
Shadows of Deception 1

Listen to me, if you’re-“ “Shut up.” I was taken aback by his sudden choice of word. “Let’s get something straight miss Grey, I do not appreciate people talking to me, and I loathe it more when people talk back at me. Truthfully, you are crossing your limit and patience with me. So from now on, you’ll do exactly what I say and as I say. You understand me?” ………………………………………………….. Mystery. Romance. Deceit. Finding evidences of her dead brother’s whereabouts, Becky Grey believes that he is still alive. In pursuit to find her brother and restore her family’s remaining happiness, she encounters the infamous and Godforsakenly alluring Russian bastard Sinister Alexander Salvaltore and gets ensnared in his plan of capturing her brother. In order to attain his goal, he offers her a deal. However, the deeper she dives into the tangles of Sinister’s merciless world, she finds herself in a hauntingly farmiliar past. A past that she has been erased from- A past that she cannot escape. Unsettling secrets loom the air of her maddening relationship with Sinister. The question is, will she run from him? Or to him?

Penrose_love · Urban
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71 Chs

Unexpected truths.


I wanted to say something to stop them right now but I didn't have the strength to. Besides, Daniel was upsetting me either way.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you've been nothing but a coward all this time. You ran away like the little boy you are, put your sister in danger, and let me remind you that you used me to get the damn folder." She venomously stated in her thick Russian accent.

"I did what I had to do to keep everyone safe."

"You mean yourself!"

"Don't raise your voice." He stated.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want to do. You don't get to tell me what to do! I trusted you, I loved you and you went behind my back, nothing was real. You're as disgusting as your actions."

Moe whistled and threw some nuts at Daniel from the bed, "Boo hoo," he shamed him, "Shame on you."

First, the fact that I just heard that Nadia was in a relationship with my brother would have explained why she seemed so familiar with my surname in the beginning, and secondly, I was hella shaken.

It had been fifteen long minutes and they still hadn't stopped. Quite truthfully, it was getting to me. I had to stop it before one of them got hurt and by one of them, I meant Daniel..

"Enough! Just stop it! Both of you." I shouted as I stood, silencing them and glaring at my brother, "Using Nadia was wrong, and quite frankly, everything you did thus far is disappointing."

Daniel looked at me angrily as Nadia looked away.

"I need some air," I stated as I walked out. I felt suffocated in every possible non-physical way. Holding onto the railing and looking down at the lobby below I exhaled the exhaustion that was choking me- that's when I saw the familiar image of a man who walked out of the lobby with a folder in his hand.


I wasn't sure whether to feel joy or sadness.

Before I knew it, my feet made its way down

the stairs. "James!" I called as I rushed after him out of

the room.

My feet seemed to burn as my inside ached with every step I took. "James?" I stopped as I found myself outside the motel in the carpark as I saw a motorbike speeding off from a distance.

Why did he run?

Too many questions were swimming and banging against my skull. Nothing was making sense. I didn't understand anything anymore.

Turning, I took a deep breath heading back inside the motel when a group of middle-aged men at the side who were drinking and smoking were cat-calling me as I walked by. Quickening my speed towards the door, one of the men stood and walked towards me. Before I could have entered, he blocked my entrance.

"Look at you," he winked and whistled as the other men cheered him on, "Rough night? Or do you want one?"

"Move," I demanded, disgusted by his remark.

"Feisty," he chuckled, *You look like a fighter:"

"I said, move." I hissed.

"Oh baby, I can't do that. Not here at least."

He laughed as he slipped his arm around my waist locking me in his grip.

I was about to punch him in the face with my very little strength remaining, that is until someone pulled him away from me and tossed him on the side of the ground.

"You should listen to her:" The man stood

before me, clad in navy a blue suit as his deep blonde hair tousled to the side against the wind.

I stood in shock, unsure of what was happening. Why was he helping me? Before I could have said another word, the other men neared us.

"Go inside, Becky," Archer stated.

I couldn't move.

"I said go." He made himself clearer. I forced myself to move and went into the motel. Turning around as I walked in, I noted him tossing another one of the men to the ground

while he punched another in the face so effortlessly. I rushed back towards the stairs and entered the room where I saw a worried-looking Nadia, Moe watching television and Nikolai sitting on the sofa tiredly.

"Where's Daniel?"

"He's in the washroom. Are you alright?" Nadia answered.

"No," I said worriedly.

"What happened?" she asked as she neared me

putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Perhaps I could explain." A voice came from the door.

"Archer?" Nadia breathed, "Why are you here? If you came for Becky you better leave and tell Sinister to stay away from her or it's me and him."

"I'm not here to hurt her, Miss Osenova."

"Then what brings you here, Devereux?" Nik asked.

"I hope you brought some chicken nuggets, man. I'm starved.'" Moe stretched as he got up from the bed.

"We need to talk." Archer told me, "And I assume you have a lot of questions for me as well."

"Is Becky back yet?" Daniel suddenly questioned as he walked out of the washroom but stood in place when he saw Archer. "You called him here, didn't you?" Daniel accused me, *You knew this whole time."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh don't play dumb, Becky!"

"I prefer if you lower your voice," Archer warned, *"She doesn't know. Which brings me to the fact that you know, how is it that you know Grey?"

"I'm not talking anymore. All of you are traitors. Even you!" Daniel pointed towards me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said in frustration.

"No one's against you dipshit, and quite frankly you're the only one with secrets here." Nik angrily retorted.

For the first time, I noticed Moe held a curious and serious look towards Archer like he was trying to understand something.

"Daniel please," I sighed, "I just want things to go back to normal. I want to go home and have a normal life again. Please."

"Are you insane, Beck? That would never happen! You're delusional."

"Why are you speaking like this? There is at least a little hope. You're my brother, Daniel, I love you. We have each other now, doesn't that mean anything?"

His eyes seemed to fill with tears and his face seemed to hold so much pain, "No. No, it doesn't. "

"What are you saying?"

"Because you're not my sister, Becky !" he sobbed.

"What?" My voice broke and I felt my heart sink to the floor.

"You already know hence the situation right now." He accused.

"No- I–I don't-"

"If this is some sick joke." Nadia hissed.

"Why would I lie? Tell me, Nad! Why would Ilie about this?" he sat morbidly on the bed,

lowering his gaze, "Becky isn't my sister. My sister died- the day she was born."

"But she's yours, isn't she?" Moe stated as he looked at Archer Devereux, "Becky's your Sister."