
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 14): Casey Caden (1)

Chapter 14): Casey Casden (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


Read advance Chapters there!! Up to Three as a Supporter and Up to Five as a Member.]


Carl groaned as he pulled the covers more over his head, it was a Saturday and for some strange reason his family was up bright and early, as if they don't know how to relax. He loved this family, he really did but if they kept messing with his sleep like this then he would have to reconsider how much he loved them.

"Heads up, cold showers the water heater is broken." Ian said sticking his head into the bedroom.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever go away, you are ruining a good Saturday sleep." Carl said groaning as he turned to face the wall, but he didn't get to even relax as his phone went off, 'Someone really hates me, they truly don't want to let me sleep.'

Picking it up he saw that it was Sophia, 'Why in the hell is she up?' he wondered while sighing and answering, "Yes?"

"So I was thinking we should do something other then pranking, I mean we should take some different videos and make a music video. How well can you sing?" She asked in a way of answering, but in her defense he didn't say 'hello' or 'good morning' either.

Carl thought it over, he actually could sing a little, his voice was still young so he could make something, but at the same time he was hoping that it did carry over after his balls dropped. "I can sing a little. Though I wouldn't put my voice up there with the greats." He answered.

"Good, I can sing too. So now we are going to just have to come up with a genre to sing, the lyrics, and the plan for the video." She said happily.

Carl groaned on the inside, there goes his relaxation and day spent in bed, he knew that Sophia wouldn't allow him to stay in bed all day after she just called him. If he didn't go to meet her then she would come over and drag him from the bed, which he was considering letting her do.

"Okay Carl, I will meet you in thirty minutes at the park." She said happily before hanging up, she never said goodbye, something about not liking saying it.

Carl groaned out loud as the line went dead, he debated for a moment before he decided that he wasn't going to meet her there, if he was even a minute late he knew she would show up at his place. Sighing in contentment he rolled himself up like a burrito and closed his eyes, he would let her wake him up.


Carl didn't know how much time had passed, he also didn't know that at the moment there was a very any Sophia who was standing over his body, her nostrils flaring. She let out a deep breath before yanking as hard as she could, Carl and the over both went to the floor with a loud thud.

Moments later Fiona was in the room, "What was that?" She asked looking at them.

Carl groaned, "That was my best friend being an a---"

"Finish that sentence Carl and I will make sure you don't walk straight for a week." Sophia said with a cute growl which had him laughing.

"I was going to say being an adorable minx, but apparently the girl doesn't like compliments, so never mind." Carl said while laughing as he stood up from the floor.

Sophia huffed while Fiona laughed at them, leaving them alone Carl covered his chest while Sophia glared at him, "Why weren't you at the park?" She huffed.

"I'm sorry perv, but could you get out while I get dressed please?" He said, though all he had on was his shorts and there really was nothing to see besides a flat stomach.

"Oh shut it! Get dressed so we can get this on, I believe we will get better inspiration outside." She happily said while throwing him his jacket after he changed into pants and a shirt.

"You're weird." He answered shaking his head as he threw and arm around her shoulder, "But I guess I can keep you."

"Whatever. You are just lucky that I want to keep you around as a friend." She said rolling her eyes as she led him downstairs.

The house was still rowdy as Lip and Ian were looking over the water heater, Debbie was fussing over Liam who was happily laughing away at something he found funny. "Hey little man." Carl said ruffling his hair before walking to grab an apple from the fridge.

"Where are you two headed off to?" Fiona asked seeing them heading to the back door.

"Out." Carl said back right as the door closed, he didn't want any of his family to know what they were doing, he wasn't use to having someone to support him, so he didn't think to tell them.

"You didn't tell them about us doing this?" Sophia asked as they started down the alley in the back.

He sighed while shrugging, "No, I didn't think to actually. It's not like they can really help, we don't all have supportive parents who can help with everything."

She nodded, "Yeah that makes sense."

For the rest of the walk to the park they laughed and talked, Carl though was thinking in his head what to do about the song, all the ones he knew weren't things twelve years olds sung about. He knew that wouldn't matter though, he would have to choose one and go with it.

"Let's animate the video!" She shouted excitedly as he pushed her on the swings per her request.

He sighed, "Do you just think that we can do it all? You know we would have to cut it up to make it look awesome and go with the music right?"

"I don't hear you saying you can't do it." She goaded with a laugh.

She wasn't wrong though, he did know how to animate things, it was because he took a couple of classes in college and they were just something that had stuck with him. It was different from video editing though as he made everything at once and didn't need to edit it, the class was something he took just to get some extra credits though.

While his animations were the best, they were passable, he was more talented when he designed things like people and builds and such, things extreme like monsters and such were a lot harder for him. Even people were rough for him but he was still confident that he could make things that people would like.

"You know, we still haven't settled how people will even see these videos. How will we get our names out there." He avoided her statement by saying that and holding her from swinging forward again.

"Oh don't worry about that. I am going to handle that. You just need to put that pretty little head of yours to good use by making the song and animation. You can use the computer at my house, I will get my dad to buy the software." She turned to him smiling brightly.

"Alright, well I will use the rest of the day to think of the lyrics. I will have something for you by tomorrow to use." He said already thinking of three songs that were duets that he would like to use.

She nodded, "And I have already messaged my dad that we are going to need the software. He agreed, but is taking it from your tutoring cost and my allowance, so yeah."

He laughed but didn't mind, the man was fair about things like this so he didn't see a need to argue about it, if he took the entire thing he still wouldn't care since that would help them out. "So what are we going to do about our earnings? Where does the money go?" He asked.

She sighed as if he was dense or something, "Obviously we are going to share an account, why would we need to get to separate accounts or anything. But that will come later when we actually make it that far.

For now we need to focus on the present, as they say, 'Look to far into the future and your present will fail.'"

He sighed but nodded, to many times has he looked to far ahead and failed at things, given up to many times because he couldn't keep his head at the present looking to his future. It always gave him unreal expectations, he was glad to have Sophia there to calm him down.

"Alright so, what is--" That was all he got to say before he heard someone shouting his name.

"CARL!!" He heard then looked back to see Lip and Ian pushing a water heater in a shopping cart, "We need your help," Lip threw a look to Sophia but still spoke, "Debbie did something....bad."