
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

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55 Chs

Chapter 42): Skate (2)

Chapter 42): Skate... (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[20+ Advanced Chapters ahead on Buy-meacoffee/Flaminglines]


"Oh crap...Oh Crap...OH CRAP!!! KASSIDI CATCH ME!" Carl's girly scream could be heard as he slowly moved across the ice but was soon about to face plant into the thing.

Her pearls of laughter rang out behind him as she took his arms with her hands, "Now really Carl? You were going slower then a turtle, one little fall wouldn't have hurt you."

He huffed, "Says the miss national skater here."

It was amazing to watch her glide around in the ice as if it was home to her, he had spent a solid ten minutes earlier watching her as he wanted her to have some real fun before she taught him. He wouldn't be exaggerating if he said that she was a natural born skater, she even did effortless moves like twirls and jumping spins.

(A/N: Sorry, I don't know ice skating terms or anything. I really can't ice skate.)

She was like a fairy when she moved across the ice, he was actually jealous of her, plus he was wondering why when he set foot out on it he suddenly had no balance, it was if the ice just hated him. Carl didn't mind not being able to do this though, and he actually thought about getting a membership too when he saw how good she was, he would spend his time here just watching her if she kept doing this.

She giggled hearing his words, "I swear Carl you are just to adorable."

He huffed again as he held her arms a little tighter trying to stay up right, "And I think this ice is trying to kill me. Why couldn't we do something fun like go-carts?"

She smiled shaking her head a little as she spoke softly, "Because I wanted to show you something that I like. I have only really been showing you my bad parts, so I figured I could show you some good things about me too."

Carl looked into her shinning blue eyes and saw the vulnerability there, it made him hold his tongue about complaining anymore, "Well, I mean with how good you are, I guess I could become better at this. You are like a fairy born to be on this ice."

Her beaming smile returned and he looked down at his feet trying to hide his own smile, he was starting to really get addicted to seeing her smile, something about it just making him feel warm inside. Looking up again his eyes grew wide as she was skating backwards and the wall was coming up, "Kassidi wall!!" He shrieked causing her to laugh.

"Don't worry I have you." She said softly as she effortlessly turned them without even changing her position the wall no longer an issue.

Carl blushed or he liked to think that the cold was just making his cheeks redder as she held him tighter, this was his first nice experience with ice skating every other time had ended up with him losing a tooth. With Kassidi helping him keep balance and teaching him it was way better, he didn't feel as though he was going to screw up, and even if he did he felt secure enough since Kassidi was here to help him.

"Look at that, that reminds me of us Lucas." An older woman with greying hair and hazel eyes said with a fond smile as she looked over at them.

"What are you talking about Brooke! I was always an amazing Ice Skater you didn't need to teach me." The old man Lucas said with a puffed chest as he held his wifes hand as they skated around.

"Whatever you say Boyfriend." Brooke said patting his arm with an affection smile aimed at him.

"Brooke, we have been married for over thirty years now, when are you going to stop calling me that." Lucas asked her fondly.

"Never." She said leaning her head on his arm as they skated past Carl and Kassidi.

Carl looked to Kassidi getting ready to say a joke but she spoke before he could, "Weren't they so adorable Carl?! What if we are like that when we are their age? Wouldn't that be amazing?"

Seeing that her eyes weren't the usual crazed but mellow and full of longing he didn't say anything to diffuse the situation, instead he just smiled, "You never know Kass. Let's see what the future holds for us first, you might find someone else, and I might too. We are only Twelve no need to rush anything."

She pouted but nodded her head, "Okay then."

The rest of their little skate was spent in peaceful silence, but it was occasionally broke by Carl's little shouts to be saved, followed by Kassidi laughing as she made sure he didn't hit the ice. The people around them all smiled at the two fondly, Carl and Kassidi didn't even notice that they were the only young people out there, everyone else being mostly older couples.


"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Carl said as he returned next to Kassidi after turning his skates back in.

"I knew you would like it. Now, do you want to go get something to eat? We can even invite Sophia and Jordan, I got enough Carl time for now." Kassidi said with a smile looping their arms as they made their way outside to the car.

Carl thought about it but shook his head, since she did plan this day and it wasn't as horrible as he thought it would be he decided to just finish the day off with her, "No that's okay. Is there anything else you want to do?"

Her eyes sparkled as she let out a little squeal, "Yes! There is one thing I have really wanted to do with you."

He raised a brow but didn't ask questions as she pushed him into the car and it took off seconds later as she leaned forward to tell the driver where to go.


Carl's eye twitched as he tried on yet another shirt, the tailor smiled as he listen to Kassidi critique over yet another shirt, there were already five sets to the side that she was determined to buy him despite protest from him. He had become a living doll as she made him change shirt after shirt, pants after pants, shoes after shoes, it was torture.

Well it wasn't so bad, but he was growing hungry but her and this tailor seemed to want to see him in all different types of clothes, though he had to admit the white cashmere sweater she made him try on was nice. It was a turtle neck that went with his body portions well, the workouts helping that out, her squeal seeing him in it treatment to how well he pulled it off.

He even got a nod of approval from the tailor who was super judgemental.

"Kass, are you sure this is okay? Three of the shirts you want to buy me are two hundred a piece and the sweater alone is five hundred." He said actually a little nervous that she would get in trouble.

She stopped her conversation with the tailor giving him a fond smile, "Don't worry about it. My parents give me a monthly allowance and as long as I don't spend more then what is allowed they don't say anything. I haven't touched this months so I have more then plenty to spend on you."

Carl paused but then nodded, it was weird hanging out with someone like that seeing as in both lives he has never had more then ten thousand in his bank account at one time, he was sure that was nothing to her though. His head began to drift off a little as he thought about why should would even like someone like him, it just didn't make any sense to him, but he decided not to take advantage of this.

He would allow it this time since she was happy to do it, but there was no way he was going to make a habit of this, just every now and then no more then twice a year. It was just so he wouldn't be spoiled or anything, also so it wasn't taken as he was just using her for money, because he liked Kassidi for who she was, not the money she could give him.

"Are we almost done here? I really am starting to get hungry, I mean you did drag me from bed without feeding me." Carl said as she turned to go back to her previous conversation.

"Oh my gosh!" She said her eyes going wide as she turned to him fast, "I forgot all about that, I am so sorry Carl. Let's get you some food, Anthony we will see you again sometime. I am sure Carl will need new measurements by next winter with the way he is filling out."

"Well you two lovebirds have a great day." Anthony said with a smile as he waved them off.

Kassidi took him to the front where they paid for everything, she passed the bags to her driver who had to wait and told him to go on lunch after putting the bags in the car, Carl felt for the poor man and patted his arm. The drivers eyes widen but he smiled at Carl seeing that he understood all the difficulties he had to face working for this family, Carl would need to learn the man's name if he was going to see him more.

After leaving the overpriced store Kassidi and him walked to the food court in the mall, but it was a part he had never tried before because the place didn't hold fast food restaurants like the second floor. No, the third floor was dedicated to restaurants that required you to sit in them and make appointments, there was literally a two star Michelin restaurant inside the place that took reservations.

He could only shake his head as she led him to that very place, it was called 'Benign' which he thought was a poor sounding name, it made him think of tumors after all so it wasn't that well thought out. As they entered it took a look and they were taken to a table, the place wasn't that full so he was sure that is why they didn't need to have a reservation, literally there was only three other people in the dining area.

"Your waiter will be here soon to take your order." The person who showed them their table siad before walking away.

Carl nodded as he looked at the menu, as soon as he saw the prices he set it back down wide eyed, "Kass, couldn't we have just gone to get a burger or something?" Sixty dollars for one appetizer was crazy.

She giggled, "I noticed you call me Kass when you really want something from me. You use Kassidi more when you are trying to get a point across though. I like it."

Carl huffed as she basically ignored him and kept reading her menu, but he also knew that he did that, he loved calling her Kass cause he knew it softened her up to have a nickname from him. While when he was trying to be serious with her he uses her full name which makes her know when to tone down whatever it is she is doing.

Opening the menu again he decided to skip the appetizer they weren't here for a full meal anyway, it was just a quick in and out thing.

"Don't even try it. Like you said I dragged you from bed without even allowing you to eat, you need to eat something it is already past three in the afternoon. I will order for you if I have to." She said looking at him over the menu as if she could read his mind.

At the moment Carl was starting to feel a little like a child as she had read him so clearly right then, "Fine. I will get the oysters as an appetizer, then the filet mignon with the potatoes and grilled asparagus, dessert can wait."

She smiled happily at him as the waiter came up to them, she proceeded to order everything he said then ordered her own, "So did you enjoy today?" She asked when the waiter left after giving them water.

"Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. You are fun to hang out with Kass, but next time I choose what we do." He smiled at her then took a sip of his water.

She smiled lightly nodding her head, "Okay you can pick the next date. Not that this is one of anything, but in my head I am going to count it as one."

Carl just shook his head, he wasn't going to say anything to bring her mood down, she would lose this puppy love as they grew up and she actually made more friends, she was just really attached to him at the moment since he hasn't outright rejected her yet.


After a great meal Kassidi took Carl home, she also needed to get home as it was getting darker and apparently she had a family function tomorrow, he didn't ask what it was since she didn't want to tell him. Not like it really mattered much anyway as she said she would text him during it anyway, which just made him shake his head fondly at her.

"Hey Carl! Are those new clothes?" Lip said with a smile as he walked in the front door, the rest of the family must have been busy as he was alone.

Carl looked at him and nodded curtly before walking away, he wasn't going to engage Lip when all he could see is him throwing his life away, he wanted his family to have some ambition. None of them were showing that yet, Lip looked like he was on track to raising some other guys kid that Karen would give birth to, he could just see that happening.

Especially if the baby comes out as a girl making it really impossible to tell, unless she came out a different race with it.

He missed the look that Lip gave him as he continued on to his room, when he set hte bags down his phone vibrated and he saw it was a message from Kassidi;

'From: Kass🖤

Thanks 4 today Carl, I had a great time. I can't wait until we can do it again, you looked really funny with skates on after all.'

He smiled at the message which also had an attached picture of her with it, putting the picture as her new picture in his phone he went back to putting away the new clothes she got for him.