
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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Chapter 18): Studio (1)

Chapter 18): Studio (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


Walking inside Carl and Sophia followed the man who drove them there, he apparently knew where to go as they didn't even stop to talk to the receptionist and went back into the studio room where they would record. Walking inside the outer part held a wrap around couch that looked comfortable, on the table was a bowl full of snacks with water next to them.

The place was in a cream color look, with records hanging on the wall, on the stand where a whole bunch of knobs and dials that Carl had no clue what they were for, but he was impressed. Lastly the booth where they would record was wide and held many instruments inside even some of the not so common ones that people would use, he was really impressed.

Looking at the people in the room there were four others not including them, they were familiar faces though, Mr. Vegas, Mrs. Vegas and Baby Vegas, the only not known face was the board operater.

"So whose this guy?" Carl asked point at said man who was manning the sound board.

"This man is Spencer Whitman, he will be helping you with your musical score. All you need to do is come up with the lyrics, also I have that contract." Mr. Vegas said with a smile while showing it to them.

Sophia was ignoring them as she went to coo at her baby sister, she didn't seem worried about the contract at all she hardly even glanced at them when it was mentioned, "Will Sophia be signing this too?" Carl asked as he read it.

Mr. Vegas gritted his teeth but he nodded, "Yes she will."

Carl laughed on the inside not wanting to make the man even more angry, he could tell why the contract was so lax now, he has never been under a serious on but this one was definitely not harsh. It even stated that Mr. Aaron Vegas (Party A) would only get 10% of (Party B's) earnings which was his and Sophia's, that was wya lower then what it should have been for him.

He knew that in some sadistic was Mr. Vegas loved to take more then what he should earn, which is something he did with the everything else, but with daughter involved...well it was better. Which made Carl happy with this type of contract he would actually be getting some money if they made any, he didn't want to lose so much when it was him doing the work, him and Sophia would both be getting 45%.

"Whoa, thanks for getting these too." Carl said with a smile, they were papers three exactly for patents for his songs.

"Yeah well Sophia told me you have three already, you just need to sign them and give me copies of each songs. After that we can have them finished and under your name in a day." He finished but there was nothing in the contract about money made from songs he sold or wrote.

"Can we begin now, mom said that I still need to do my homework before school tomorrow." Sophia said walking back over to them after playing with her sister for awhile.

Carl laughed but nodded his head, "Yeah let me work out this tune with our man Spencer here. We are going to start with 'We Don't Talk Anymore' so get ready for it."

Sophia nodded while taking the papers she stored in her bag out, Carl walked over to the man who seemed impatient to start, getting into it he asked him to show him how everything worked. It wasn't long before he got the melody going, of course he could only play some of the guitar in the song while the rest was all recorded from what they had.

It took a solid thirty minutes of messing with everything before Carl got it down to what he remembered, he nodded his head as they did a playback of it making every bob their heads to it. Hearing the melody with everything he could see that Sophia liked the song a little better now, she was smiling brightly at him as it went on.

"Alright come on girly, we need to get through the vocals, after that we will underline the harmony later." Carl said walking towards the doors that would lead them into the booth.

Walking in they both put on the booth headphones before Spencer outside spoke over the speaker to them, "Alright guys this is take one."

Carl looked to Sophia who nodded at him, they both nodded as the melody started before Carl started them off,

"We don't talk anymore

We don't talk anymore

We don't talk anymore

Like we used to do

We don't love anymore

What was all of it for?

Oh, we don't talk anymore

Like we used to do"

Outside the booth they could all hear the song in its entirety together and were surprised when Carl started singing, Spencer started taking his job a little more serious at that moment. He thought it was just some kids here to play, apparently he was wrong and they were serious, he knew this would be a hit.

Mr. and Mrs. Vegas smiled looking into the glass at their daughter and Carl.

"I just heard you found the one you've been looking

You've been looking for

I wish I would have known that wasn't me

'Cause even after all this time, I still wonder

Why I can't move on

Just the way you did so easily

Don't wanna know

Kind of dress you're wearing tonight

If he's holding onto you so tight

The way I did before

I overdosed

Should've known your love was a game

Now I can't get you out of my brain

Oh, it's such a shame"

Carl smiled over at Sophia as he finished his lines and got ready to repeat, he was looking at her encouragingly as she seemed a little nervous, seeing his smile set her right though. And when she bagn to sing Carl shivered a littles, her accent was a great twist on the song bringing something more unique to it.

"I just hope you're lying next to somebody

Who knows how to love you like me

There must be a good reason that you're gone

Every now and then I think you might want me to

Come show up at your door

But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong"

Sophia's voice rang out and Carl couldn't help but nodded along to what she sung, her voice was immature but he could tell it would grow into something powerful and beautiful. He could still hear the original singers voice in his head, but Sophia would soon blow her out of the water with more practice put into what she learned from now on.

Looking into the recording area he could see her parents looking at her with proud smiles, it hurt him a little no one was there for him, but it was better this way. At least that is what he told himself, one day he would tell his family, or they would learn on their own but he would make sure that they knew about it.

For now he wanted to go it alone, just until he couldn't anymore.

"Don't wanna know

If you're looking into her eyes

If she's holding onto you so tight

The way I did before

I overdosed

Should've known your love was a game

Now I can't get you out of my brain

Oh, it's such a shame"

As she finished her last part they sung it together in the style of a duet as if they weren't together but thinking the same things, both smiling at each other as it passed by. As they finished going through it once they looked out to the booth to see everyone cheering for them, though he knew it wasn't done as they needed to layer it too.

After another thirty minutes of tweaking it and singing some parts over they finally finished the first song which made them both smile, walking out the booth Sophia was brought into a tight hug from both her parents, "That was lovely dear." Her mother said proudly.

Carl smiled at the scene while walking over to have Spencer play it back for him, he nodded his head along to it as the music went on. Suddenly he was brought into a tight hug too, looking over his shoulder he saw that it was Mrs. Vegas who beamed at him making his face blush some under her caring gaze, "You did great Carl." She whispered.

Carl looked away coughing away the tight feeling in his throat, his eyes definitely didn't get a little misty and his chest wasn't tight at all from the feeling of motherly affection. There was no way something like that was happening with him he was a latchy kid all the way, he didn't need anyone there to support him.

Though it was nice to have the support.