
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 49): 4..3..2..1.. (1)

Chapter 49): 4..3..2..1.. (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC character's.}


"Going somewhere Carl?" Fiona asked him as he walked up from his room.

"Yeah, hanging out with a friend today. Going to work on some games." He said while taking a donut he cooked earlier from the tray he left on the counter.

Fiona watched him a moment before asking, "Are you alright? You have seemed different ever since Monica left, is everything okay?"

Carl chuckled some, his Monica problems has been lessening since she left a week ago, he honestly didn't even care anymore about her leaving, he knew she wasn't like Frank, it would be awhile before he saw her again. He was fine with that, honestly he would rather he not come back from awhile, but he was not lucky enough for something like that to happen, Kassidi had been a big help though.

"I'm fine Fiona. Yeah Monica left, but honestly did you expect her to stay, she is Monica after all." He answered while shrugging.

Fiona nodded and walked over to him drawing him into a hug, "You don't need to hold everything in for me Carl, if you want to talk just let me know."

He nodded while hugging her back, "Thanks Fi."


Carl was happily looking at his new silver mittens as he walked up to Jordan's house, he had taken a taxi so he wasn't allowed to drive past the gates, so he had to walk up the driveway, which sucked. Though it wasn't as bad as it usually was, he was so glad that the weather was warming up.

Getting to the front door he pressed the doorbell while waiting, he didn't need to wait long though as the door was opened, he smiled seeing a wide eyed Lori who opened it while holding a pink bunny in her hand, "Hey there Lori, I am here to see Jordan, you mind if I come in?"

The girls eyes were stuck wide as she was stunned looking at him, at the moment he was bordering on being awkward, "Lori? Who is at the door?" The confused voice of her mother came to the door.

When she finally got a look at him her expression took on an 'I Understand' look making him smile wryly at her, "Hey there Mrs. Winston, umm I am hanging with Jordan today, do you mind if I come in? It's kind of cold out here."

She let out a chuckle before nodding, "Yeah, come on in Carl. Jordan is up in his room go right on up."

"Thank you so much. Good to see you again Lori." He smiled waving at the girl who hid behind her mother, Carl removed his shoes before walking up the stairs.

The house was as he remembered it, well the mansion, no one in their right mind would call this place a house it was to big for that, he walked the same direction he knew to Jordan's room. As he was passing the game room he saw Tim having a dinosaur war going on, he blinked but shook his head smiling.

As he kept walking he passed the room he used the night of the sleep over, though he frowned as he saw the door was different, the color had been changed to a forest green, when he tried the handle it was locked. Shrugging he kept moving, it wasn't his place to say anything about it, they might be setting it up as a guest room for family member or something, what did he know.

When he got to Jordan's room the door was open, "What's up man." Carl said as he walked inside sliding out of his coat as he did so.

"Finally you are here, hey I have already made the page. All I did was use the old one and then started making the characters for the game. I am not fully sure if this is what you wanted though." Jordan said excitedly turning in his chair.

Carl raised a brow and walked over to see what he had done, he was impressed by what he was seeing too, the game that Carl went with was basically a pay to play game. It was something that was huge in his last life, and since it wasn't out yet here or not being made he was going to put it out before anyone else did, he had to games in mind but this one would fund the other.

'Fortnite' was in bold letters at the top, Carl smiled as he went further down the screen looking at everything, it wasn't as far along as the other was but it was looking good at what he saw. There was also the basic characters at the moment, he would design the others and then Jordan would create them, but for now he was starting simple.

Although he did have to make the other characters and about fifty items, so they could buy them with the season pass, if it worked in his world, why wouldn't it work here too?

"Man, when you told me about this game at first I thought it was stupid, then as I saw your designs and plan, I knew this would be a hit. Thanks for letting me be apart of this." Jordan said as he went back to coding something else.

"Yeah no trouble, but I want to actually get this going for awhile before we make it bigger. We are going to need some serious money if we plan on making this bigger, cause us alone, well honestly we can't make it that big."

"True. I figured if we do this for most of the summer and maybe some of the fall it will be ready by winter. The perfect time to release it too as people will be inside more rather then having outdoor activities."

Carl nodded agreeing with that, he didn't know if they would be able to finish it by that time, but it would be a great time to release it. He could still remember 'Among Us' only became as big as it did because of COVID, there was no way it would have done as good as it did after COVID.

This is why he was going with something safe like this, he also didn't want to go with a mobile game either, not that it wouldn't be a good idea but he wanted to go big on his first attempt. If this really did as well as he expected then he also wanted to make 'Stardew Valley' and 'Elden Ring', sadly Madden and 2k already existed here.

"So, how much have you gotten done?" Carl asked as he began reading comics on the side, he didn't have anything to do at the moment. He already sent his files to Jordan days ago when he gave him the idea, at this point he was just waiting on Jordan to finish it all.

Honestly he felt lazy.

"Well I have everything set up, we just have to run it and beta test it really. Be mindful though that it is rough, like super rough I haven't..." Jordan launched into the whole concept which he couldn't understand, all he did was nod along to it.

"Dude chill," Carl said when he started to get into terms that he knew nothing about, "I am sure it will be fine for a beta, we just started I don't expect it to be fully completed at all."

Jordan let out a breath and nodded, "Yeah I know man, I am just excited about this. I have never thought of a game like this, I can't wait for the finished product. Oh! I also talked to my mom and she has got this patented for us, now no one else can use our ideas."

Jordan brought out a bunch of papers and showed him, Carl smiled as he looked them over of course he want a lawyer, but he did know a little to know what these meant, and he was happy about it. Seeing as they got it in first no one else could come along with the same idea now, so if someone did they he was sorry because it was his idea now.

"Well remind me to thank your mom for this. I don't know what to say." He said smiling, of course both their names were on it so he wasn't being screwed over, not that he expected that. His insecurities about that were long gone, plus they were rich enough not to need his ideas.

"Please, she was more then happy to do it, now look at this." Jordan waved him over whole brushing the comment off.


A/N: Guys there is officially 4 chapters, including this one left until season one is over. After the last one is posted I will be posting something that will be taking action for the next part of this story.