
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 20): Three Boys (1)

Chapter 20): Three Boys (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[5 Chapters ahead as a member, Buy-meacoffee/Flaminglines]


"Wait so it is a fake wedding, but you have to now make it look real, so Veronica and Kevin can get money her father left her?" Carl asked as he was sitting at the table, Fiona had just informed him of their whole plan, which he didn't have a real problem with.

"Yeah, the biggest concern is a priest though. So we are going to need your help on that front." Lip said with a grin.

Carl didn't like the sound of that, like really would anyone really, they were asking him, a little boy, to be alone with a priest that just didn't sound right to him. And their was only one pastor that he knew about that would do something like that, which was Pastor Pete, the man who ran the church he would steal from.

He knew that is who they were talking about, he sighed inside thinking that, they told him he wouldn't need to do it until tomorrow so he didn't worry about it for now and left. Walking down to the basement he saw the progress he put into the room, it was actually liveable now so he was going to move down to it, but there was still the matter of giving it a paint job.

The walls were concrete so he was going to paint them to look better then the gray that they were, he actually thought of doing a mural on one of them proud of his painting talent. So now he would just need to buy some paint, checking his savings he had a little over four hundred dollars, so plenty to actually buy the paint for him to paint the walls.

Next was finding different beddings and such, he didn't want to bring what he had upstairs down, he would just leave that there for when Liam got older or if they needed an extra bed. He would need to find a place for that, he couldn't help but think about how he would get the money from all this.

Starting a YouTube channel would take some time, so he would need to actually find a quicker way to make money, the only thing he could think of was to sell drugs, it was quick and easy. Tapping his foot he thought over all the pros and cons before deciding that he would do it, there was no harm and it would give him way more money then he had now.

That was something he would put to the back of his mind for now though, he didn't plan to be a corner boy where the potential of being caught was high, instead he planned to find people to sell door to door too. This was something he couldn't bring up to Mr. Vegas though, the man already expressed to him how much he didn't want his daughter around that, so he would need to find another way.

After laying out his plans he decided to go get the paint, he wouldn't be sleeping in his new room any time soon, but he could at least get it ready before he did move in. Seeing how paint was toxic to breath in to much he would get that out the way, the little window connecting to outside a good source to slowly bring the smell out as it dried.

Going upstairs he didn't see anyone but shrugged it off, they would find him if it was something important and the fact that he had a phone now made it easier so he just left.


Carl stood in the hardware store, he was looking at the paints that they had set out, he gritted his teeth seeing the price of paint, it was something that he couldn't afford a lot of if he bought what he wanted.

"Need some help kid?" Someone working in the store asked coming up next to him.

Carl nodded, "Yeah, I am painting four walls in my house, and I know I need a primer coat before I paint but I only have $200."

The man nodded, "Have you thought about what color you are doing it? If so I might be able to help out."

Surprised Carl nodded, "Yeah, I am going to need something close to Emerald green, yellow but not a lot, Maroon Red and Black."

"Follow me." The man said leading him further down to where a stand was, their was a wall of paint cans behind the stand along with paint swabs on the counter, "These are all the messed up paint colors we have, we give them half price because they were custom orders that weren't bought."

Carl nodded, if they were cheaper then what he had seen then these would be perfect for him, "And the Primer?"

"No such luck kid, those will be full priced."

He had to try, so for the next ten minutes the man helped him find colors close to the ones he wanted, surprisingly there was a lot of them that were available to him. After paying for it all it cost him $150, leaving him plenty of money to spend on some other things for the room, of course his main concern was still having a new bed, but he couldn't buy those brand new.

Well he could, but it would be on a payment plan rather then buying it outright.

Once Carl got home he immediately took the paint and supplies down to the basement, he didn't want to waste any time so he started to put down the protective plastic so it wouldn't go all over the floors. Though he was thinking about carpeting it seeing as the floors were cold in the morning no matter the time, it would be the coldest room in the house thanks to it having no insulation in it.

Getting out the tape he began to tape over the things in the room he didn't want painted, such as light switches and things similar to it. That didn't take as nearly as long as he expected it too, and that was mainly because there wasn't a whole lot that he wanted covered up, no to much to save really.

"Hey Carl! You ready?" Lips voice sounded as he walked down the stairs, Carl winced at the squeaky floorboards he would need to fix that.

"Yeah sure man." Carl said while still sighing at this plan of his.

Lip grinned as he turned to head back up the stairs, "Chin up manz just remember you are doing this for V and Kevin, just keep thinking that."

Shaking his head he followed Lip to the living room where Ian was waiting for him with a grin, the three of them left the house heading straight for the church knowing Pastor Pete was free. Along they way they spoke about Kevin's bachelor party, which Carl wasn't invited to, making him a little upset but there was nothing he could do about it.

As they got to the church he was the first to walk into the place quickly followed by the other two, "Alright let me do the talking." Lip said as they approached the door.

After knocking it was opened by an older man who was frowning at them, "If it isn't the Gallagher boys, if you are here for the collection plate you are to late. It was already been sent away."

"Umm, no it's not that Father Pete," Lip said in a polite innocent voice, it almost made Carl roll his eyes, "We are actually here because Carl here is begging to be an alter boy, and we were just wondering if that could happen?"

Father Pete looked at Carl, and he tried not to shiver at the smile that appeared on the man's face, "Oh, well I am sure that we can find something for young Carl here. Why don't you come in here."

"Go ahead Carl, we will be over here." Lip said while walking away with Ian.

Shivering slightly he followed Father Pete into the room, he gulped as the door shut behind him, "Well Carl, what makes you want to be an alter boy?"

"I just---" That was as far as Carl got before the man out his hands on his shoulder and started to lower it.

Without a thought Carl grabbed the closest thing to him and swung it at the man, his aim was true as it swung into his balls making the man fall over to the floor. Carl was glad he did it when he did too as his hands were getting close down his back, that is not a thought he wanted to have in his head at all.

"F*cking Perv!" Carl growled as the door was opened where he saw a grinning Lip and Ian.

"Looks like we got our priest." Lip said laughing some.

"Not funny dude. This is going to leave me with some serious mental damage, how can you not sympathize for your porr brother here?" Carl asked but his tone was mono as he asked.

"Father Pete here is the thing..." Lip went on to explain what he would do for them not even giving the man a chance to deny it. It was either he does the fake wedding for them or they would report him which would result in the man getting jail time.

It was quite obvious the choice he made.