the story will be created. The cover image was retrieved from Pinterest; I don't own this image. The owner of this image was the user G94875321W. If the owner of this image wants me to take it down, please contact me through this email yellowduck934@gmail.com. Thank! Link to image here: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/666673551067707357/

Yellow_Duck_Toy · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 15: Final Test

[Time-skip: Another 4 years later, Kaede's POV]

8 years have passed ever since I started training under mom and Itachi-onii-chan. I have grown substantially stronger. During the years of training under my onii-chan, I have learned most of the lightning jutsu that my family knows of. However, they haven't invented Chidori, Kirin, or even the Thunder Armor! I'm disappointed that I can't learn these powerful moves but it filled me with resolve to invent these strong moves.

Speaking of inventing jutsu, I replicated the Rasengan. Shocking, I know right?! It took me two years to completely master it. My memory on Naruto was a little vague so the whole process was a hit and miss.

Mom and Itachi-onii-chan were very surprised that I create my jutsu and they were more shocked because of how powerful it is. They did scold me though for creating something so dangerous ...

I agreed to teach them this jutsu, mom mastered it in one year while Itachi-onii-chan mastered it in seven months.

Not jealous or anything....

Other than jutsu, thanks to the obstacle course training, my body has become way fitter and stronger than before, I also learned multiple combat techniques and martial arts so I can easily defend myself in hand-to-hand combat.

Other than hand-to-hand combat, I also have weapon training, I learned how to perfectly throw a kunai and shuriken, and I started using a tanto that I strapped behind my waist as my main choice of weapon.

I also invited Mina-chan and Ochako-chan to my combat lessons. They happily agreed since they wanted to be powerful heroes. Nowadays, they have decent skills in martial arts and they have become stronger than their anime counterparts.

My Sharingan also evolved from 1 tomoe to 2 tomoe which was exciting. Don't worry I didn't forget to train my chakra from time to time. Another sad news was that I missed out on the sludge villain attack in the first episode. But it's exciting to see the two main characters of MHA on the news.

Currently, Itachi-onii-chan and I were standing on the plain field back when mom started teaching me.

"What are we doing here Onii-chan?" I asked, confused since he didn't wish to tell me during the ride.

"I have taught you all I know, today will be the final test to see whether you're fit to be a hero or not," Itachi-onii-chan smiled wryly.

Throughout the years, he also has grown taller and more handsome than before, more and more women always try to flirt with him every time we're in public, I wondered how he haven't snapped yet due to the constant attention. He also has become considerably stronger and the public speculated that in a few more years, he will soon be on the same level as All Might.

I gulped and nodded, paying attention to what he was saying.

He made some hand signs and said: "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!", a puff of smoke generated from behind him and another Itachi appeared.

Today Itachi-onii-chan was wearing his hero costume so I suspect that his clone will have the same equipment he has as well.

"You will be fighting my shadow clone, the clone will be using 30% of my strength, you will have to defeat it to pass my test." He explained as the clone entered a fighting stance.

I also got into my stance and awaited his signal.

"Begin!" He announced.

As soon as the match started, the clone dashed toward me at a ridiculous speed. I activated my Sharingan and barely dodged the kick that was aiming for my stomach.

'Fast!' I thought as I quickly recover and grabbed his leg, building up chakra in my hands and arms, I threw him fifty meters away.

I yelled: "Raiton Ya no Jutsu!" and two arrows made of lightning appeared beside me and I sent them toward the clone.

The clone retaliated and a giant fireball came out of his mouth. The two Jutsu collide with each other and created a gigantic smoke screen. The clone tried to relocate me through the dense fog but to no avail..

"Looking for me?" I yelled and burst through the cloud of smoke.

I held out my left hand and a spinning ball of chakra materializes in my hand, "Rasengan!" I shouted and aimed my attack at the clone's face.

A blade made out of flame emerged in the clone's hand and tries to meet my Rasengan head-on. Seeing this, I decided to use my Rasangen as a feint. I dispel the charka sphere and did a spin in midair, I unsheathed my tanto and swung it towards the side of the clone's face.


My blade met with the clone's kunai. My body was still in the air and thanks to my reflexes, I raised my lower body and landed a kick in the clone's stomach. The clone staggered backward and I quickly followed after it. I moved my chakra to my lower body and leaped high in the air.

I held out my tanto with my right hand, I used my left hand and swipe the side of the blade from the handle to the end with two of my fingers. Suddenly blue statics started to coat my blade and it looked like I'm wielding a knife made of lightning.

I saw the clone in the distance and I prepared to attack with my weapon. He weaved some hand signs and multiple small fireballs shot out of his mouth toward me. I slashed the fireballs with my tanto dissipating them while I quickly closes the distance between us. Seeing his attack was useless, the clone again created a blade of fire and leaped towards me, planning to meet me in midair.

I threw two kunai at the clone hoping to catch it off guard. However he deflected both kunai with his fire blade and we met each other and both of us swung our weapons in unison.

Lightning meets Fire.

Blue meets Red.

Both of us landed at the opposite end of each other, and for a few seconds, none of us moved. Silence filled the air and suddenly the clone collapsed before exploding into a cloud of smoke.

I felt tingling in my eyes, I looked at the reflection of my blade to see that my two tomoe have evolved and become a three-tome Sharingan! I glanced back at onii-chan.

*Clap Clap Clap*

"Well done Kaede, you have passed the test," Itachi-onii-chan said with a proud tone, however, I can also sense a hint of melancholy in his voice.

I tiredly smiled at him as I shed tears of joy. Eight years of training have not gone wasted. He walked up to me and hugged me tightly.

"I did it Onii-chan..." I said as my head was still deeply buried in his chest.

"You have grown strong, my cute little sister, I'm so proud of you." He replied.

I nodded and asked: "By the way onii-chan, why do you always hide your emotions in public."

He patted my head: "Showing one's emotions in battle can be detrimental, your opponents can use that to your advantage. Remember, Kaede, you have to always stay calm and think rationally no matter how dire the situation is. If you don't you may act out and lose someone precious to you." He answered solemnly.

We stayed like that for a few minutes before going home. When we got back we announced to my mom and dad my achievements. They were very proud of me and decide to celebrate my accomplishments.

Mom went all out during dinner, she created so many delicious dishes and we had a feast. I ate so much that I felt like my stomach was going to explode. Finally, in bed, I reflected on today's battle. It was a tough battle, it shocked me that's only 30% of onii-chan's strength, the clone hasn't even activated its Sharingan!

I wished that one day I will fight onii-chan while he was using his full strength. However, that's for the future and right now, I'm delighted knowing that I'm getting closer to fulfilling my dream of being the greatest hero.


That's chapter 15 done, this is the first time I ever wrote a fight scene so please give me some tips if there's an error. Also if you didn't realize, the lighting arrow was something I created, as I can't find the jutsu I want on Naruto Wiki. The closes thing to it is the Raiton: Jinraisen but it's not really what I'm looking for. Because Kaede has reached 14 years old now, that means the UA entrance exam arc will start soon! What do you think will be the reactions of the original characters when they met her?

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