
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 13) Sophia's Idea (2)

Chapter 13): Sophia's Idea (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


"When we get in here let me do the talking, only come in if I forget something. We rehearsed this plenty of times, I think we have a sound plan so we can get this done in one shot." Sophia said, Carl smiled at how adorable she looked trying to be all business.

If she wasn't a child he would have taken it more seriously, but with her pink rosy cheeks from the cold air and small frame huddled in a bulky jacket she was too cute, "Sure thing." He said smiling.

Nodding she opened her front door and walked inside with him following closely behind, they found her mom on the couch watching TV with the baby asleep near her, "Hey kids, what are you two up to today?" She asked smiling at them.

"Hey mom." "Hey Mrs. Vegas." They said at the same time, "Mom, where is dad at. Carl and I spent all day at the library coming up with a proposal and we want him to look it over."

Mrs. Vegas raised a eyebrow but smiled lightly at them, "He is currently in our room, do you mind if I come along and here this proposal to him?"

"Not at all, in fact it would be better if you were there. Then we only need to explain this once." Sophia said with a serious expression, and he could tell Mrs. Vegas was trying her hardest not to coo at her.

"Alright, well wait here while I go grab him. Watch your sister closely in case she wakes up." She said before walking away.

Sophia and Carl agreed before they set up what papers they had on the table, they had taken the time to print out their plans at the library earlier, Carl was surprised at the work they did get done. When they were setting up the last of the papers her parents had entered the room again, Carl unconsciously stood straighter to show how serious he was being about all of this.

This was something they could use to easily get out of the Southside, they could use it for a trip to fame getting them to college too.

"Good day Mr. Vegas." He said being polite and speaking first as he knew Sophia wanted to speak most of this, they both knew he would be more agreeable that way. Carl got a nod in return.

"Dad....Mom, Carl and I have a proposal and we really need your help dad if we are going to get this done." Sophia started before coughing to clear her throat, "So I had a thought earlier when I was in my room this morning on my computer while on YouTube, it was 'Hey Sophia? Don't you think you and Carl could do ten times better then this?'

Well the answer is yes, yes we can. Carl and I are here today to get funding, funding so that we can make our own videos to post and eventually hope to make money from, and this is our plan"

From there Sophia laid it all out, from their ideas of video's along with the webpage that would manage their donations, she also included the idea of a future store for merchandise if they got big enough. Through it all her parents were quiet as they listened to her, at first they were smiling softly as if they were just entertaining the idea of two preteens, but as it went on their faces got serious.

Carl smirked as he had used a lot of information from his past future to learn these things, with his knowledge he was able to lay out a perfect plan for their future in this business. He made sure to include things that they were willing to sign in a contract with her parents about NOT doing, because he didn't want them to have any stupid scandals.

He also included podcast, that was more of an after thought to him though, mainly because while podcast were big it took some time for those to take off if you didn't also include a future video version. Mainly because while enjoyable to listen to people talk about all sorts of things, it was also boring to just hear it people also took pleasure in being able to see them.

Mr. Vegas picked up a packet which he raised a brow at, "You two really did some real research into this huh?"

"Yeah dad, we are serious about this. It isn't something we will be dropping after getting bored of it, we understand that it will take time to catch on but we are willing to dedicate everything to this." Sophia said with passion shinning in her hazel eyes.

There was a pause from the man as he looked at his wife, the two of them had some sort of telepathic conversation before he turned back to them, "You said you would need at least five thousand to start off with some good quality things right?"

Carl and Sophia both nodded having looked some things up before they left the library earlier.

"Okay, well I am inclined to do this for you. First though I want you to make a video, it doesn't need to be longer then five minutes. You have already said you don't want an editor, so make one and edit it yourself before showing us, if I like what I see I will find you." He said with a smile coming over his face.

"YES!!" Sophia screamed crushing Carl in a hug who was also happy for the way that thing were turning out.

Mrs. Vegas smiled seeing her daughter happy before she spoke up, "There is an old camera in our room that we will give you later. Make one of your videos, we will get it ready for you, for now you should start planning."

"You're right." Sophia gave quick hugs to her parents before dragging Carl off to her room, he only had time to smile at them.

Entering her room it looked like a typical girls room, the place had some boy band posters in the wall, the one that stuck out the most to him was the one with five boys. They were smiling down at him and he found it creepy, mainly because it was a boy band that was big also in his time, One Direction.

Shuddering he ignored it, he had heard some girls singing their classic hit 'What makes you beautiful' but always ignored it, he would be lying if he said it didn't get stuck in his head in his past life. Moving on he saw that the rest of the room was painted in a soft green color with a queen sized bed in the middle of the room.

"Alright, what do you think should be the first video we make for them?" She asked taking out a notepad for them to work in.

Carl honestly didn't know, he knew that they should keep it simple but it needed to be something entertaining to start off with, it had to be something that even as adults they would be drawn in. Seeing as she wanted a life type one though it needed to be something they didn't do around the house though, if they went with that.

"I don't know it depends on the type you want to do first. Are we making a lifestyle type video or something more challenging and exciting. Because that would help me better here." He said taking a seat in the bean bag chair she had.

She hummed, "Let's go with something exciting but comedic, we want to show them that we have range for this."

Nodding he started writing ideas down he couldn't decide on just one so he would let her choose from what he wrote down, from there they could choose a time to start making the video. Eventually they settled on making a pranking video they just needed to settle on a target first, because they both had a long list of people to choose on.

Finally they settled on Little Hank, they both grinned as they shook hands.

When Mr. Vegas gave them the camera he didn't ask about what they settled on, instead he gave them a time limit of one month, which was fair since they still needed to learn to edit properly. Carl didn't know if editing was hard or not, but he knew that if an editor had to much video footage that they would need to piece it all together in an entertaining way.

For the rest of the day they spent it in her room coming up with prank ideas, well she did he was mainly on the computer looking up how to edit videos while also watching some videos that were out. A lot were of the poorer quality seeing as it was just 2012 but they were still something to go off of.