
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasy
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47 Chs

38. Severed Ties 4

The boisterous laughter had lasted long enough for her to know that her attempt at scaring them didn't work. She had thought smoothly controlling elements would be a huge fit but she guessed it was nothing for this strong horde of soldiers.

Her eyes started to drift around as she searched for an escape route. A quick scan of the laughing group and she came up with a plan of escape. She reached deep inside for the feeling she was looking for before smiling a plan already formed.

A quick up swipe of her hand and a thick wall of tangled up roots emerged from the ground and started entertwining together. Pieces of earth and rocks filled up any holes left creating an impenetrable wall she quickly run for cover under the trees.

She could hear as the wall was attacked, if the loud booming sounds were to show anything. Her barrier was slowly weakening she wanted to know how much but didn't look back as she entered the thick brush.

The air was cool and little dump due to the minimal sunlight penetrating the thick trees.

'Go north' her guide directed, she quickly run north despite there not being a path to follow. The thick under brush was thick and overgrown a sign that no one walked through the way she was going. She could hear the sounds of many boot steps running after her small form. She had never been fit but she was wondering how she was able to run for so long without getting tired.

Her body hurled to the ground when she missed a potruding root she quickly rolled reducing the impact before looking back. The horde of soldiers were quickly approaching and she quickly shot up before continuing running.

Her breath came out in pants and she soon started to feel fatigued, her legs hurt and she was not sure she could go any longer. She could feel her speed slowly reduce her pursueres were still going strong and would catch at any moment.

'Cant I rest somewhere?' she asked more like pleaded with the person inside her head.

'Continue running' he insisted in a closed off tone not giving her room to bargain.

'Please!' was all she could retort with.

'Go on' it was an order and that was what she actually did she just hoped he had a plan. She could not run forever and it had already been hours since she began and she was sure she would break down first.

After all the ones chasing her were cultivators and had more stamina than she ever would. What still shocked was how they had not yet caught up with her, they were supposed to be fast and even have the ability to fly.

Yet she was faster a fit that still shocked her but was greatful as it was the only thing keeping her alive. She was drawn out of her thoughts by a familiar sound and she hoped what she heard was not what thought it would be.

Back home she had loved to go on tours and long walks in nature that is how she could tell a water body was nearby. The sound of rushing water was a sound that was very distinguishable and could not be confused with anything.

The sound got louder and louder as she run as if she was running towards it. There was high possibility that a waterfall was also present from the loud splashing sounds that echoed around her. The slope started to slowly go down and she picked up the pace as a result of the gravitational pull.

The loud sounds became more dominant and she could no longer hear her pursuers.

She stopped in her track infront of the large lake that sprawled before her.

Small water droplets fell around her like a light drizzle and for once she could feel the warmth of the sun ever since she entered the forest. It was the most beautiful sight she had ever encountered and she would enjoy it if not for the urgency she had.

Her life was in danger after all and she did not have time to admire her environment or even rest. She anxiously paced along the shore waiting for any instructions on how to continue.

'What are you waiting for, swim across' an urgent voice urged making her freeze.

'I don't know how' she retorted meekly already feeling doomed.

'It will be okay just dive into the water' the voice tried to convince gently almost as if pusuading a child.

She was still skeptical and stared at the turbulent water as if daring her to dive into it's depths. They were getting closer and she knew it, but she couldn't stop wondering which would be worse being caught or drowning.

Could they really kill her, all they needed was for her to pick a side and that side would protect her for the rest of her life. Unless the other side won then she would be in trouble and probably end up tortured to death. She turned back to the now caught up men before plunging into the cold dark depths.

It was cold very cold, she had never felt this cold in her entire life and she started to doubt her choice of diving. Keeping her eyes closed she tried to move her limbs as she had seen swimmers often move only to fail. The strong current made it hard for her to move and she could slowly fill herself sinking.

The only thing she could think of was holding her breath, it was the one thing she knew about swimming. Her lungs started to burn and she felt desperate as she tried to fight through the water but it seemed to work against her.

Just like that she was tired of even trying this place was against her anyway with this thoughts she stopped struggling.Her body bumped into a massive object that seemed to be swimming below her.

She quickly opened her eyes only to close them shut again due to the pain she felt due to the water hitting her eyes. It was still there bumping against her as she tried to move away from the object.

It was probably a water creature trying to eat her up, she was not ready to die in some fish's stomach. It seemed to be hitting her sides as if trying to weaken her.

'Hold on, he is here for you' the previously absent guide suddenly stated.

She froze for some minutes before holding onto a horn shaped object hitting against her hand. She held on tightly as it started swimming really fast as if the current was not present. They were moving upwards at a really fast pace and she anxiously waited hoping to breath soon.

They broke through the surface was with a massive splash, she greedily took in the air and only looked at the creature she was hanging on after she was back to normal.

She had never seen such a creature before but she was happy that it was helping her. She would have already fainted otherwise, the thought of being it's prey made her shiver to her bones.

She looked around the shore at the shocked gaurds who seemed to be contemplating running. Only their leader seemed confident as he glared at her figure perched on the massive creature that was now hissing at them.

She couldn't help feeling smug as she smirked at the tiny figure daring him to get her from her position.

"Retreat!" was his response after a few minutes of a stare off with her as if understanding their intention the creature calmed down.

The creature turned swiftly making her hold on to it's large scales tightly afraid of slipping off. It smoothly glided through the water moving towards the waterfall.

Thick water droplets pelted her making her confused as to why they were going towards the water fall. Only to go silent at the sight that lay behind the thick curtain of water, caves were supposed to be all rock but this was something else.

A clear blue pool lay in the middle of the cave illuminating the walls with dim blue crystal like lights. It looked like a scene that would be made in a movie set with its soft dark brown walls that formed a spherical chamber.

A bed of rocks lay in the corner in a formation that very much seemed to be made for human habitation. It was clearly not the cave she was going to stay in but if it looked anything like this one then she was utterly satisfied.

The creature lay her down on the dry ground where she slowly got down before carresing it's crocodile like head.

It pretty much resembled a crocodile but was still different in a very huge way. It had beautiful white scales that covered it's entire body in a certain pattern that seemed to mean something.

They somehow seemed like a tribal tattoo, it turquoise blue eyes was the most eye catching as they seemed to glow.

It was massive but beautiful and gentle and she could already feel close to it. It purred lowly as she gently rubbed it massive head with a smile lighting up her face.

"What's your name big guy?" She asked hoping it could talk like all the other creatures in books and novels. Her expectations were shuttered as it nudged her instead of responding to her question.

'He wants you to name him' her guide's voice retorted clearing the pout that had already formed. She had already started coming up with names the first time she clearly saw it and now she had been given the chance she suddenly hesitated.

She did not want to give him a name then force him to accept a name he didn't like. He nudged her hand while looking into her eyes making her heart melt as she was drawn into his eyes.

"Blue, can I call you that?"she asked and nodded when he rubbed his face onto her chest.