
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 48): Nana Gallagher Had an Affair (2)

Chapter 48): Nana Gallagher Had an Affair (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC character's.}


"Carl, how did your cousin get in the glass but you got to walk away free?" Jordan joked as the group was looking at the blobfish which was swimming by them.

Carl's eye twitched, "Jordan, I know they captured you girlfriend and you only get to see her today. So don't waste the time on jokes like that."

Sophia and Kassidi giggled as they watched the two of them, they were moving through the tank room where all around them they got to see underwater, it was great to see. Though he knew the glass was specialized to have hold all of that together, but his fear of it breaking and drowning them all was real, he did not like the stuffy chest feeling he was having.

Didn't help that they were slowly moving through the room, the other side was just in sight but the group would stop and look at something else making his eye twitch, he felt they were doing it on purpose.

"Carl, are you okay?" Kassidi asked sliding up next to him and taking his hand noticing how awkward he was being.

He nodded sending her a smile, "Yeah, just nervous around all this water. Always had a fear of deep water."

She nodded sending him a smiled before she stood in front of him and took his face in between her hands, she then began to led him to the other side despite the fact that everyone else was still there. Her eyes were shinning playfully as they made their way out the in closed area, Carl released his breath he was holding happy she helped him out.

Leaning towards her he kissed her cheek, "Thanks Kass."

She blushed but smiled brightly, "Like I said anything for you Carl."

There was laughter near them which Carl just took notice of, Kassidi seemed to know the laughs as she looked nervous, "Wow, look at that Kassidi had to date a Southsider just to get someone to like her." A girls voice rang out.

"Right, she scared everyone else away so that is all that is left for her." Another joked.

Carl raised a brow and was going to turn and say something to her, but before he could she took control of his face again and shook her head, she gave him a small smile with it. Since she didn't want him to say anything he didn't, instead he held her hand and pulled her close, she went willingly of course and laid her head on his shoulder.

Sophia and Jordan joined them moments later, they saw the other girls and heard their talks and giggles sending the girls glares, Carl just ignored them though his sole focus on Kassidi. He was asking her questions about her ballet recital coming up, because he had no clue what 'The Sleeping Beauty' was about he didn't really keep up with ballet like that after all.

He was interested now though and found it an intriguing story, Kassidi was smiles all through out as she loved the fact that he was really wanting to learn make about her hobbies and likes. Carl was showing he was determined to be with her, although he wasn't back to his full happy self yet, he was getting there and he needed to make sure his attention was always on her.

The moment she realized that he was happy again he was going to take his shot with her again, and hopefully he wouldn't be rejected.

"Alright guys, it is time for the dolphin show, please make an orderly line and find your seats." One of the guides said while smiling at them all.

Kassidi squealed and dragged him towards where they were directed, he wasn't really looking forward to it much but this was a free day out of school, which is the only reason that he even came on the trip. He was told if he stayed at school then he would have to do paper work on different fish, which just sounded stupid.


After all forty minutes show, which was just them splashing around and doing tricks they were released for lunch, which would be one of the last things they would do here before they were released. They would be allowed to walk around after lunch to see what they wanted before they headed back to the busses, apparently they would make it back for last period.

Kassidi dragged him away the moment lunch was announced, since they ended up sitting separately from Sophia and Jordan they didn't even get a chance to walk with them to eat lunch. He was sure she was doing it on purpose to by the smile that was on her face, he could only smile and shake his head at that.

Kass led him over to a semi secluded area and using her bag pulled out a premade meal, it looked very expensive and the fact that it was steak was a whole other thing, his mouth watered seeing it. "William brought this right before the dolphin shows it has had time to rest since then. He said this was Steak Au Poivre Soup, it's suppose to be really good."

Carl shrugged, he had never heard of it, but it looked delicious, and he was about to walk to get his own food but she grabbed his arm stopping him, "There is more then enough for both of us, say 'ahh'"

Looking around Carl blushed some but took a bite nonetheless, he had never had a girl who he was interested in feed him, it was a new and heart warming experience for him really. He had read it in books and seen it in some movies and TV shows but he had never actually had it happen to him, he would lying if he said he didn't like the experience of it.

Kassidi smiled brightly as she watched him chew on the food, she also took a bite too while waiting for him to want another, she actually was the one to make the soup, she just had it brought once it was lunch time. She didn't tell Carl this though, she knew he was trying in the getting to learn her high, but she wanted this to be a surprise, something that she could shock him with later.


(Jordan and Sophia POV)

"They do realize they aren't really hidden right?" Jordan asked as he took a bite from the sub he was having for lunch.

Sophia shrugged as she popped a chip into her mouth, "I think they might, but they probably don't care at this point."

Jordan hummed, "And you don't care about this? I was sure that you had a crush on him, I mean it was pretty obvious, even from the first time I had met you."

"True I did. But it is clear that Kassidi won, I mean look at the fool, he looks like a love struck idiot and they have only known each other a little over a month and a half."

Jordan sighed but knew she was right, he felt it from the first day that Carl would somehow be trapped by Kassidi, and after learning a little more about her he also felt something for the girl. He didn't see her as much of a hindrance anymore though, nope, somehow she was just another friend of his which he didn't see coming.

He blamed it on Carl though, it was his fault that he was the way he was, he knew it, and now he could only sigh at the outcome.

Sophia meanwhile swallowed hard seeing their ways, although she was fine with Carl choosing Kassidi, she also didn't want to have front row seats to it so soon, of course their friendship was still there. She really wasn't going to mess them up though, she might not be able to hang out with them for awhile together in the same room, but she could still be close to both of them.

Jordan patted her shoulder giving her a sympathy smile.


(Carl POV)

When lunch finished they all got to walk around on their own, while also being aware that they had two hours to walk around, Kassidi immediately grabbed Carl's hand and dragged him to the tanks to touch things. He was fine with that, Carl didn't have anything against fish, except he didn't eat it, his problem was that he didn't like deep bodies of water.

He basically ignored everything though as he watched Kassidi smile and laugh, Jordan and Sophia were nearby touching some sea cucumbers they had been staying at least two feet behind them. He didn't know why, but then again he did, he wasn't stupid and he knew that they were trying to give the two space.

Which he was thankful for as he wanted to have time alone with Kassidi, he was trying to get back to normal as fast as possible, and with her it was happening.

After awhile they were outside and Carl was fixing the sticking cap on Kassidi's head, he smiled as he pulled it over her eyes making her giggle, "Carl!" She squealed while hitting his chest lightly.

He chuckled as he fixed her cap, "Sorry, I just thought you preferred it over your eyes. Excuse me for being wrong."

She rolled those adorable blue eyes at him, "You did that on purpose. What are your plans tonight?"

Carl mulled it over as she fixed a scarf around his neck, not one he came with either, she had brought it in his bag and was now giving it to him, something she had bought on her way to school today, "I have no clue. I don't need to get with Jordan soon though, we are going to be working on our game soon."

"Finally!" They heard Jordan say from not to far away from them, obviously he had been listening to their conversation.

Carl rolled his eyes, "But I was hoping we could spend some more time together soon. Plus summer or more like spring is soon so school is almost over, we are going to be spending summer together right?"

Kassidi beamed as she hugged him tightly snuggling into his chest, "Of course we are. We can maybe even go in a trip with our friends, just depends on how carefree our parents are or if someone takes one in advanced."

Carl nodded understanding, "Last minute! Everyone start boarding the busses!" Teachers from both sides called out as they all were now having to take off.

Kassidi held him tighter for a moment longer before backing up, she gave him a smile and in return he kissed her cheek and caressed it lightly, "I will see you later Kass."

She nodded with a small blush before happily going towards her bus, Jordan gave him a salute before following right behind her, Carl nodded back, he would text him later with the details to hang out.

"Come on you love struck idiot, we will get left behind at this point." Sophia said dragging him by the arm to the bus with a playful eye roll.

He chuckled following her.


"So it appears that Ian isn't your son, but he is close, maybe the offspring of a close relative like a brother." Lip announced happily.

Carl poked at his lasagna while watching what was happening, he didn't know how he would feel about not being Franks kid, but then again none of his uncles came around either, so it couldn't be much worse. He took a sip of water as Frank and Monica started to angrily yell at one another, he couldn't do anything but shake his head seeing that it was getting worse.

Then they kissed making him roll his eyes, these two really were toxic to one another.

"Come on guys." Fiona said leading them all out the house later after everything went down between Monica and Frank. They were now standing in the house Steve had bought Fiona, Carl pulled the coat around him more as he messaged his friends, he was tense to find out what Monica would do.

"What are they doing?" Lip asked pacing.

"Don't know it's been quiet." Ian said while walking over to look out the window.

Carl looked up as it was mentioned that they were leaving the house, he followed his family as they walked outside, they stood together as Monica walked with Liam, Bob was putting their bags in the truck. His fist clenched as he watched Monica hand Liam over to Fiona before she tearfully walked away.

He gritted his teeth some as he watched he climb into the truck, moving away from his family he walked into his house and went to his room, he brought out his phone and immediately called Kassidi, "Hey there sunshine!" He smiled weakly.

"Oh Carl." She said her voice soft as they stared at one another on FaceTime.