
Shadows of Deception 1

Listen to me, if you’re-“ “Shut up.” I was taken aback by his sudden choice of word. “Let’s get something straight miss Grey, I do not appreciate people talking to me, and I loathe it more when people talk back at me. Truthfully, you are crossing your limit and patience with me. So from now on, you’ll do exactly what I say and as I say. You understand me?” ………………………………………………….. Mystery. Romance. Deceit. Finding evidences of her dead brother’s whereabouts, Becky Grey believes that he is still alive. In pursuit to find her brother and restore her family’s remaining happiness, she encounters the infamous and Godforsakenly alluring Russian bastard Sinister Alexander Salvaltore and gets ensnared in his plan of capturing her brother. In order to attain his goal, he offers her a deal. However, the deeper she dives into the tangles of Sinister’s merciless world, she finds herself in a hauntingly farmiliar past. A past that she has been erased from- A past that she cannot escape. Unsettling secrets loom the air of her maddening relationship with Sinister. The question is, will she run from him? Or to him?

Penrose_love · Urban
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71 Chs



I looked out the window towards the exit of the estate. If I were to leave now, I would have to be extra cautious and not stupid like last time. Sinister should not be able to find me yet.

I grabbed the bike keys and stuffed it into my pocket. Looking around the room for the last time, I felt an ache in my chest. I didn't want to do this, but he left me no choice.

It would have been an easy plan, but it would have drawn too much attention to me. As I slowly eased myself to the nearby window, I peeked through to take note of an empty room. I wasn't going to kill myself today by falling off a building, so I cautiously entered the room. It looked like a guest room.

God Beck, think.

The only other way in which I could get out of this place was through the back exit, but I had never exactly ventured around the house to say I completely knew it. I guess it was a chance I had to take.

I frowned at the idea. What if I opened a door and Sinister was right there?

Taking a deep breath, I took the chance. The hall was clear. Swiftly, yet silently as I could, I made my way towards a back door. I felt an icy chill run murderously down my spine as I made my way. It felt as if time was running out and my pace was slowing down. Gravity seemed to be pulling me back into the house and my body felt numb. This was the harsh reality of my situation now. As soon as I made a turn to enter the garage, I bumped into Someone.

My heart dropped as I was unsure of what I should think and do right now.


"Marc." My voice broke in fear.

"Marc," Sinister's voice echoed as he approached the garage from outside.

Oh my God!

I quickly dashed back to the hall where I came out from, away from Sinister's view.

"Did you finish what I assigned you with?" Sinister continued speaking to Marc, who brushed off the confused look and casually replied to him.

"I did. Is there anything else you'd like me to


"No. That's all for today." With that, Sinister walked toward the hall where I was. Panic flared within me.

"Salvatore!" Marc called abruptly gaining Sinister's attention again. Marc walked up to him and casually walked with him to the side, "There was this file which Richards gave, but there wasn't an address in it. I gave it to Mikhail to see to- just thought you should be aware of it."

"Right," Sinister replied, "I'll see to it. When the document is completed, I'll personally meet Richards. He started playing around again. We can't afford to risk this deal because of an idiotic middleman."

As Sinister spoke, I noticed Marc placing his hand behind his back and signaling me to get behind the car. It was a good idea since Sinister turned his back towards me.

Honestly, I didn't know if I could trust Marc entirely, but I had no other choice. Time felt like it stood still as I quickly and cautiously hid behind the vehicle.

"I'll deliver it to him tomorrow, then." Marc finished.

"Good, I'll send you the address." Sinister stated, "If that's all, then. You can leave for the day.'"

*Yes, that's all." Marc smiled and watched as Sinister left.

In a swift second, Marc opened the back door for me, "Get in, and lie low kid."

Doing as he said, he hopped into the driver's seat and proceeded to exit Sinister's Hell-House.

I waited a minute and tried to steady my breathing before I spoke, "Now is probably a bad time to question if I should trust you, isn't it?"

Marc gave a soft, tired laugh, "I'm glad you finally came to your senses to get away from them."

"I'm a slow learner."

"You can sit up now, we're almost to the highway."

"Good, I was getting pretty uncomfortable like that," I stated shifting upwards.

"Now, tell me, Miss Becky, what the hell are you doing?"

With a sigh, I looked out the window. Marc noted my hesitation, "If it makes you feel better, kid, I'm not working for Salvatore because I want to. I just have no choice."

Stopping at the signal, he took out a photo from his pocket and gave it to me.

My eyes softened at the photograph of a woman and a child. They looked completely harmless. The woman looked around twenty-seven and the child seemed to be a newborn.

"Who is this, Marc?"

*My family." He stated in a soft, painful voice, Vladimir took her."

*Vladimir?" I asked, confused.

"Sinister's grandfather. He took my wife." My heart dropped after hearing that.

"She had stepped out one night to get some groceries when I wasn't home. She never returned."

"Marc, I'm so sorry," I whispered.

"I looked everyone for her Becky, until one day I found out about Vladimir. Believe me, it wasn't easy finding out about this. Until this day, I do not know where she is exactly. The old man was fixed about killing me, but Sinister made a deal with me. If I could pay for her, I could get her back. I'm helpless, Becky, I'll do anything to get her back. I have no choice,"

"And the child" I asked.

"He's fine. He stays with his aunt, I'm thankful for that. The business I do with Salvatore is too dangerous to keep my son with me,"

"They all are." I frowned.

"Now, enough about me, what in God's name are you doing?"

Taking the letter I took from Sinister's room out of my pocket, I showed it to Marc while pointing to the address.

"What the - Are you insane?"

"I know what I'm doing, Marc. I just need a car."

"If Sinister finds you missing now, he won't rest until he gets you, you know that right?"

"I know," I sighed, "I just need some time."

Marc gave me a worried look, *And a safe place."

Frowning, I looked out the window, feeling a bit helpless.

Taking a deep sigh, Marc spoke, "I know a place."

The thought of Marc betraying me and taking me back to Sinister did occur to me, but I had no other option. My head ached a little and I tightened my eyes, trying to push the pain away.

"We'll be there in a bit, you can get some rest."

"No, it's alright. I'm fine." I politely smiled.

"Becky," he sighed, "I understand if you would rather not trust me, I don't blame you. Getting involved with people like Sinister weakens your trust in others, but I promise you this kiddo, I'll help you. I don't want you to have a fate like mine."

Hearing those words of someone put a sense of ease in me.

"Thank you, Marc."

After a while, I noticed that Marc had taken an odd route along a rural area.

"Where are we?"

"Safe," was all he stated, and parked in front of a house. He nodded to me to get out of the car as he also did and walked to the side garage.