
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 17): Trouble (2)

Chapter 17): Trouble (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[Buy-meacoffee/Flaminglines on this members are 5 chapters ahead!]


They were led to the office by the teacher, who Carl didn't know, where they were sat down at some chairs while waiting to talk to the principal about what they had done, not that Carl cared really. He was still impressed that Sophia chose to follow in what he did, though she had every right as they were talking about her too, so that is a good reason for her to attack.

Carl was just happy to have beat the little shits up, he didn't really need a reason to do it, not after what they had said last time, but it was fun to do it this time and have a reason to do it. Looking over to Sophia she didn't seem worried either, catching him looking she actually smiled at him, good to know he found a best friend who was just as psycho as him, even if she hid it.

"Carl Gallagher, Sophia Vegas, go on the principal will see you now." The receptionist said giving them a look over before clicking her teeth.

Principal Monroe is a African American man, and when they enter his office, he is not happy to see them it is clear as day all over his face that he isn't happy seeing them as he glared as they walked in. They both brush off the glare as they take a seat in front of him, Carl looked around the office though and nodded at some things he saw.

"Do you two have anything to say for yourselves? You know you broke two of their noses right?" Principal Monroe ask looking between the two of them.

"Just two?" Carl ask them clicks his teeth looking ashamed, "I was going for all three, guess I need to try harder next time."

Sophia giggled next to him but the principal does not look amused as, "Is that all you have to say for your behavior?! You know I could expel you for this right?"

Carl rolls his eyes, "And let me guess they are pushing all the blame on us right? You didn't even ask us what they said, you just assume that we are the problem right?"

"It doesn't matter what they said," He answers making Carl hate him instantly, "You still shouldn't have attacked your classmates because of some words, you should have worked it out. I won't have any more delinquents walking around here, and we know you are the best one Carl."

Carl tunes out the rest of the meeting, which both Sophia and Principal Monroe notice when he continues to speak and it is only her answering, they look over to see him watching the ceiling with a bored expression. Which in his defense he just was tired of hearing the man speak, honestly it felt like he was going to drone on forever about this, he did go into a pretty long rant after all.

Carl knew that beig spoken to wasn't going to change anything either and he man seemed reluctant to expel them, so he was just laying into them like this was the military or something. Looking back at them he raised a brow seeing them both looking at him, "What did I miss something important?"

Principal Monroe looked ready to blow a gasket hearing that, "Get to class," he gritted out, "A teacher will be handing you a note later today about my decision."

"Cool deal." Carl said standing and holding Sophia's hand as they left the office, he threw a wink at the receptionist as they walked out making her scoff, "So what did I miss?"

"Nothing important. So which song did you want to try first?" Sophia says while waving her hand completely dismissing the conversation they just left.

Carl shrugged ignoring it too, "Well if your father is going to pay for studio time we can do all three, if not then we need to do one and practice it a lot."

She nodded thoughtfully, "Alright I will message him to see what he says. I will let you know at the end of the day."

Carl nodded then walked her to class as the bell for lunch had already rang, since they wouldn't see each other again until they left school he told her that he would just meet her outside. She rolled her eyes like he was stupid, but it was stupid of him to say that as he always met her out front for them to leave together.


"Let's get to it." Carl said in greeting as he threw an arm over Sophia's shoulder the moment he met her outside.

She nodded and led him to a car parked out front, "My dad agreed to the studio, one of his friends owns one so we can go for free as long as we need. He did say I need to have my homework done by the time we get home though."

'Huh, convenient.' Carl thought as he held the door open for her to get in first.

The ride there was spent with Sophia remembering her lyrics for her parts, of course she can just hold the paper later, but she really wanted to know it by heart too. Not that she couldn't just do that later they would be recording it, and maybe, just maybe preforming it later on in life if they are lucky enough.

Carl was just happy that instead of them calling Fiona they gave him a not, but he did immediately forget that when Miss. Devlin gave it to him, he might be forgetting later to. Not that it was on purpose really, it was just that he had spent so much time worrying about his new video thing that he didn't really even care about anything else at the moment, he was putting his all into this.

"How did you think of these songs? What is your inspiration behind them?" Sophia asked bringing his thoughts back on what they should be.

"Well naming a song 'Southside' just seemed to on the nose, while the other two I just took inspiration in break up songs to make them. Wasn't that hard when I realized what I wanted to put into them." Carl shrugged, he didn't know the original writers meaning behind them.

Sophia nodded, he could tell she didn't believe him fully on the words, but she wasn't going to call him out on it and instead she just took it at face value, "So can you sing a little for me so I know how this goes? I would really like to sing this in the way you wanted."

Nodding Carl sung snippets of them all, Sophia didn't interrupt him but hummed softly as he did the melody that he was teaching her, a small smile across her lips as she heard it. While he was singing 'Lovely' her eyes seemed to light up some, he didn't know why but she just really seemed to connect to the song better then the other two.

"Why that one first?" He asked after she told him how she wanted to record it first.

"I just like the soft melody to it. Plus, my vocals are best for that one, well if your rendition of the girl part is anything to go by." She said with a smile.

Rolling his eyes he nodded at her, "Well let's make everything else first, or get the sound board guy too, then we can actually try singing these. Oh yeah, did you also get your note?"

She laughed while nodding, "Yeah, don't know why they gave it to kids to be responsible with though. I don't plan to give this to my parents until the night of the parents night. And you will not say a word."

The last part was mentioned to the driver who was whistling pretending as if he couldn't hear them, but it was pretty obvious that he had been listening the whole time, it wasn't that big of a car. The man driving smirked but said nothing, Sophia could only grumble as she saw that while rolling her eyes knowing that he wouldn't say anything.

Finally they pulled up outside the studio, the place was on the edge of the Southside, it wasn't exactly inside the Southside but just a clear thirty seconds walk and they would be in their type of neighborhood. The building actually looked good though as it was clean with no graffiti or anything on it, so it was at least ten times better then any in their neighborhood.

"So are you ready to do this?" She asked with a smile as she opened the door and looked back at him.

"Ready as I will ever be." He said getting out of his side and following her inside.