
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 41): Skate (1)

Chapter 41): Skate... (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[20+ Chapters ahead on Buy-meacoffee/Flaminglines]


"Kassidi....I thought you liked me, why would you do this to me?" Carl asked whining as she was dragging him out the house a big smile on her face.

"Oh stop being a baby, this is the second time I have caught you alone. I can now take you out for the day for it to just be us." Kassidi said not even caring that he was still trying to put on his jacket while leaving the house.

Carl huffed, he just didn't want to actually go do this activity, it was something that he hadn't mastered, and it was something that he never thought to do so he was nervous not to show her his best side. It was a fear or really a trait he had from his past life, he would never show anyone something if he couldn't show his best

Kassidi was making him break that rule this moment by taking him ice skating, it was the last chance they were going to get before the snow starts to melt in a month making it her only chance. Carl though wasn't as thrilled, he had never learned to rollerblade, let alone ice skate, he had no knowledge of these.

He hadn't told her this either, he didn't get a chance to really say much before they even took off.


"Carl!" A shout sounded out before a body was thrown on top of his own, he huffed as the air left his lungs.

"K-Kassidi, C-can't breath!" He managed to get out as all the air left his lungs from her landing on him.

She giggled as she slid off of his back, "Sorry Carl, I am just so excited. Today is the last day that 'The Blue Ring' is open so I we need to get moving...also I want it to be just us."

The last part was quiet so he didn't catch it but he got the rest, he froze as he knew what the place was, it eas the ice ring where you could skate at, the only problem was is that he didn't know how. He was even trash on regular roller blades, what on earth made people think it was a good idea to do it on solid ice, that made no sense to him.

"Umm Kass, what if I don't want to go?" He asked with a raised brow as he sat up, there was no way he could fake sleep after what she did.

She laughed outright as she moved into his dresser and began taking out clothes for him to wear, "Don't be silly Carl. This is more time for us to spend together, come on up."

Groaning he threw himself back, he didn't get to wallow long as she took his arm and began to dress him when he wasn't moving fast enough, feeling her begin to take off his shorts he quickly stopped her. "Fine, I understand. I will get dressed Kass, just give me a moment."

She looked at him with a small glare before nodding, "You have five minutes to be up those stairs, if you are not there then I am coming to finish what I started."

Carl grumbled as his door closed, he didn't even test her as he knew she would do just that, when it came to him the girl had no sense of boundaries what so ever.

*Flashback End*

"Would you stop with the pouting already, really Carl. You act as if I am taking you to lethal injection or something." She said rolling her eyes at him when she noticed her arms were crossed while looking out the window.

Carl huffed, she also stole his phone so there was no way that he could call for Sophia and Jordan to join them either, she had effectively trapped him with her with no way to contact anyone else. Not that he was really complaining or anything, he would rather have a smaller audience to his mess up then having them all look at him when he embarrassed himself later.

"Schools almost out, do you have any summer plans?" Kassidi asked when she realized that he wasn't even speaking and looking out the window.

Carl thought about it before shaking his head, he didn't really have any plans besides working on his animation and making more music, also doing videos with Sophia since they would be more free. He would also be hanging out at the country club for their pool, no way was he going to the public pool for the summer, he was even going to get Kass to invite Sophia.

"Nothing really. I am just going to be hanging out around here." He said offhandedly still not wanting to talk much, a little mad at her.

Kassidi pouted realizing it too, "You don't have to be so upset about this, it won't be that bad."

He sighed while running a hand through his hair, he was being unfair to her, "Your right, it isn't that bad. I am being pouty about this because....I don't know how to skate." He crossed his arms as he basically whispered the last part.

Though it seemed Kassidi had Vulcan hearing as she squealed, "What! Did I hear that right?!? The great Carl Gallagher doesn't know how to skate."

He blushed moving away from her to the other side of the car as he pouted some more, she awed at him making his blush increase, he hated this feeling. She poked his side and from the corner of his eye he could see her holding in a laugh, he didn't acknowledge her though and kept looking out the window.

He didn't want to be teased from her about not being able to skate, although her current face was super adorable and he almost caved.

"Come on Carl, please don't be upset. I can even teach you to skate, I don't do a lot of things well, but this I am a master at." She said and with quick motion she was pushing him back and kneeling in his lap with a smile.

He sighed while nodding his head, "Fine. But if I look like an idiot out there, it is your fault."

She grinned and quickly kissed his cheek, "Don't worry, if you look like an idiot then I will make myself look like one too. Solidarity after all."

They smiled brightly at one another.


"We're here Miss. Thompson." The driver said while opening the door for the two of them.

Kassidi smiled at the man while also dragging Carl out the car, he only hesitated a moment before he followed her outside, they quickly walked over to the doors with Kassidi skipping with how excited she was. Even walking into the building the place was really cold, it might have even been colder then outside, at the moment he would rather go to the lake and skate there then here.

She didn't give him the chance though as she brought him over to the counter, "Hello, there is just the two of us please." Kassidi said to the woman sitting at the counter.

"Alright, that will be $45 dollars unless you have a membership card." She said with a smile looking at them.

Kassidi showed her membership and they were allowed through, apparently as long as one person held one it automatically came with a guest pass, so there was that. He wouldn't be spending money on one though, it didn't matter how good he got at this it wouldn't become a hobby, he had a little fear of this.

Which was ridiculous seeing as he skateboarded all the time.

Kassidi had a bag with her which had her own personal blue and pink skates, while Carl went and rented some black ones from the stand on the side, he still wasn't fully into this. Going back to Kass, her smile made him choke down any other problems he might have with this.

"Are you ready?" She asked a wide smile on her face.

"Not really, but let's do this."


A/N: Sorry the chapter was shorter then usual, I was not feeling well when I wrote this one so I stopped it halfway. The next will be longer then this one.