
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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Chapter 40) It's Time to Kill the Turtle (3)

Chapter 40): It's Time to Kill the Turtle (3)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[15+ Chapters ahead on Buy-meacoffee/Flaminglines]


Carl groaned, his back felt bad and his neck was at a weird angle, he was trying to figure out why as he reached out blindly until his hand brushed against a body that wasn't his own. Snapping his eyes opened he looked down to see dirty blonde hair across his chest, resting between his legs and snuggled into him with her head on his chest was Kassidi, who was sleeping peacefully.

He blinked and blinked, until he realized what happened as he looked to be TV to see FlixNet asking if he was still watching, they had passed out by the end of Scream 3, which was surprising for him since he never fell asleep on them. Feeling the warm body on him though and the soft sounds she was making he could understand, Kassidi was just so good at cuddling that she had lulled him to sleep.

Carl brushed some of her shit out her face and traced a finger down her chubby cheek, it was so soft that he unconsciously began to do it, he was lost in thought as he did so. From the buzzing of her phone on the table he could tell she would be in trouble for this, how much he didn't really know but when the phone stopped and didn't continue he assumed they knew she was asleep and useless to keep calling.

Feeling Kassidi's warm breath on his chest he didn't want to wake her, they only had a thin blanket over them and because he didn't turn his heater on their body heat was the only thing keeping them warm at the moment. One hand started running through her hair as the other caressed her cheek as Carl got comfortable, he wouldn't wake her either since she was sleeping so peacefully, he would wait for her to wake up naturally.

The only good thing was that their was no school today so at least she wasn't missing that, it would have been worse if she needed to end at school but instead was here asleep.

"Carl have you seen---" Lips voice broke off as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs and took in their position, "Wow, didn't think you were doing this so young."

Carl blushed and shook his head, he was still mindful of Kassidi and tried not to shake her to much, "It's not like that Lip. We were watching movie and fell asleep."

"Whatever you kids want to call it nowadays," he chuckled, "It's fine whatever, I was going to ask have you seen that taser I got but I will look again upstairs. Also don't forget we are going bowling today, my friend is getting us in free. We will go around ten when he gets into work, Kevin and Ethel are joining too."

"That's fine by me. Also your taser is in the top drawer over there, I was using it for something." Carl said nodding as he set his head back down his hands going back to what they were doing, Lips smirk let him know he saw it too.

"Awesome." Lip said while walking over and getting said item and walking back upstairs with a quick wink to him.

"I know your awake." Carl said to the 'sleeping' Kassidi who tensed as she heard him speak.

She didn't say or do anything for a moment before lightly speaking, "I have no clue what you are talking about."

He chuckled still running his hand through her hair, "Your going to have to answer the calls. I am sure your parents are worried."

She frowned but he didn't see it as he was paying attention to the ceiling, when she didn't move for awhile he looked down to see the reason, seeing the look on her face made him understand some. With a sigh let out she reached for her phone while not even moving from her position on him, which was impressive with her short height.

While she called them he went ahead and laid there, he would need to get up and have breakfast soon but he was willing to give Kassidi a little more time, he tried not to listen to much to their argument. Finally setting the phone down he felt her huff, he knew she was still angry from the conversation she just had, it was hard to see the angry tears in her eyes.

Reaching down he lifted her chin, "Hey Kass...." When she closed her eyes he waited until he saw that shining blue again before speaking, "You just had your first sleepover, did you realize that?"

A breath taking smile took over her face with tears streaming down her face, Carl heart felt full at that moment as he gently wiped the tears away, all the anger leaving her eyes immediately. After laying there for another ten minutes the two got up and Carl made her breakfast, making honey bacon donuts which she ate up.

Finally he walked her outside where the same town car from before was waiting for her, she gave him a tight hug and he returned it, "Thank you Carl." She whispered to him squeezing tighter.

"Anything for you Kass." He gave a kiss to her forehead as she pulled away and lightly skipped to the waiting car.

When it turned the corner and he could no longer see it he went back into the house.


"You alright Carl?" Lip asked him later when they were drinking sodas sitting by the bowling lanes. Debbie was having fun with Frank while Kevin was teaching Ethel how to bowl, though she kept shooting looks to Carl.

"Yeah, just sad for Kassidi. That doesn't matter at the moment though, I have a question for you?" Carl said as he looked at his brother, he serious wanted more for him and he could see Karen throwing it all away.

Lip let out a wide smirk/smile, "Sure what's up kid?"

Carl didn't want to ask it but he needed to, everyone wants a roll model in their family, Carl still wasn't sure who his was, "Why are you with Karen? Aren't you afraid one day she will try to trap you with a kid? Do you seriously want to be on the Southside for the rest of your life?"

Lip was stunned the smirk/smile fading as he looked into the eyes of his little brother, he was thinking it would be a joke or as for another soda or something but this, well he didn't know how to answer. He knew the answer that was coming to his lips but when he saw his brothers eyes, well he held his tongue, he felt it he said what he felt something would break.

"What do you mean? I'm still in high school, I'm enjoying life." Lip said trying to bring his confident smile back.

Carl stared at him a moment before sighing, "Forget it Lip, I'm going yo hang out with Frank before we lose him to drinking again."

Lip didn't know what it was but he felt a shift as he watched Carl walk away, he wanted to call out to him but stopped himself, he didn't want to lie to Carl after all.


Carl stood against the door as he heard the quiet sobs from his sister, he could also hear the laughter from the stories Frank were telling Debbie, ignoring the problems of his eldest daughter. Turning around he walked back to his laptop and opened up some animation tutorials and class forms, he would work harder to get what they needed done.


Jumping Carl woke to the sound of something banging on a wall, he slipped as he fell from his spot where he was on his laptop, he ignored the paper stuck to his face at the moment and went upstairs. Getting there he ran into Lip and Fiona, "I think it's time we stopped this now, he is going to destroy the house at this rate." Carl said.

"I was just thinking the same thing, Fiona you grab the let over Vodka and Debbie, Carl help me distract him." Lip said taking control of the situation.

Carl nodded and walked with Debbie, "Tell him you saw something scary Debbie, I will back it up saying that I got you away from it."

She nodded along but her eyes were sad as she thought of doing this, "Okay."

He leaned over hugging her and she held him tightly back, he knew it was killing her the worst, being the youngest besides Liam she was still in need of parental affection. And Fiona couldn't always be the father too, and if their talk was anything to go by Lip wasn't ready to face reality yet.

"Daddy! I saw a snake in my room, can you help!" Debbie screamed to Frank who was half way into the attic.

"Hold on a moment Debs." Frank said as he came down the ladder unaware that Lip was waiting to strike with taser in hand.

As he cleared the middle step Lip struck making him shake and fall harmlessly to the ground, Lip then held him down as Fiona began to poor the Vodka into his mouth as he complained about it. Carl held Debbie close as they watched it all, they knew that even if he was a drunk he was still their father and it was hard watching this.

They would love for the Frank they had just then to stay, but he was a danger to everyone like that as it was more like an addict going through withdrawals and slowly doing destructive things until it went to far. Unless he got real help then he was better off a drunk they couldn't depend on them a father who was overly there doing things putting them at risk.

Sighing he kissed the top of Debbie's head before walking off, he needed to work on being faster at animation, at this rate it would take him years to learn this stuff. And he didn't want to wait that long, more ideas about making quick legal money popped into his head, he was strongly thinking of submitting songs to sell.