
Shadows of Deception 1

Listen to me, if you’re-“ “Shut up.” I was taken aback by his sudden choice of word. “Let’s get something straight miss Grey, I do not appreciate people talking to me, and I loathe it more when people talk back at me. Truthfully, you are crossing your limit and patience with me. So from now on, you’ll do exactly what I say and as I say. You understand me?” ………………………………………………….. Mystery. Romance. Deceit. Finding evidences of her dead brother’s whereabouts, Becky Grey believes that he is still alive. In pursuit to find her brother and restore her family’s remaining happiness, she encounters the infamous and Godforsakenly alluring Russian bastard Sinister Alexander Salvaltore and gets ensnared in his plan of capturing her brother. In order to attain his goal, he offers her a deal. However, the deeper she dives into the tangles of Sinister’s merciless world, she finds herself in a hauntingly farmiliar past. A past that she has been erased from- A past that she cannot escape. Unsettling secrets loom the air of her maddening relationship with Sinister. The question is, will she run from him? Or to him?

Penrose_love · Urban
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71 Chs

first date.

Taking a deep breath, I continued my shower. Wrapping the towel around me, I stepped out of the bathroom only to find Nadia sitting on the edge of the bed.

"There were the best I could find. Most of the boutiques were closed." She frowned and gave me pajamas shorts and a decent sized loose T-shirt along with other essentials stuff in the bag.

Still, I was grateful to her.

"Thank you." I smiled.

I hadn't expected it but she shot a subtle smile back at me, "Sin's in another room, he'll be done soon. Don't make him wait, he seemed angry."

Quickly going back into the shower and getting dressed I came back and found him sitting on the sofa while Nadia looked out the window.

"Good. You're here." Sinister stated looking at me as if nothing had happened between us.

I took in his attire, it was different yet a nice look on him. His dark damp hair tousled perfectly, dark jeans, charcoal grey T-shirt and a black leather jacket. It was weird not seeing him in a suit yet it was refreshing seeing the monster in this style.

"What are you going to do now?" Nadia suddenly asked.

Turning to her, he gave a tired smile and rubbed his cheek casually, "Grey and I would go back to the house. I'll look into this matter tomorrow."

"She could stay here if you want to look into this now Sin." She offered.

Before I could open my mouth, Sinister interjected, "No, she's coming with me."

Nodding, she threw him a key, "Nik had stepped out with your car. He asked to borrow it so I lent him the key to yours which you gave me."

Sinistsr looked at the object in his hand, sticker it into his pocket and looked at me, "Let's go."

He walked out of the room quickly, and down the hallway faster than I could even keep up.

"Sinistsr wait, I-I can't- keep…. Up." I frowned, trying my best to drag my aching self behind him.

The damn bastard was doing this spitefully.

Finally getting a little closer to him, he stopped abruptly, causing me to bump into him.

I seriously needed to stop doing that.

"You son of a biscuit," I muttered angrily.

Turning around, he gently pushed me against the wall and covered my mouth, "Alright, here's the thing love. What you did before was really stupid, you do know that right? After I told you to stay put you just had to satisfy your little ego and defy me."

I bit down on his hand for him to pull away and spoke at the same level, "It had nothing to do with my ego."

"Of course it isn't." He replied dryly.

"What's your problem Salvatore? You don't have to act like a douche to me."

"All I'm trying to tell you Angel is that whenever you see your brother, you come to me. No matter how far I am, you'll tell me, do you understand?"

"I was going to tell you Sin, but…"

"It's dangerous Grey. I don't want to find you dead anytime soon. What im involved in is far below your level of Comprehension. You're too naive."

"You care about me Mr Salvatore?" I playfully teased to break the tension between us.

With a tired sigh, he ignored my question, "It's late, we should get back to the house. I have alot of things to do tomorrow ."

Walking to the parking area, he stopped in front of this monster looking glossy black motorbike and got on it.

"Get on."


"I said get on the damn bike Grey!" He scowled impatiently.

"N-no." I stood my place.

He turned to me with a frustrated expression, "what the fuck do you mean by 'no'?"

"I mean, my mother warned me about this, I'm not getting on a bike with a guy. It's highly inappropriate for a decent young lady in my family."

"So is getting naked with a man in a bathroom." He stated forward, "Are you done with your shit now?"

"Well- I.."

"Get your ass on this bike right now Grey, or so help me God, I'll leave without you!"

Well then.

With a sigh i walked up to the bike and tried to get on it.

"What's wrong with you Grey?" His voice dipped into annoyance.

"I- can't.." I struggled to bring my leg over when suddenly he grabbed it and adjusted me on the seat.

I stiffened as he ran his hand along my leg.


"Awesome." I breathed trying to recollect myself at the same time.

"Now hold on Angel, I don't think you'd want to fall off."

"Hold on to what?"

"To the steering wheel," He scowled, "Don't play dumb young lady."

Slowly, I brought my hands around him, on his chest. Damn he was rock solid.

"Okay." I sighed.

"Great." Was all he said before roaring the beast and speeding unto the road.

"You don't have to speed like this! I angrily scolded him as I pressed my face into the back of his jacket and tightens my arms around him.

It felt like forever before we got to the house.

"You're not taking the normal route home?" I asked, shouting against the wind.

"No, there was a road block." His voice calm.

"Sinistsr I'm hungry so hurry up!"

"You're a conflicting woman, do you know that, one minute you tell me not to speed, and the other minute you tell me to get home quickly?"

"Work around that." I shrugged.

My eyelids were slipping shut when suddenly, I felt the bike powering down. Sinistsr gently stroked my hand over his chest.

"Never fall asleep on my bike Grey." He smiled.

"What?" I asked in a tired voice, pulling away from him and taking in my surroundings.

We weren't back at the house yet. Instead, he stepped at the old eatery and bar that looked like it came out of the wide west where the cowboys used to hang out. The place was small and wooden yet I had to admit there was something oddly beautiful about it. Bright colorful Christmas lights decorated the place and classic instrumental songs engulfed the atmosphere.

"Not a very impressive idea for our first date Sinister." I teased.
